TypeScript from A to Z — part 1: primitives, objects, array, types, enums, interfaces
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In this lesson we will install TypeScript and will start to study types: primitives, objects, arrays, types, enums, differences, literal types, interfaces, dynamic types.
🪆 Russian YouTube: @webelart
Links which uses in lesson:
00:00 Intro.
02:20 Install TypeScript.
06:49 Why we need typescript.
10:31 Convert TS into JS.
12:20 Primitives.
17:19 Difference between null and undefined.
19:43 Object types.
23:17 Arrays.
26:21 Tuples.
29:08 Literal types.
32:45 Enums.
33:45 Enums
37:39 Difference between enums & types.
40:41 Unions & intersections.
42:55 Interfaces
49:27 Bonus — super type.
This channel the best place for studying web development things. Go with me to the web world! ❤️🔥💪
🪆 Russian YouTube: @webelart
Links which uses in lesson:
00:00 Intro.
02:20 Install TypeScript.
06:49 Why we need typescript.
10:31 Convert TS into JS.
12:20 Primitives.
17:19 Difference between null and undefined.
19:43 Object types.
23:17 Arrays.
26:21 Tuples.
29:08 Literal types.
32:45 Enums.
33:45 Enums
37:39 Difference between enums & types.
40:41 Unions & intersections.
42:55 Interfaces
49:27 Bonus — super type.
This channel the best place for studying web development things. Go with me to the web world! ❤️🔥💪
TypeScript from A to Z — part 1: primitives, objects, array, types, enums, interfaces
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