American Northwest Exports to China: 2022 Export Report Highlights

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The US-China Business Council (USCBC), Washington State China Relations Council, Mansfield Center, Northwest China Council, Business Oregon, and US Commercial Service (Seattle, Portland, and Boise Offices) hosted a virtual event on USCBC’s 2022 US Export Report. 

Each year, the US-China Business Council tracks the latest trends in US goods and services exports to China, looking at how trade policy and other developments impact the commercial relationship. This report features detailed overviews of every state and congressional district’s unique export relationship with China, as well as the number of American jobs that are supported by those exports. 

In this event, USCBC’s 2022 Export Report authors Erin Slawson and Ian Hutchinson analyzed trends in last year’s national export data as well as go into detail on state- and congressional district-level export data for Washington, Oregon, Montana and Idaho. They will be joined by USCBC Senior Vice President David Thomas to answer questions from the audience on the report and the latest developments in US-China trade relations.  

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