What it Means to be Intersex with Emily Quinn

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Happy Pride Month! Today we're talking to Emily Quinn about what it means to be intersex. Have you heard this term before? Emily is intersex and she has such a great story to share — and she tells it with poise and lots of charisma. You're going to fall in love with her! If you want to learn more about Emily and have more questions about being intersex, be sure to subscribe to her channel!

Check out Emily's channel, Intersexsperiences, on YouTube!

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It's a secret I have carried all my life . Thank you Emily for your openness, being different makes it hard to fit in and feel accepted.


Kirbie is *such* a great interviewer! i love how calm and interested she is, and at no point talks over her guest. amazing. i enjoyed her energy just as much as Emily's

and thank you Emily for spreading awareness and putting a positive light on one of the more invisible letters. identifying as queer for simplicity's sake is very recognisable, haha!


Love the interviewer: SHE IS THE GOLD STANDARD FOR HOW TO INTERVIEW! The guest is amazing, so open, honest and comfortable with herself.


I had no idea that a thing like intersex existed and its very brave of Emily to taken it upon herself to bring awareness to it and she is educating people in such a great way.


The interviewer is super amazing! She’s so nice and lets the person speak.


This was great to watch, I knew the general meaning for Intersex but hearing someone share their experiences is always more enriching than a definition. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for this interview. It was so well researched and presented. I'm not intersex but I have a condition which means my body doesn't produce hormones. The discovery process of my condition was pretty traumatic and for a while I thought I was intersex. I can never have kids biologically, I didn't go through puberty and I have osteoporosis as a result of my lack of hormones. I think the world needs more of an understanding of intersex.


Thank you so much I'm hoping I can help my son he has a girlfriend that is intersex but his Dad is judging her so badly


Emily has been so helpful for me to understand these sorts of things. As a standard typical CIS male Emily is so very pretty and so very "feminine" to me. It challenges my idea of these terms and forces me to look much deeper into the topic. I have been so helped by Emily's openness. I know she doesn't need to do this and I don't need to "understand" her - I just need to see her as a human - and I am thankful that this has helped me.


Emily is SO lovley, informative, and such a great spokesperson! Thank you for a great interview with her!


Wow, 1.7% is quite a big number, I had no idea that so many folks are born intersex. Very interesting topic, human biology is fascinating! I love how openly and clearly she is discussing the subject, and how confident she is on camera. Interviewer is great too, not jumping in and talking through all the answers given when she asks questions. So many people try to do stuff like this, and end up talking instead of listening. Good job on the video guys :)


I love everything about this video. The interviewer is so friendly and asks great questions and Emily gives such mature and informative answers — love it!


Great video! It must take a lot of courage to talk about such a personal situation but it's very informative. Thank you!


Thanks for this video! I just realized I have relatives with this condition, and my parents had always told me they were just infertile. And now I confronted my mom with all this info about chromosomes and sexual organs, and she said that I am right, but that it was something people preferred not to talk about, considering they were raised in the 70's. It's so amazing how YouTube can be used as an educational resource.


Such a taboo subject! So happy this is the topic of the video


I'm confused. How can it be 1 in 200 but also 1.7%?


I didn't know Emily has intersex relatives! I'm glad you linked this video in your channel Emily. Love you girl <3


This cleared up so many misconception I had about intersex people!


You are correct that people just don't know and to put into prospective of people that is would include me and I am a 55yo woman of transgender experience or for people who doesn't understand that and another term would be M2F transgender woman. Anyway my point is with me being transgender and not having anything but guessing about the makeup of intersex human beings that would almost mean that hardly any of the general population would never have a clue unless there was an intersex member of the family.
Really what I'm getting at is learning today the first time what intersex people's differences are exactly. You say your an open book I also tell people the same and I really do want them to ask the hard questions that everyone is afraid to ask or for a lot of Us to answer, but I do make it clear that nothing is off limits if there's something you are curious about ask me . The more we educate everyone about what is facts then we take all the guessing out of it and I have so many people saying they had no idea about this or that and Always thought THAT and was completely inaccurate.
So I am going to practice what I preach to people and ask you what you wasn't clear on so I no longer have to assume something totally wrong. You say you have internal testes in which after being on hormones for so long mine are also internal now, is all intersex people this way ? I'm guessing No but what would be another example besides your physical makeup?
Next as far as genitals goes I am assuming < you have a vigina and this would be what makes you intersex yes or no?
I would really like to not assume ever again. So if Yes you have a vagina is there other intersex people just the opposite of that having an external male genitals "penis" but have internal female reproduction organs like the ovaries and uterus?
Next does it stop there or go one step further and combine all of both parts internal and external for some intersex individuals. I have seen questions asked in some of the social networks I am part of which is strictly transgender related and have seen a few intersex people seeking advice on surgeon's looking for vaginaoplasty while keeping there penis intact .

Sorry this was so long and I really hope you read it though and educate a transgender woman today on intersex people. Are there some just the opposite of you who look male and I'm not even sure I am phrasing that correctly and I apologize if not and this is all why I would like to learn about members of my extended family I wasn't aware of in the LGBTQIA <is it? I'm just becoming aware of the letters past the Q I should really get out a little more but I just stay to myself it seems better that way.
Thank you so much for this conversation and please 🙏 forgive me if I have misspoke or have asked something that is off limits and for this being long. Have a blessed day 🙏 ✨️


I appreciate the information I have received. Thanks Emily.
