What Happened to All the “Real” Men? (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)

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I post new dating advice for women every Sunday.

I was surprised to scroll through the comments of my last video and find the following complaints:

“Modern men are such cowards”

“A real man should go after what he wants...”

“This is beta male behavior…”


I have some strong opinions on this.

Let’s face it: it’s tough for guys to approach women.

And this week, you’ll learn exactly why it’s so dangerous to hold it against guys who just need a bit of encouragement...

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As a male viewer, you hit the nail on the head. Being single, I have no problem approaching women at the gym, at a bar or even at the store. I have since cut back after not being given ANY kind of signal beforehand. We aren't psychics; I don't know if the girl is here with her boyfriend, married or just not out to meet guys. Give us a little sign.


There is so much truth to this. I feel like women often view men as these adversary creatures that have to act a certain way and cater to their signals and intuitively know just the perfect thing to say and do to get their attention. At the end of the day we're all human and treating the opposite gender with compassion and empathy is so important. When I met my current boyfriend he didn't notice me at all, I just mustered up my courage and introduced myself to him. We've been in a very happy relationship ever since, but sometimes taking that first step and just genuinely trying to get to know someone really pays off ladies!


Where are the Real Men? Avoiding women who use the term "real man". All men are real, some dare to ignore women's attempt to define their manhood for them. Hey ladies, how about a definition of "real woman"?


damn none of those question where intelligent. Some women lives in a fantasy world where men should act like disney characters or Twilight


Once again, Matthew highlights the fact that both sexes are vulnerable, and mess up in the dating game. Voice of reason- THANK YOU


some women act like we can't make men come to us. my favorite example is when Matthew uses the woman back in the days who dropped her napkin, and the man picks it up thinking he's done a great job when she's the one that dropped it for him. or being in a coffee shop and looking serious and asking the man in front of you for a favor, and then saying you JUST can't decide on the right muffin and it leaves a playful and great way to talk. come on guys, Matthew has trained us for this!! why are we still blaming the men!


lol. and these women question why they are single... such angry and judgmental women!


"The way she's sipping that mojito.. I must have her" 😂😂😂😂 I'm dying lmao


"Sippin' on that mojjjjito"😂😂 enough said! Laughed so hard😂😂thanks!


Finally, someone out there speaking up for men. I hate this toxic alpha/beta nonsense.


The concept of empathy is so undervalued. you are an incredibly good example of the emotional maturity and self respect men do have. The concept of empathy can even help one through a breakup. great video Matthew, bravo.


I used to be rude when I think a guy just wants sex. But soon I realized how arrogant my thinking was.. Now when a guy comes up to me, I enjoy getting to know him and I realize I have control in the direction of where the conversation goes. Honestly, 100% of the time, the guy just wants to talk and get to know this stranger in front of him! I think men, even "relatively creepy men", want emotional and intellectual connections too. Not just physical. So to myself, I say "Don't be so stuck up. He's got the courage to come up to you. Be a human being and treat him like one." :-)


Your reactions to the comments are pure good advice though.


that "sad!" cracked me up lol


I bet this message comes as a shock to many people who've been told that the women are the only ones that have it hard in life. Thanks for speaking on behalf of men.


I love this video. Men are humans too they have the right to be scared, to be shy, to be insecure, always expecting the opposite is part of the same sexist mentality we women always complain about.


On behalf of all normal women im sorry there are girls out there like this that are this mean to men.


I think some ladies have been watching too many soap operas 😕


THANKYOU UNIVERSE. These two videos together have finally altered my vision of flirting vs. being polite.and they kept me laughing and smiling because the shy guy is me! And the judgmental girl is me too-and the way he cared about both sides and stayed fair and real! Yes!! I actually listened! And I felt open to everything he said and now I feel clearer!
--I have gotten into dangerous situations because of thinking I need to be polite. I was almost kidknapped twice when I was younger, but I was never allowed to be "unkind" because of my religion so I haven't felt safe around men in a long time.
I mostly left my religion a few years back but have been desperate for a way to stop being "polite and kind" in ways that make people believe they have permission to come on to you--I started wearing engagement rings and avoiding people as much as possible and those things helped me have space to heal. But, now that I have more self-love I have needed clear advice to help me understand flirting problems so I can eventually date people that I like.

Thankyou Matthew Hussey and Charisma on Command for both showing everyone the framework and reasoning behind guy+girl


There's also the fact of how much legal power women can throw around. If a guy walks up and talks to the wrong woman, he could very easily end up arrested on false sexual harassment charges, and yes, women do actually have that kind of power and the police do not care what the man says when they show up, cuffs first the truth later
Not shaming true victims in any way, but i am shaming the ones who lie about it to get their way or to be petty. If you don't believe this happens often, just search it on youtube
