Paramahansa Yogananda: Key to Meditation - Krishna’s Advice for Successful Practice of Yoga

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The dividing line between the upper darkness and the lower material light of the half-closed and half-opened eyes is called “the horizon of superconsciousness.” A person meditating with closed eyes may fall asleep; trying to meditate with open eyes he may be thwarted by the stubborn visions of matter. That is why the yogi is advised to avoid the total darkness of closed eyes and the full light of opened eyes. Instead he concentrates his vision on the superconscious horizon.

If a person deeply concentrates on this horizon at the point between the eyebrows, where darkness and light meet, without straining the eyes, he refocuses the two currents in the two eyes into the original single current, and gradually learns to penetrate through the spiritual eye into the superconscious beatitude.

Paramahansa Yogananda, God Talks with Arjuna

This video was made with excerpts from the book God Talks With Arjuna by Paramahansa Yogananda.

📚 BOOKS by Paramahansa Yogananda

Autobiography of a Yogi

Man’s Eternal Quest

The Divine Romance

Journey to Self-Realization

The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You

God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita

Where There Is Light: Insight and Inspiration for Meeting Life's Challenge

Scientific Healing Affirmations

Metaphysical Meditations: Universal Prayers, Affirmations, and Visualizations

Law of Success: Using the Power of Spirit to Create Health, Prosperity, and Happiness

Living Fearlessly: Bringing Out Your Inner Soul Strengt

How You Can Talk with God

The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels

The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita: An Introduction to India's Universal Science of God-Realization

The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar

Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda

Inner Peace: How to Be Calmly Active and Actively Calm

Wine of the Mystic: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: A Spiritual Interpretation

In the Sanctuary of the Soul

To Be Victorious in Life


Finding the Joy Within You

Only Love: Living the Spiritual Life in a Changing World


The SRF Lessons teach you how to live a balanced and successful life by awakening your connection to the Divine. The SRF Lessons are a transmission of sacred knowledge that will uplift and transform all aspects of your life: a progressive, home-study program teaching meditation techniques and the essence of spirituality handed down through a renowned lineage of yoga masters — Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda — and available to you.

The Lessons were originated by Paramahansa Yogananda. At the core of his teachings is a powerful system of meditation techniques: the Kriya Yoga science of meditation. This ancient science of the soul—to which millions have been introduced by Autobiography of a Yogi and other books by him—provides powerful methods for awakening higher spiritual consciousness and the inner bliss of divine realization.

From the very first Lesson, you receive definite methods by which you can experience the benefits of meditation immediately.

While building a solid foundation for deep meditation, you will learn three powerful techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda as necessary first steps in the comprehensive spiritual science of Kriya Yoga: Energization Technique and Exercises, Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration and Aum Technique of Meditation.

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When the yogi learns super-consciously to contact his soul, and to transcend his breath and body, he finds the Infinite reflected in his being. All finer subconscious or superconscious experiences take place without the consciousness of breath. Therefore, when in ecstatic meditation, the yogi learns to remain in his soul without the mortal breath that causes rebirths, and when he can retain the unity with his breathless, God united soul When his consciousness reenters the physically active breathing state, he is spoken of as one who has liberated himself.

Paramahansa Yogananda, God Talks with Arjuna


This living Guru told me in my sleep that ‘you are moving closer to light’ . I had been meditating using SRF techniques last 2 years and was seeing white light during Jyothi Mudra. But ignored it initially and then a YouTube video explained . I wondered if I have started seeing third eye. I asked Guru in prayer and that’s what he answered. What an amazing journey I am having with this practice and the Guru. Can’t wait to make much progress


Blessed are those who are drawn to this scared spiritual path. Jai Guru. Thank you for sharing this beautiful video, spreading Guruji’s mission. 🌷


I welcome a new Yogananda video Thank you


Wonderful teaching. In meditation, I hope to one day see the Spiritual Eye. OM Shanti OM


Why do we seek?

Is there any reason to seek a better future
if we're fully comfortable and content
with the way our body feels now?

When thoughts slow down,
you may notice that there is discomfort in the body,
which may show up in a myriad of ways:
pain, anxiety, anger, or any other sensation or emotion...

This is part of the reason that we get addicted to thought—
because it’s an immediately available way
to avoid or try to fix
the way our bodies feel.

We won't be able to rest in presence for very long
if we keep ignoring or avoiding discomfort.


we'll continue to follow thoughts about past and future...
We'll keep trying to escape...


how do we bring direct attention to the energies of our body?

The first step is to acknowledge that you are feeling something.
We tend to acknowledge emotions and sensations first through the mind...
We might think, "I’m angry, " or "I’m afraid of what might happen, "
or we may simply notice that something is bothering us...

But we can't feel emotions or sensations through thinking.

These thoughts are narratives or labels for how we feel.

They are not the actual energies themselves.

For example, if you have the thought "I have a stomachache, "
that thought is a label for something that is actually happening in your body...

In order to actually feel or experience the stomachache directly,
you would have to bring attention down into the stomach area
and feel it without thoughts on it...

The same is true for all emotions and sensations.

Once you acknowledge that you feel something
or have been triggered/activated by someone or some event,
bring attention very gently to the body
where you feel the actual emotion or sensation...
With your attention there, feel into the sensation or emotion,
and see if you can notice the peripheral space around it at the same time.

Let the emotion or sensation just hang there in that open space,
without trying to change, neutralize, or get rid of it...

It is common to want to change, neutralize, or get rid of bodily energies.
Just notice any tendency to want to do these things.
This is resistance at work,
and trying to stop that resistance from happening
is simply adding more resistance.

Bear in mind that we give power to words, pictures, and bodily energies
by turning awareness away from them.
And we diminish their power by turning toward them
and remaining aware of them
until they fade naturally.

That one simple understanding,
if turned into a daily practice,
is highly transformative.


Uplifting! Let's Unite with our Souls!🕊🕊🕊 Grateful for all these gems posted here!💛💛💛


only once in my life i meditated while doing toning and a light so bright came to my eyes that i had OPEN my eyes because the brightness was so intense. But i’ve never been able to achieve that since and that was 5 years ago


this is well laid and and presented, thank you


Beautiful teaching my beloved guru!!! Tks for the beautiful video.. I was touched...


Thank you, wonderful teaching. I hope someday I will be wise and share the peace


Wonderful✨ presentation! I enjoyed it immensely! ❤ Thank you🙏


I so love your beautiful renditions. Everything is perfect. Thank you for such steadfast service ❤


Extraordinary way of self meditation greatly explained
Thanks Geet verses


This was most helpful and much appreciated, thank you. ❤


Where can I find music like the beautiful songs woven through here?


Beautiful and helpful. Thank you for your careful explication. I am so grateful to all those who have gone ahead.


I have asked the Supreme Self for exactly this guidance as I am a beginner myself….the music is sublime could you please recommend the pieces of music used .


Please once again guide my attention there


Wow. Thanks "Therefore, when in ecstatic meditation, the yogi learns to remain in his soul without the mortal breath that causes rebirths, and when he can retain the unity with his breathless, God united soul When his consciousness reenters the physically active breathing state, he is spoken of as one who has liberated himself."
