HEAL - OFFICIAL TRAILER - A #1 Best Seller on iTunes Documentaries

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A documentary film that takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that by changing one's perceptions, the human body can heal itself.

The latest science reveals that we are not victims of unchangeable genes, nor should we buy into a scary prognosis. The fact is we have more control over our health and life than we have been taught to believe. This film will empower you with a new understanding of the miraculous nature of the human body and the extraordinary healer within us all.

HEAL not only taps into the brilliant mind's of leading scientists and spiritual teachers, but follows three people on actual high stakes healing journeys. Healing can be extremely complex and deeply personal, but it can also happen spontaneously in a moment. Through these inspiring and emotional stories we find out what works, what doesn't, and why.

Featuring: Dr. Deepak Chopra, Anita Moorjani, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Michael Beckwith, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Anthony William ' Medical Medium', Dr. Bernie Siegel, Gregg Braden, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Dr. David Hamilton, Dr. Kelly Brogan, Rob Wergin, Dr. Kelly Turner, Peter Chrone, Dr Darren Weissman, and Dr Jeffrey Thompson

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People are totally misinterpreting the meaning of this documentary and disliking it. It's not denying the importance of medicines and doctors, it's about how important your mental health is. We usually take care of our body, but we forget about our mind. Learning how to deal with stress and learning how to be happy, can improve your physical condition. You would be amazed how connected are our mind and body


Finally, a film worth watching. Spiritualize your consciousness by comprehending the power of your mind!


By far the best documentary I've ever seen on the mind/body/healing connection. Thank you so much for doing this! I'm a healer and this is just what the world needs. Thank you again!


Totally right on in my book! We need more documentaries of this type to counter the hype of western medicine's dismal track record of healing stress related illnesses.


This needs to be brought to all cancer clinics!!


You have to watch it first then judge it. I will tell people on my channel to watch this, cause I liked it! I hope there are more of those Dokus in the Future cause we all need a wake up call from time to time! Thanks for this work!


Everyone should watch it, it's a life changer. I found it when I kept thinking about suicide after I suddenly found myself with severely debilitating ms. I 've never relied on anyone and now, the only thing I can do for myself is walking from the bed to the bathroom, a 3 meter journey, then return to bed. I gave tgis disease to myself because of the anger and pain I had been carrying for years. I had to let go. Excellent documentary, thank you all with all my heart, you gave me hope and confidence, we didn't come here to suffer!


I am fully on the woo woo end of the scale when it comes to healing and the power of our bodies to transform from a state of illness - however, I found this program to be kind of another version of the Secret, with very little practical and grounded processes to get there. I also found the tapping session to be incredibly directive and I could even see the client shutting down at one point as her own voice was completely stifled. The practitioner was not a healer, but rather was interested in hearing her own voice and telling her clients what was right for them. As a future Expressive Arts Therapist, it is really hard to watch the client/therapist relationship being sabotaged by the therapist. It's no wonder the client chose not to continue with natural healing when this was her first experience.


I don't get why people are so mad, you can use both medicine and natural health to heal! There are actually studies conducted by psychologists that confirm a lot of what they're saying to be true. Or if it's not for you look away 🤷🏾‍♀️


At first I was like "oh ok, it's about how stress and anxiety affect physical health that's cool."
And then it started being about how happier thinking can cure cancers.
"Every organ in the body has the ability to selfheal" is I guess a bit right, in that my autologous stem cell transplant is what will hopefully fix my lymphoma... but I can tell you that no amount of healthy happy thinking could have cured my blood cancer.


There's totally a connection between the mind the body and the spirit. And we have all stumbled in the darkness because we have not believed this great principle.
There's a scripture in the Bible that says " As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he " Proverbs 23:7 . There is a Divine and spiritual connection.


I saw the film in Vienna today. Amazing thoughts and emotions. A great film and hope for all they have a disease.


This is ONE way, not the ONLY way to heal. However, it is the most powerful way.


Best film this year that will change your life.


Also playing in Temecula at the Temeku Cinema on Oct 29, but you have to buy your tickets online through Eventbrite. No tickets sold at the door for the Temecula private showing.


Such an inspiring documentary! May it travel far and wide.


A wonderful documentary that I believe it certainly worth the watch.  I do believe we have and should take more control of our health.  Medicine does save people, but so much is given that is doing more harm than good sometimes in too many cases.  Learning how to deal with stress, and how to be happy, like so many say, certainly can help us all in improving our physical health.  So many below me have said it probably better than me.


1:27 Radical remission (Spontaneous Healing) in all types of cancer-Pancreatic, Stage 4 Lung cancer, brain 🧠tumour.
Observed 1:40 7 mental & spiritual factors helpful in Healing.
- Kelly Turner, Author, "Radical Remission"

These are -Taking Responsibility, Following Intuition,
Releasing suppressed emotion
Increasing Positive Emotions, Embracing Social Support,
Deepening Spiritual Connection,
Have a Strong reason for living.


I figured this out when I was a child. I had 10% hearing in both of my ears. With positive thought and energy, I no longer had to go under the knife. I was willing to do anything to not get tubes in my ears again, I suppose I was scared into convincing my body it had to do something.


I am honored to make the first comment, although I can't believe that out of 115 views, there are only 18 likes (not including mine). Personally, I can't wait to see this - and, since I live in a small town, the likelihood of it being shown here is miniscule - so, I'm headed over to the site to buy it RIGHT NOW.

My 23 year illness started with an insect bite, but I'm more than ready to shed myself of its limitations. Healing, here I come!
