Firefox Container Tabs: The Best Browser Feature! Here's How To Use Them

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Firefox is my favorite web browser by far and there's many reasons for that. In fact, I made a video listing my Top 7 Reasons why Firefox is my favorite. At the top of that list is one singular feature that, for me at least, puts Firefox in a realm all by itself. That feature is Multi-Account Containers or as I like to call them, Container Tabs. So let's talk about that feature.

Multi-Account Containers is an extension that lets you create Containerized sessions inside of Firefox with separated sets of cookies which allows you to use the web with multiple identities or accounts at the same time. This video explains what they are, how to create them and how to use them as well as some advanced tips.

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00:00 = Intro
00:54 = What are Multi-Account Containers
02:40 = How do Containers in Firefox work?
03:26 = Tutorial: How To Get Containers Extension
04:00 = Tutorial: Walkthrough of Containers Menu
05:20 = Tutorial: How To Make Containers in Firefox
06:54 = Tutorial: More Features of the Extension
08:09 = Tutorial: How To Open Containers (important for efficiency)
09:32 = Tutorial: Advanced Features
10:02 = Tutorial: Open Bookmarks in Containers via Context Menu
10:17 = Tutorial: Keyboard Shortcuts
11:36 = Tutorial: My Suggestion for Efficient Containers Usage
12:08 = Tutorial: Real World Example With Multiple YouTube Accounts
14:00 = Tutorial: Bonus Unrelated Tips
15:04 = Using Containers For Security Benefits
15:20 = Facebook Container Extension
17:47 = Preview of My #2 Favorite Feature in Firefox
18:22 = "Linux is Everywhere"
19:01 = Outro

#Firefox #OpenSource #Containers
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I can't thank you enough, Michael, for talking about the containers in your previous Firefox video.
I've been using them constantly since then, and, honestly, I can't even imagine browsing in a container-less environment anymore. :)


This extension is so so so useful but oh so overlooked, I’m glad you’re letting more people know about it!
I mainly use it to keep my youtube recommendations isolated between my interests. I’d love to know about the extensions for container tabs, never heard of it before. Or just more Firefox-goodness in general :)


How does this video *only* have 50k views as of December 2022?
Incredible video, valuable information. You are a wealth of knowledge.
Grateful that I stumbled across this video. I'll be sharing.


I had never heard of multi-account containers. I had been using a separate browser for working in another account. This will make things a little easier for me. Thanks.


Loved the video it was really informative. I found out about this extension by accident today and I have been using Firefox for last three years without knowing about this extension! People should talk more about this. Heck Firefox should be promoting this.


This was a very useful video! For the past two years I've been totally overlooking this feature. .... Thank you for posting. Subbed. 👍


Love it, one of the standout features that makes Firefox in a class of its own. If you care about privacy this is a critical feature you should be taking advantage of. Great video.


This is a great solution for multiple business owners. Thank for the video and tips.


Especially since you mention using Multi-Account Containers (Container Tabs) to open 2 different Twitter accounts at the same time, side by side, in separate tabs, it would have been great to show how that's done and what it looks like in this video (perhaps a follow-up video?). Of course it could be shown with 2 Gmail accounts or 2 Hotmail accounts, etc, instead of Twitter. But, all-in-all, a great video.


Great video, Michael!

This multi-account container add on seems great. I will install it.

Also, please do a video on Firefox bookmarks.


Hey great video I just found out about container tabs a few days ago--super great feature! Would love to hear more about it in an advanced video.


I've switched back Firefox because of this awesome feature, thanks Sir <3


Awesome video and great content. Easy to follow and understand how to use the containers. Thanks man!


Omg!! This saved my day!! Thanks a lot for the pro tip!


Awesome stuff. I will use this to keep work separate as well as using multiple social media accounts. Newer versions of Firefox seemed to default to putting facebook in a container which I've used since it has been available. About time I started using containers more.


I”m getting in FireFox more and more thanks to the DLN. Awesome. Is there a shortcut or easy way to make a container always opening in incognito? Keep up the good work.
Regards from Belgium


Thanks for showing more features on this extension...


I would like you to do a video pertaining to the Firefox bookmark system. My reason is I noticed some time ago that it does not merge duplicates. I am wondering if there is something I can be doing differently. I think if you can do a "Tips and HowTo" on this subject it would be greatly appreciated Michael. Great video and I will be sharing!


From one Michael to another:
FINALLY :-) ....I´ve been waiting for it since you asked way back when you posted your "Firefox video" !
Is there anywhere, that you´re aware of, where I can find more information on what exactly is going on "under the hood" when using those containers ?


Thanx, requires some learning, so I watch ur vid!
