Why Orange is Always Hungry in Rainbow Friends?

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In today's video, I go over Why Orange is Always Hungry in Rainbow Friends...


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I think blue lost an eye when red brought a group of kids in and the group fought back causing blue to loose an eye and possibly green losing both eyes. So red put fake eyes on green but didn’t have enough for blue so blue got a button eye instead. The group of kids could have escaped or got eaten. Another theory is when the kids attacked they could have escaped so red had to quickly make orange and purple to make sure no one ever escaped and since he had to make them so quickly he wasn’t able to make them as good as blue and green so purple escaped and went to the vents and orange has a problem with hunger. But that’s just a theory, love your videos and I’m subscribed


Theory: purple is always scared because one day when red made orange he made a mistake and orange would stay hungry forever. Then Red started giving orange lots of food. One day red forgot about orange and didn't feed him. So the only way to eat was his friends. So he ate both of greens eyes then ate one of blues eyes. Purple got scared that she was next so that's why she hides in the vents



My theory is that every friend except purple and red are monsters (no offence) but purple and red are the only ones with some level of intelligence and for the past 2 nights purple was examining us from the vents and that’s why he attacks at the 3rd and 4th night and that’s why the boxes don’t work on him and the reason he hides in vents is because he doesn’t want us to see his full body so he can attack unpredictably. Plus in real life when we mix red and blue it creates purple so it could be that purple is a combination of some intelligence(red) and some beast or monster traits(blue). I hope you find this theory interesting.


My theory is that purple used to be with the rainbow friends and was a favorite among children.
But one day during a performance, Blue unknowingly upsets purple by a joke. After the show, purple confronts blue, saying how the joke wasn’t funny and would like an apology. But blue says it wasn’t a big deal which made purple angry, so he attacked blue and ripped out his eye. When Orange sees this, he goes and tells Red, which made Red angry. So Red locked purple in the vents as a punishment. As time went on, everyone forgot about purple including Red, Blue and Green. And when the vent leaks, it’s really purples tears as he cries in the vents for all eternity


Theory : When orange was human he was a nerdy dino kid that was really gluttonous


Here’s what I think happened:
The creators of the rainbow friends (forgot their names) were very successful with the rainbow friends cartoon, so they made a theme park for it. Red, (I forgot their names so I will call the one that is red, red.) decided to make the characters more ‘life like’. He also started to hate the other creator, (whatever his name was) and came up with a brilliant idea. Turn humans into rainbow friends. He started with the other creator, and turned him into blue. He probably turned some of the other staff into the other friends. The friends didn’t have any memories of being human, and simply wanted to entertain the kids. But red mistreated the friends. He almost starved orange. Until eventually, orange went rampant. Ate greens, and blues eyes, and scared purple into the vents.


Theory: purple was friends with blue and one time he accidentally tore his eye out so blue got mad and then purple started to hide in the vents.


Ok ok, so this time I’m making a better theory for you.

Purple was a failed attempt by red, and never showed up in the show. It was too shy and kept messing things up with their rubbery arms. So, red threw him out into the vents and locked it in, to think about what it’s done. But red forgot to unlock it...


“Why is purple in the vents?” My theory is that he was always made fun of for what he looked like, that purple wanted to hide himself. So he had no idea where to hide but the vents, and also, in the party room. You can’t see purple at all. That means purple is the lost friend.


Purple was made after blue, (mainly because purple is the next color after blue) and purple seemed normal at first, They were friendly (kind of) with red and other people but for some reason purple was very shy when kids came around and purple decided to avoid the kids. One time one of the kids found purple and they started crowding purple because they haven't seen purple before, It overwhelmed purple and out of stress purple grabbed one of the kids and started choking them, making all the other kids run away. Soon after that, Red or other workers were not aware until a short while after when purple tried to kill another kid, Red forced purple in the vents after that and ever since then, purple lived in the vents.

I hope you see this, Please like so BigB can see!! ❤


So I have a theory on why purple is in vents: So we know that Blue, Green, and Orange were already one of the rainbow friends. And I think Purple was the last one and was scared, so he had to hide in the vents so those monsters don't find him. But then Red finds him in vents and turns him into a rainbow friend in that machine. So Red had an idea so he decides to put Purple in vents because that's where he was hiding. And He thinks those players will not know. Also I subscribe to you.


I think purple hides under the vents because purple in the past used to get bullied a lot of times because he had long arms and so then that's why he started to hie under the vents because he was very scared but he started eating people because he didn't have much food. so that is my theory!I hope you enjoy BigB


Theory for purple: Purple was a person who was promised happiness at the facility but when he began to be experimented on he did not want to be a rainbow friend no longer so he tried to escape and run to the vents to hide from red so he attacks us players to defend his self to stay safe. So that 'water' is blood from the experiment so while we were on night 2 purple ESCAPED FROM REDS PUNISHMENT SO HE BLED WHILE RUNNING FOR A SAFE VENT.


Hi BigB, here’s my theory; I think purple might be hiding in the vents because he used to be normal until Red injected this needle into that would make him evil like red, orange, and green in just a minimum of seconds, so purple did the only thing that could protect the survivors in the area: Hide in the vents away from EVERYONE. Purple would eventually go insane like the other rainbow friends and he would gain a taste for blood. He decided to remain in the vents as he still had a bit of his sanity left. But that’s just a theory.


Theory:since the rainbow friends play place was abandoned orange didn't really have anyone to feed him so red noticed the bus going to odd world so he made the bus go the wrong direction and started testing us with different thing and was hoping blue would catch us but we all escaped the factory and during all that orange still was not fed.


The question has finally been answered. (kind of) Orange's secret at being hungry all the time... 🧡


I think the colour personality was a really good theory


me and my friend think that purple stays in the vents bc when he was a person he had body dysphoria. he had lots of anxiety abt what he looked like. when he merged bodies, that only made him have more anxiety. therefore he hides his body in the vents.


Theory: To add on to the statement that Green had regular eyes, you can see that not only blue had both eyes, but orange also had normal eyes. And if the rainbow friends where humans there could have brought personalities that mixed. Also if this happened Green could have not been blind, but something went wrong and hit his eyes with no way to fix it and orange got zapped to much and his eyes when to the side. Some of my theories.


If this seven deadly sins theory is right, that would mean Blue is sloth (which makes sense), Green is envy (possibly envious of the other’s ability to see), Purple is pride (maybe he was locked in the vents because he was so full of himself), and Red is Wrath (which we might see more of in chapter two)

Plus, another thing about green being envious, maybe he was the one who ripped out blue’s eye trying to take it so he can use it as his eye, or just ripping it out to make blue blind too
