John McCain responds to cancer diagnosis

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The Senator says he will be back to work soon after it was revealed he has brain cancer.
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I'm sure that he will get the best care the medical community has to offer unlike most of Americans that must jump through hoop after hoop just to get a simple MRI


A great man with great character something Washington is lacking RIP 🙏


RIP Senator John McCain
Thank you for your service.💜


My thoughts and prayers to you Senator McCain; get well puts something in perspective doesn't it? You have great health care insurance. Do you and other Senators ever think what the 20 to 25 million middle class and poor Americans are worried about these days? Losing their health care under ACA because you idiots can't design something that works. Senator McConnell and other republicans misrepresent what is going on with the health care bill they are trying to bill would only cover those Americans who use ACA; NOT working or retired Americans who are under their employers group insurance, or those who qualify for Medicare. ACA helps those Americans who don't make enough to buy insurance on the open market, or who make too much to qualify for medicaid. Has anyone bothered to check out the health care systems in Norway, Sweden, Canada who seem to have figured out how to make health care affordable for everyone???? Why hasn't this country figured out how to make health care affordable for everyone? Oh yeah, capitalism and greed by insurance companies and drug companies! And guess who works for them? Republicans!!!! Republicans party motto: Give to the Rich and take from the poor. Just wait until tax reform comes guarantee the reform will not help middle class which I belong and the poor; it will benefit Trump and his cronies as well as the rich and powerful. I am sick of it all!


John McCain got a bad break with this Brain Cancer, he's not deserving of such horrible bad luck. I hope he miraculously pulls through!


As President of the Syrian Arab Republic my thoughts and prayers to you Mr McCain


times will get tough for this crotchety man. i still wish him well.


congress and senators should receive the same level of care that an average constituent would receive, or better yet have him go through the VA health system...

maybe then they would force change...

i mean, these politicians receive the BEST care, in the BEST hospitals with the BEST STAFF, all paid for by the taxpayers...


Cancer. He is the cancer. Justice is finally served.


Someone que Weekend in New England by Barry Manilow♥


Romans 8 #18. For our light affliction which is but for a moment, work eth for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. Amen


As a 32 year old with Anaplastic Astrocytoma survivor treated at Barrow Neurological Center in Phoenix I think its complete bullshit that he gets to go to the Mayo Clinic and get treated while the rest of us have to frantically find a way to get on the Medicaid system without the website crashing down. He also gets to keep his job.


I can't believe people you wish death to human being cancer is getting everyone so please don't act stupid tomorrow might be your turn. No matter what he did wrong you don't wish him death. Think that next could be you so pray for his recovery and hope Rayan learn that every American need equal treatment to all American not only reach. God is with poor.


So easily a fool does sell his soul ! A wish of hate conjured in heart, upon those who suffer...such utterance does call the devil to you. Paid with your soul for that prose.


NOBODY deserves cancer. Shame on all of you heartless bastards who are leaving vicious comments about Mr.McCain! Politics aside. He is still a human being. Have some compassion for crying out loud! My thoughts and prayers go out to you, Senator McCain. Stay strong and keep on fighting! God bless you.


I'm a Democrat, but this is the only Republican I respect.


Good news, hope the end of this monster comes quickly.


Get well soon Mr.McCaine, you are good fighter. We are waiting for you to be back to WH.


well....thats irony, isnt it ?! ;) lets see how fun it is to be very sick. so then he can remove health care from millions of people who didnt do anythin wrong too, but still are sick and need medicare. i hope more republicans get sick and learn this important lesson soon.


🌟 🌟 Good job showing the stuff people wanna hear.. (American patriot) now show all the lives an hundreds of deaths he's caused with his curruption
