Bethel Music - Goodness of God (Lyrics) Hillsong Worship

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Bethel Music - Goodness of God (Lyrics) Hillsong Worship

1. Bethel Music - Goodness of God
2. Hillsong Worship - Lord of Lords
3. Hillsong Worship - In Control
4. Hillsong Worship - This I Believe

Bethel Music Goodness of God, Goodness of God Bethel Music, Bethel Music, Goodness of God, lyrics, Lyrics, Goodness of God Bethel Music lyrics, Bethel Music Goodness of God lyrics, Goodness of God Bethel Music Lyrics, Bethel Music Goodness of God Lyrics

#GoodnessofGod #BethelMusic #Lyrics
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I lost my place, my girl and I broke up, and I was in deep pain from my friends betraying me. I started fasting and I only played this song for 4 days. I rededicated and surrendered my life to Jesus. It was through this video God spoke to me the most. I’ll never be the same. Yes I lost everything, but I gained so much


All my life He has been Faithful, even when the drunk driver killed both my parents and 2 years later my baby brother was killed. And even when my best friend went to be with Jesus and so much more, He never left me. Through it all He was my Mother, My Father, my brother, my sister, and my best friend. Abba never left me. My husband has been by my side and loving me with the love of God through it all. I know where my loved ones are, and More than anything, I got to make it. And by God's Grace, I will !


Prayer warriors! Please pray for me! I am 36 years old now and I've battled breast cancer. I'm filled with fear and worry. Please ask God to place his hands on me and to heal me completely and to take away my fear and worry. Thank you and God bless you all.


I'm so lost and unable to see the light.wandering in the dark.lift me up from the darkness and show me the light of ur Grace and love.God will you really abandon me like this.send me ur angel send me your holyspirt to guide me for the rest of my days here on earth.God dnt let my soul in vain here on earth and hell.God I know you know my deepest prayers please hear and bless my prayers.Thank You God for this Beautiful Gift, Gift of life


Everyone who reads this comment, your sickness in health, love, family, friends and financial shall be healed in Jesus Holy Name. Amen. 💚🧡


"I would have despaired unless I believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living"!
"Your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life "!


Thankyou so much lord for all.the blessings .Bless us always and my family.Im very blessed and my family.Iloveyou so much Lord❤😘🙏


Amen🎉Hallelujah 🎉 Heavenly Father., thank you for the unconditional love that you give to me. I love and believe that Jesus Christ your son demonstrated the ultimate gift of love by dying on the cross so my sins would be forgiven. I pray that I will live my life walking in a path that will glorify your name showing all the love, compassion and forgiveness to all those who are in my life, and those who need comfort and compassion . Sharing with them your beautiful gift of forgiveness, knowing you are always with them and will never leave them just as you promised . Father I love you and need you in my life, Thank you hearing and answering my prayers. I pray all this in the blessed name of Jesus. Amen ❤🙏❤🙏


Our Lord Jesus is so very Good and so Wonderful we can never tell them enough we Love you our King Jesus ❤❤❤


:"No one can stop God's plan for your life."
(Isaiah 14:27)


Father please save all the people in the earth especially in America and in Mexico please save all the Hispanic countries lord I ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ amen amen


*The ❤Name of Jesus Christ has power in heaven, on earth. Thank you, Father for the glorius resultd I see when I use the Name of Jesus. Amen ❤ 🙏 ❤*


❤❤❤ I love this song. Wonderful song, thank you.


Dios es bueno
Toda la gloria es para Dios 🙌🏻


❤❤❤I've Always Loved You Lord God my King God!


I just started a new life and I use the song to encourage myself 🥰


Thank you, Lord for everything. I love you. Please bless us always. Please keep us safe and healthy. In Jesus name, Amen


I've been struggling in life me and my fiance were distant from each other and it's really hard and but i know God will have us see each other again I trust God with all my might and soul and heart I love God lord Jesus Christ ❤✝️💐❤️🌅😊🦋❤️‍🔥


I was a Hindu .I accepted Jesus as my lord and saviour one year ago.plz pray for my family to come to know about Jesus


Thank you Lord for this praise song I healed my pain inside my heart. I pray that may son healed in sickness. I love you Lord. Amen..
