Fusion 360 - Fix Green lines instead of projected lines when moving parts of sketch

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When you change a sketch reference to move something to a different location, the previously projected geometry can cause the subsequent timeline features and designs to fail to update correctly.

Either the projected lines are moved over, but the sketch lines assosiated to those projected lines are turned into GREEN FIXED lines, or the sketch items are no longer in the placement where they should be, like in my case, first time I did this the projected lines became green and fixed, and the lines referenced to the projected lines were off the side of the actual parent projected lines.

Since the lines were no longer projected, but fixed, I could not access the Manage missing projections feature.

In the other example, the projected lines followed the design, but the sketch items i made before the change of the value to move the sketch items up a bit, changed placement and lost their parent anchor.
This would have caused loads of work if I had not found an easy way to fix this.

I am here sharing my solution.

Keywords are

- When sketching on a surface, make a 0mm plane and make the sketch on the plane not the surface itself, planes follow change in object-placements better than sketches made directly onto the surfaces, especially when it comes to sheet metal design.

- Don't let fusion auto-update ALL of the timeline, suppress the timeline, don't hide it, or roll it.

- Important of all, make sure your sketches are CONSTRAINED fully, so you do not mess up your sketches, BUT make sure they are not OVER-constrained. Watch my other video about Sketching in GROUPS!

- This will help you resolve problems where your PROJECTED LINES have become GREEN FIXED LINES, and you have lost subsequent parent references.

- This will help you resolve problems where you cannot accesss the "Manage Lost Projections" feature, which is only available when you have actual lost projections. It will not appear if the projections are there, or if the projections have been turned into FIXED GREEN LINES.
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