Jury finds Casey Anthony not guilty: why?

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Legal analyst Jack Ford and criminologist Casey Jordan speak to "The Early Show" anchors about the details of the case that led to the not guilty verdict for Casey Anthony.
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Damn did she have the same lawyer as OJ or what?


Still couldn’t understand how she got off!!


how the child died is irrelevant, the fact stays and remains that she died in her mother's care and was not even reported. this woman wasn't charged with anything besides lying to the police, and I think that is outrageous! She was lucky I wasn't in that jury.


The fact that she waited so long, the duct tape, the misleading, the partying, the lies about all the people she said baby sat her, the car smelling, the internet search and her diary proves she killed her. Makes no sense


Well she probably killed her daughter but the prosecution could not prove their case so it was probably the right verdict.


I would really like a believable reason for the damn duct tape. That to me is proof enough that the child was murdered. I don't know if I believe that Casey is the one who killed her but I definately think she was murdered.


How in the world did Casey's car have Caylee's hair in the trunk AND smell like decomposition? The problem with this case is that, no matter about the lack of proof and the jury's inability to be sure beyond a reasonable doubt, Casey is likely the killer of this child and will be walking free very soon. There is no justice in this case because all the puzzle pieces fit, except one, and that one puzzle piece is what the jury needed for a guilty verdict. I just hope Casey doesn't kill anyone else.


yeah, really difficult, she parties while her baby's body dicomposes a few yards away. she lies about all the most crucial points, and her cold stone face shows not even the slightest care that she's gone!!!! really, really tough there for the entire nation to wrap their brains around that great


Thumbs up I wonder if the jury are from another planet.


The jurors could not b more dumber. The lies, partying after the child is dead, etc. Common sense Casey killed her kid. Dahh


How could you do this to a child, especially your own child.. any child.. any person.. how could one do something like this and sleep well at night and be so calm and unbothered... Sick


In other words "JUSTICE" to you is seeing the verdict you want to see


I think the jury had sympathy for her because of her father having abused her.


Someone somewhere works at CVS and sees her come in for birth control every now and then


She should have been charged at least with child endangerment. How could the jury not see that


I agree with you on the sympathy factor due to her being a woman, but you completely missed my point.. You said she murdered her daughter, how do you know that? Look at the evidence; there was a dead body in the car, there was a hair belonging to a deceased Caylee, tape on the skull that came from the home. Casey shares that car and home with two other people, they failed to prove that it wasn't and couldn't be the other two occupants of the home/drivers of that car


Why did her dad not call the cops when he smelt decomposed body ? He's an ex cop and did no cop protocol ? Why did he agree that it was an accident but still testify for her to get the death penalty ? Why did the cops never bother to get her dad's cell phone tower pings the day the baby disappeared? Why her brother testify that when they were young and their animals would die . Their dad would wrap them in a blanket and put them in a garbage bag and duct tape the top of the bag just like the child was ?


Not even charged with child neglect.. wow or endangering the welfare of a child .. the justice system fails this child


What are they talking about claiming that the case was hard to prove her guilt? I followed the case closely in 2008 and Casey Anthony's timeline after her daughter's death before she was arrested. There was the smell of decomposition coming from Casey's vehicle, In Casey's trunk the shape of Caylee's body was imprinted in the fetal position, soil traces from where Caylee was buried. Matched on a pair of Casey's shoes Casey even tried to use an episode from One Tree Hill to make up that her daughter was forcefully taken from her. That Caylee was literally taken from her arms by a beautiful young woman and I believe that Caylee's cause of death was chloroform. Casey was using that to keep her daughter asleep so that she could go out and party and she used too much one night. This was a slam-dunk case all of the evidence pointed to Casey even her alibi kept changing during the investigation why the jury went against facts and common sense baffles me.


If it doesn't fit you must acquit!
