Colin Hill - Food and the microbiome; from farm to colon
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Prof Colin Hill, Principal Investigator, APC Microbiome
This Microbes and Biofilms in the Food Industry Webinar from the National Biofilms Innovation Centre and the Society for Applied Microbiology was designed for anyone working in either the production of food or researching/controlling the role microbes and biofilms play in the whole food chain.
The webinar featured talks from industry professionals and academics discussing the challenges facing the food industry in managing microbes and biofilms and the evolving regulatory context of achieving microbial control using interventional approaches
This Microbes and Biofilms in the Food Industry Webinar from the National Biofilms Innovation Centre and the Society for Applied Microbiology was designed for anyone working in either the production of food or researching/controlling the role microbes and biofilms play in the whole food chain.
The webinar featured talks from industry professionals and academics discussing the challenges facing the food industry in managing microbes and biofilms and the evolving regulatory context of achieving microbial control using interventional approaches