Git: Undoing Things and recovering from Mistakes | Tobias Günther | IPC Spring 2018
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Tobias günther (fournova Software GmbH): We cannot avoid mistakes. But with the right tools, we can make sure they don’t hurt too much. Git offers many ways to undo, revert, recover and fix. We’ll look at the bad things that can happen to you – and how Git can save your neck. In this hands-on session, we’ll have a look at Git’s various "undo" features. My intention is to give developers more confidence in their day-to-day operations when working with code: "mistakes can be undone" is an something I’d like the audience to keep in mind. In the session, I will both talk about the theory and show the corresponding commands/tools in practice. I’ll be using both Git on the command line and the popular GUI "Tower" to show how to deal with mistakes in real-world scenarios.