Running a Furnace with a Power Station! Anker SOLIX F2000 Test!

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#LiveinPower #AnkerSOLIXF2000 #AnkerSOLIXBlackFriday

In this video I demonstrate how to connect a power station/generator to your furnace through the EZ Generator Box & take a detailed look at the Anker SOLIX F2000 (PowerHouse 767).

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When you touched the plug and felt voltage but not immediately pulling your hand away (low current) I was immediately thinking it was some kind of capacitive coupling, very interesting!


I got a bluetti ac180 today for $682 shipped including taxes for a backup (among other usage) for this same purpose. A few years ago we had a 3 day power outage in winter were the temps were under 40F and it was no fun without any furnace. Although we did light the gas fireplace and had a few items on kitchen the gas stove it still was a chilly time.


That transfer switch for a single circuit looks neat, looking forward to the install video with more details on what the floating neutral means in terms of how to hook up to the panel.


I've seen something like this before when I was using an off grid inverter to run lights while I hooked up the grid input to the same inverter at my main panel. I'd get some low voltage off the inverter neutral from running the lights due to the floating neutral. Not enough to really zap you but enough to make my fluke non-contact voltage tester intermittently chirp. I suspect this phenomena is related to that floating neutral and Anker just fed you some random jargon.
P.S. please wear safety glasses when shorting out electrics in front of your face, I appreciate your safety squints but... ;)


This is the exact use case I want to implement. Anker currently having extended Black Friday sale. Getting a f2000+expansion battery and 2 x 200 w of their solar panels


The voltage you were getting was probably voltage that was intended to be present. However when you shorted them out, you clamped the voltage down to 0 and those capacitors were limiting current. Safety capacitors supress noise going in and out, and might be there to prevent relay arcing though I'm not sure where they are in the circuit.
A side effect is static shocks coming from you get dealt with safely and with no harm to the equuipment.


You have the cleanest panels I have seen on YouTube.


Hi Ben.. I also am from MN and pay $.088+$.037 per kWh (total is $.125/kWh), plus all the other crap.. Basic Service Charge, Affordability Charge, Resource Adjustment, Interim Rate Adjustment, City Fees, Transit Improvement Tax, Other Special District Tax, County Tax, State Tax.


Hey Ben,
Id love to see a video about the mini split you put in your garage. Hows it holding up? Any problems?
Better units available.
Thanks for what you do!


The shared neutral is an issue for anyone using a transfer switch and powering inverter from
Main panel, kinda like a UPS. Only way around it is to use a non GFCI breaker on the circuit powering the Anker. Not sure if it’s right but it works.


PG&E in El Dorado Hills near Sacramento Ca. $.051 Summer about $.037 Winter per KWH.


Here in Des Moines Iowa, MidAmerican Energy winter rates are about .10 cents per kilowatt hour.


I have the same transfer switch and have it wired to a circuit that has an outlet in several different parts of the house and several led light fixtures. Power cost here is about $0.12 including all extras on my average power bill from the city owned muni power company.


9.5 Canadian cents here in Manitoba. About $9.50 monthly basic charge on top of that. Average power bill for us is about $100 CAD. 😁


The safety capacitor should have a resistor to bleed off the voltage stored within seconds. There may be a small normal amount of leakage current through the capacitor.


40 cents/ kwh over here in Central CA during peak. 2 kwh per day is $24 a month, and $288 a year. Usually a furnace has an accessible 120 cord, so I don't think these types of transfer switches are very useful since they can only handle one circuit. If you plug the solar generator directly to the heater, you can plug the solar generator directly into the wall and not have to worry about tripping anything and just use it as a UPS. I hooked up a 4 circuit transfer switch and now I regret not doing 6 or 10 circuits.


Why not just a switch with an outlet onto the furnace and wire in a short cord to plug into either the outlet on the furnace or the Anker?


Good video and an interesting use case.


Did you check to see if the the hot and neutral are reversed on the power station? I've seen many reviews that say they are reversed, could that also be the cause of voltage on the input??


So i get running natural gas furnace like u did. We have a natural gas furnace boiler. One haa to also power circulators correct? How much power is consumed with those circulators running? My house has two zone baseboard so would need to include that i think? I also have nest thermostat which is on transformer although it has some internal battery.
