Flower Tiara with polymer clay roses and gold leaf. Diy headband crown. Wedding hair jewelry

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Handmade Flower Tiara with polymer clay roses and gold leaf. Diy headband crown. Wedding hair jewelry. Handmade Flower Tiara Headband tutorial.
For the headbands on the head, it is more practical to use baked clay, it is durable, does not deteriorate from water. And also, this clay comes with different effects: pearl, metal, semi-precious stone, which is what I need!
Attention to cover with gold leaf on raw clay, you can only baked clay, other types of clay decrease as they dry!
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Valentina flowers DIY.
Bye everyone!
#HandmadeFlowerTiara #FlowerTiara #TiaraFlowers #Tiarawithpolymerclay #Diyheadbandcrown #headbandcrownflowers
Diy headband crown flowers, цветочная тиара, цветочная корона, تاج زهرة ، تاج زهري ، vương miện hoa, vương miện hoa, tiara bunga, mahkota bunga, tiara de flores, corona floral, diadema di fiori, corona di fiori, 플라워 티아라, 플라워 크라운, tiara bunga, mahkota bunga, Blumentiara, Blumenkrone, bloementiara, bloemenkroon, kwiatowa tiara, kwiecista korona, tiara de flores, coroa floral, çiçek taç, çiçek taç, diadème de fleurs, couronne florale, फूल मुकुट, पुष्प मुकुट,
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Just to be totally clear please, you bake the flowers and leaves once they are stuck onto the wire frame?
