INFJ & ENTP - Why They Click

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INFJ & ENTP - Why They Click. These two personality types are known to have many differences. But did you know they are also similar in a few ways that present a "rewarding challenge" in their interactions together? In this video, we take a slightly different look at what makes these two type click. We review the cognitive functions of the types, and I share with you an example of how an ENTP friend of mine and I (INFJ) often disagree agreeably, and how this a good thing that often leads to both of us becoming better people, and our relationship is strengthened as a result.

#INFJohnny #theinfjsong
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Im an ENTP and got in art school, I faked my personality with most people because they were having boring discussions, smiling and making jokes to fill the intellectual void, but the only moment when I revealed my true self was in presence of an INFJ and idk why, but while most people got easily triggered when I made logical statements, this INFJ friend, who is a full conservative person (I'm a communist) ended up being the coolest and the most open to debate, even when I shot multiple statements he always stayed calm (idk if this is right english) and the discussion felt like we brought something new to each other. We have a very healthy relationship. When I almost lost my patience with classmates arguing for stupid things and was about to tell them "oppressive" stuff he calmed me and the others. But he can also bite ngl


Spot on! My 42 year old son is an ENTP and I'm an INFJ. We get along really well and discuss anything and everything for hours! I find that he stimulates me to think more deeply in a logical way about a concept, and my contribution is to help him see things from a more sensitive, emotional aspect. We also share a similar, sometimes wacky sense of humour. Thank you😂


I have a small collection of INFJs. lol
Objectively the best people to vibe with. And I'll fight all of you self doubting INFJs if you disagree. And you KNOW I'll do it too. Take the damned compliment!


ENTP, INFJ Soulmate Girlfriend Turned Me Onto Your Channel. I’m So Glad She Did. What You’re Saying Is Very Accurate. We ENTPs Will Stretch Ourselves To Any Shape We Need. People Call Us Chameleons But WE’re More Accurately Described As Octopi. We Strive To Understand Why People Think What They Think But We Always Know In The Backs Of Our Minds That We Can Never Be Fully Understood By Anyone. Well, Let Me Rephrase That Because 7 Weeks Ago I Met My Soulmate, An INFJ Who Can See Deeply Into Me. She Reads My Mind All The Time. She’s To Rational To Be Feeler But Too Feeling To Be A Thinker And I’m The Exact Opposite As She Is. Our Functions Are So Closely Flipped that It Makes Communication A Breeze. Best Of All We Both Lead With Intuition And That Makes Our World So Enormous That There Are No Limits To Our Creativity And Our Level Of Expression. It’s Truly Beautiful To Have Finally Met My Equal. My Yin To My Yang. Hey, I Love The Show. I’ll Now Binge On It And I Hope You Do The Same On My Channel. Your ENTP Friend Needs To Join My Club ENTP And Check Out My New MBTI Comedy Talk Show. All Are Welcome No Matter Your Type. Maybe We Can Colab In The Near Future Since You’re An INFJ We Already Clicked As Soon As We Clicked. So, Binge ON My Playlists And Enjoy The Chaos ;). DAPARU da CRUSHA


I'm an Infj and my partner is an Entp and your video makes total sense!! One thing, he and I are always talking about ways to improve self and our lives. Also I prefer to listen, he likes to talk.


I love your logic and honesty, I want to meet INFJs, or I may scare them away as a female ENTP


Cold logic resonated with me. Many times when I'm explaining a process or even a certain happenstance that I'm trying to convey in an objective way, I receive feedback that I come across as cold. I think I'm trying to be respectful and unbiased, as well as bring across information without any unnecessary distractions. I save my personal opinion for when I'm asked about it. I suppose it depends on the established relationship between the person and myself too. I'm not necessarily shy, but I don't readily share when I feel like my thoughts don't apply to the situation. Unless we're talking about the Lord, you won't be able to get me to hush up in that case 😅. It's nice to know, that there is hope for someone to see my way of explaining things as a "challenge." God bless you Johnny 🌞❤


Ex boyfriend was most likely a ENTP and the battles what kept us entertained.

Another one I bet was ENTJ and that was a work of art and magic.

I’m hanging my boxing gloves down and staying out of the arena.

Yes it was healthy and helped with my development in character.

It was also
