Yemin 343. Bölüm | The Promise Season 3 Episode 343

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Yemin son bölümünde; Emir Feride’yle birlikte bir kaçış planı hazırlar fakat Ümit’in hastaneden erken çıkması tüm planları bozar...

Yemin 3. Sezon 343. Bölüm Konusu:

Feride, Emir’in başını belaya soktuğu için endişelidir. Emir’in kurduğu kaçış planından vazgeçip Emir’i hapisten kurtarmak ister. Emir ise kendisine bir şey olmayacağını asıl başının belaya girmesini istemiyorsa plana sadık kalması gerektiğini söyler. Sonunda ikna olan Feride, plana sadık kalır ama beklenmedik bir sürpriz sonucu Ümit hastaneden erken çıkar. Ümit’e yakalanan Feride durumu idare edebilecek mi? Kemal, Melike’den öğrendiği bilgiler sonrası Songül’ün peşine düşer. Şirketin güvenlik kamerası kayıtlarından Songül ve avukatın oyununu ortaya çıkartabileceğini düşünen Kemal, kayıtlara ulaşır. Bu sırada beklenmedik bir şey olur ve Kemal darp edilir. Kayıtlar kaybolacak mı?

Yemin Dizisi Oyuncuları

Gökberk Demirci
Cansu Tuman
Can Verel
Yaghmur Shahbazova
Cansın Mina Gür
Gül Arcan
Berkant Müftüler
Ceyda Olguner
Melahat Abbasova
Elif Özkul
Gözde Gündüzlü
Hülya Aydın
Derya Kurtuluş
Mustafa Şimşek
Esra Çoban
Barış Gürses
Can Çağlar
Miran Efe Achylov

Yönetmenler: Yasemin Türkmenli , Serkan Mut
Senaryo: Başak Yazı Odası
Yapım: Karamel Yapım
Müzik: Minör

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capítulo 343 Español
Feride: Siempre estarías a mi lado, yo siempre te abrazaría, te vería ir a la escuela, pero no paso, el destino nos lleva a diferentes lugares. Se puede ser madre sin parirlo a amarlo hasta la muerte, un día te enteras de lo que pasó, no te enojes conmigo ok, porque tengo mucho más miedo a que te pasará algo. Comencé este juego por tu bien, perdóname mi alma, por favor nunca me olvides porque yo no te olvidaré ni un segundo, Gracias a Dios no me quedo tranquila, tu padre siempre estará a tu lado para protegerte y velar por ti. ¿Cómo está la tía Cavidan? Melike: bien, durmiendo en su habitación, Feride: Arruiné la vida de todos cuando madre e hijo se acababan de reunir, por mi culpa se derrumbaron, Melike: no digas eso, nadie lo quería, sólo debes prevenir y cuidar tu vida, no debes ser tan dura contigo. Feride. te confío a Yigit hermana Melike, se que lo cuidarás bien, perdóname. Melike: es nuestra despedida, que estés bien. El hombre le pasa un teléfono a Emir, puso a un hombre a cuidar la puerta para no ser descubierto, debe apurarse, Emir llama a Taci para saber de Feride, Taci le dice que hizo todo lo que le dijo y Feride está con él, Emir: hola, ¿me escuchas, Feride: te escucho. Emir: ¿cómo estás, todo está bien? Feride: Gracias a ti me estoy deshaciendo de todo, todo está bien, pero es muy difícil irme, Emir: ya lo hablamos, Te dije que no habrá problemas después de que te vayas. Feride: yo estoy bien pero tu estás en la cárcel, Emir: saldré pronto, no pienses en eso, ve a tu nueva vida, que tengas suerte, Feride: Muchas gracias por todo, (recuerda las palabras de Emir) Has pasado por tiempos difíciles, tendrás nuevas experiencias en tu nueva vida aunque sean dolorosas, no pienses en nada, comienza de cero y lo más importante cuídate. Mira, si te rindes ahora, experimentarás cosas peores de las que has experimentado hasta ahora, si eso sucede no habrá tranquilidad para mí, ahí es cuando me meto en problemas, si realmente piensas en mi y en Yigit no te rendirás. Umit: mi esposa ¿hacia donde te diriges? Te hice una pregunta querida ¿Vas a alguna parte? Feride: me voy a casa, vine tanto para despedirme de Yigit como para tomar mis pertenencias. Ya no voy a trabajar, lo hablamos. Umit: ¿puedo mirar lo que llevas? llega Melike. Feride: hermana, entra, Yigit está solo en la habitación, nos vamos, no esperes aquí en vano. Umit. desearía que no hubieras venido a esta casa, vamos, lo sabes el doctor dijo que no me canse. Taci: maldición, que haré ahora, qué le voy a decir al hermano Emir. Kemal: ¿no es muy tarde para hablar de negocios? Sevat: esta es la empresa de la que la señora Songül es socia, soy su abogado creo que podemos encontrarnos cuando queramos. Kemal: cuando se toma lo de los Tarhun con facilidad, piensas que es un desafío ¿verdad? no es tan fácil, estoy listo para tomar a los dos de sus colas (sacarlos) ésto lo terminaremos en la corte, Kemal pide ayuda a un empleado. Taci llama a Emir, el reo dice que debe tener cuidado, Taci: Feride quería despedirse y vino a la mansión, Umit vino y se llevó a la hermana Feride mientras la esperaba, Emir: Taci, Feride no puede estar a solas con ese hombre, Taci: no te preocupes los estoy siguiendo ahora, si pasa algo me la llevaré desde la casa, Emir: ok espero noticias pero no la dejes ni un minuto sola, Songül: ¿escuchaste? No puedo perder lo que he ganado, no puedo volver a mi antigua vida. Sevat: Si la verdad sale a la luz, no podrás volver a tu antigua vida de todos modos, no te preocupes, irás a la cárcel. Songül: ¿qué estás diciendo? Sevat: sólo digo las posibilidades, pero tranquila, no escuchó de que hablábamos, tenemos que ser cuidadosos, está claro que no dejará este trabajo fácilmente. En primer lugar, mantendrá la calma, no puede discutir con nadie, debe ser muy discreta. Al llegar a casa Feride recuerda todo lo que pasó, Umit: puedes traerme un vaso de agua, ¿No ves que no puedo sentarme? Feride: pasó algo, Umit: ¿necesito tener algo para mirar? Cuando nos casamos, no prometí que nos tomaríamos de la mano y no nos soltaríamos ¿Quién vino de nuevo? Ozlem: qué haces acá, por qué no te fuiste, Feride: después te diré, Ozlem: no te ha lastimado. hermano por qué no me avisaste, moría de curiosidad. Narin pregunta como estuvo la entrevista, Kemal: nos veremos mañana, estoy bien, no te preocupes, cuando estás a mi lado me siento como una pared sólida que nunca se derrumbará. Taci llama a Emir : no puede estar sola con ese hombre tenemos que hacer algo, Taci: su hermana acaba de llegar para que no estén solos en la casa. estaré acá hasta mañana, tal vez Feride encuentre una manera de escapar, luego lo tomaré y lo traeré de vuelta, no te preocupes. Emir: si algo sale mal me llamas a este número. Un prisionera se acerca y dice a Emir que la primera noche es difícil pero con el tiempo se acostumbrará. Feride recuerda que Umit la violaría así no será una mentira un embarazo. Ozlem: hermano hablas cómo si fuera algo normal, mira cómo estas y si te pasa algo peor, eres médico, esto es lo que haces, lo que otros no hacen. Umit: porque soy médico estoy relajado sé la gravedad de la situación, estoy bien con mi esposa y mi querida hermana, ¿qué más puedo querer? Ozlem: Feride estaba haciendo té, déjame ayudarla. Umit: mira, qué estarás haciendo ahora, Ozlem: Feride te ves tan mal, Feride: me siento como en el infierno, recuerdo lo que pasó ese día, Umit: contacta a Songül quiero saber todo lo que pasa en la mansión, Feride: tomalo, no podré salir de este infierno, Ozlem: no, no ha terminado, quédate con él, te vas a ir necesitarás el teléfono, guárdalo y ponlo en silencio antes que mi hermano lo vea, mi hermano puede saber algo más, quiero decir salió del hospital y fue a la mansión, o también tiene todo controlado allá, Feride: es verdad, no puedo pensar con claridad, Ozlem: ¿Qué es lo que necesitamos para sacarte de aquí? no tomar ningún medicamento, está realmente loco, Emir estará bien, no te preocupes, ¿Por qué te levantaste hermano, quieres algo? por qué no lo pides Umit: sólo quiero un poco de agua, sabes que no estoy acostumbrado a estar quieto, Minuvver llama Taci para saber dónde está, Taci dice que no ira por la noche se quedará con un amigo. El guardia avisa a Kemal que ya tiene la grabación de la cámara se reunirán por la tarde. Kemal dice a Narin que se reunirá con el señor Sezai, Narin sabe que algo le oculta pero Kemal le dice que la llamará después de la entrevista, deja la tarjeta de crédito para que Narin compre lo que necesita, Ozlem: Hermano, me pregunto si debería tomar algún medicamento, no te ves nada bien. Umit: estoy bien no insistas, Emir: Taci ¿qué hiciste ?, ¿hay alguna mejora, Feride pudo salir de la casa? Taci: su hermana está ahí no puede haber echo nada, Emir: No sabes lo que puedo hacer, es urgente, es un psicópata enfermo, es capaz de hacer cualquier cosa a Feride, debemos hacer algo, escúchame muy bien, Kemal llama al señor Sezei pero por Oktay, el hijo, se entera que está en el hospital tuvo un infarto, va a verlo, Sevat llama a Songül y le dice que la persona que la envió a ayudarla fue Umit y que ahora debe devolver la ayuda y debe decir todo lo que pasa en la mansión, Songül: quien se cree qué es tengo suficientes problemas, no lo debo nada a nadie, Sevat: gracias a mi obtendrá una gran fortuna pero puedo hacer que la pierdas, puedo hacer que Kemal Tarhun se entere del protocolo de divorcio, así que harás lo que te pida. Sheriye llega muy contenta ya que todo lo que subieron a internet se vendió, así que deberán seguir confeccionando gorros, Umit pide un baso de jugo a Ozlem, pone un medicamento para dormir en el vaso de su Ozlem, Songül: qué pasó con la habitación de Yigit, Melike: se quedará con Oya hasta encontrar a una niñera. Songül recuerda que debe contar todo al abogado. Narin llama a Kemal para saber como le fue con la entrevista, Kemal le cuenta lo que pasó con el señor Sezei, Oktay: Quería ir a verte, pero tenía algunas dudas. Afortunadamente te alcance. Cuando mi padre se enfermó, todo el trabajo me quedó a mí. Kemal: Espero que se recupere y sea dado de alta pronto. Oktay: es muy triste lo que está pasando, después de tantos años de esfuerzo, no es fácil quedar en cero, Kemal: no hay problema, no te preocupes. Oktay: sabes, mi papá cree que eres un hombre muy inteligente, siempre te ha apreciado, una vez más estoy asombrado, no importa lo difícil que sea para mí reconciliar a Yıldız, fue la madre adecuada para que mi padre se reuniera contigo para dirigir la empresa, ahora soy el jefe deberías hablar conmigo, Kemal: deseo que tu padre se recupere pronto, nos vemos, Oktay: Sigues soñando Kemal, estoy listo para romper tus sueños. Ozlem le dice a Feride que tiene mucho sueño pero no quiere dejarla sola, Feride: no te preocupes, contigo acá no puede hacer nada ve a dormir, Taci toca la puerta Umit pregunta quien es Taci dice que trabaja para la compañía de gas y debe revisar las cañerías porque hay quejas, Umit no se convence mucho pero igual deja que entre a revisar el sótano, Las mujeres siguen tejiendo, Sheriye le enseñará a Narin para que ayude, tienen muchos pedidos que entregar, Umit: ¿Cuándo llegaron estas quejas? Taci: Recibimos algunas quejas hoy por la mañana. Umit: Entiendo, ¿estás mirando casas donde no hay problema? Taci: Cuando alguien se queja, controlamos todas las casas alrededor, por precaución, Feride: déjeme llevarlo a la puerta, Umit: yo lo haré, Feride: debes tomar analgésico o será peor mañana. Umit. no los quiero, me marean, Narin está preocupada por Kemal, es tarde y no ha llegado, Minuvver dice que lo deje sólo un rato necesita su espacio y respirar un poco. Narin: tienes razón, todo se ha juntado


Narin ve Kemal - meant for each other ❤️♥️🥰🥰😊👍👏😍


Chapter 343 English
Feride: You would always be by my side, I would always hug you, I would see you go to school, but it didn't happen, fate takes us to different places. You can be a mother without giving birth to love him to death, one day you find out what happened, don't be mad at me ok, because I'm much more afraid that something will happen to you. I started this game for your sake, forgive me my soul, please never forget me because I will not forget you for a second, Thank God I am not quiet, your father will always be by your side to protect you and watch over you. How is Aunt Cavidan? Melike: well, sleeping in his room, Feride: I ruined everyone's life when mother and son had just met, because of me they collapsed, Melike: don't say that, nobody wanted it, you just have to prevent and take care of your life, no You must be so hard on you Feride. I entrust you to Yigit sister Melike, I know you will take good care of him, forgive me. Melike: it's our farewell, you are well. The man passes a phone to Emir, he has a man guard the door so as not to be discovered, he must hurry, Emir calls Taci to find out about Feride, Taci tells him that he did everything he told him and Feride is with him, Emir: hello, do you hear me, Feride: I hear you. Emir: how are you, is everything okay? Feride: Thanks to you I am getting rid of everything, everything is fine, but it is very difficult to leave, Emir: we already talked about it, I told you that there will be no problems after you leave. Feride: I'm fine but you're in jail, Emir: I'll be out soon, don't think about it, go to your new life, good luck, Feride: Thank you very much for everything, (remember Emir's words) You have been through times difficult, you will have new experiences in your new life even if they are painful, don't think about anything, start from scratch and most importantly take care of yourself. Look, if you give up now, you will experience worse things than you have experienced so far, if that happens there will be no peace of mind for me, that's when I get into trouble, if you really think about me and Yigit you will not give up. Umit: my wife, where are you going? I asked you a question dear Are you going somewhere? Feride: I'm going home, I came both to say goodbye to Yigit and to take my belongings. I'm not going to work anymore, we talk about it. Umit: can I see what you are wearing? Melike arrives. Feride: sister, come in, Yigit is alone in the room, we are leaving, do not wait here in vain. Umit. I wish you hadn't come to this house, come on, you know the doctor said don't tire me. Taci: damn, what will I do now, what am I going to say to brother Emir. Kemal: Isn't it too late to talk business? Sevat: this is the company of which Mrs. Songül is a partner, I am her lawyer I think we can meet whenever we want. Kemal: When you take the Tarhun thing with ease, you think it's a challenge right? It's not that easy, I'm ready to take the two of their tails (take them out). We will finish this in court. Kemal asks an employee for help. Taci calls Emir, the inmate says he should be careful, Taci: Feride wanted to say goodbye and came to the mansion, Umit came and took Sister Feride while waiting for her, Emir: Taci, Feride cannot be alone with that man, Taci: don't worry I'm following them now, if something happens I'll take her from the house, Emir: ok I'm waiting for news but don't leave her alone for a minute, Songül: did you hear? I cannot lose what I have gained, I cannot go back to my old life. Sevat: If the truth comes out, you won't be able to go back to your old life anyway, don't worry, you will go to jail. Songül: what are you saying? Sevat: I'm just saying the possibilities, but don't worry, she didn't hear what we were talking about, we have to be careful, it's clear that she won't leave this job easily. First of all, she will remain calm, she cannot argue with anyone, she must be very discreet. When we get home, Feride remembers everything that happened, Umit: can you bring me a glass of water, can't you see that I can't sit down? Feride: something happened, Umit: do I need to have something to look at? When we got married, I didn't promise that we would hold hands and not let go. Who came again? Ozlem: what are you doing here, why didn't you go, Feride: I'll tell you later, Ozlem: she hasn't hurt you. brother, why didn't you tell me, I was dying of curiosity. Narin asks how the interview was, Kemal: we'll see you tomorrow, I'm fine, don't worry, when you're next to me I feel like a solid wall that will never collapse. Taci calls Emir: she cannot be alone with that man we have to do something, Taci: her sister has just arrived so that they are not alone in the house. I'll be here until tomorrow, maybe Feride will find a way to escape, then I'll take him and bring him back, don't worry. Emir: if something goes wrong, call me at this number. A prisoner approaches and tells Emir that the first night is difficult but in time he will get used to it. Feride remembers that Umit would rape her so that a pregnancy will not be a lie. Ozlem: brother you speak as if it were something normal, look at how you are and if something worse happens to you, you are a doctor, this is what you do, what others do not do. Umit: because I am a doctor I am relaxed I know the seriousness of the situation, I am fine with my wife and my dear sister, what more could I want? Ozlem: Feride was making tea, let me help her. Umit: look, what are you doing now, Ozlem: Feride you look so bad, Feride: I feel like in hell, I remember what happened that day, Umit: contact Songül I want to know everything that happens in the mansion, Feride: take it, I will not be able to get out of this hell, Ozlem: no, it is not finished, stay with him, you are going to go you will need the phone, put it away and put it on silence before my brother sees it, my brother may know something else, I mean He left the hospital and went to the mansion, or he also has everything under control there, Feride: it's true, I can't think clearly, Ozlem: What do we need to get you out of here? don't take any medicine, he's really crazy, Emir will be fine, don't worry, why did you get up brother, do you want something? why don't you ask Umit: I just want some water, you know I'm not used to being still, Minuvver calls Taci to find out where he is, Taci says he won't go at night he will stay with a friend. The guard advises Kemal that he already has the camera recording they will meet in the afternoon. Kemal tells Narin that he will meet with Mr. Sezai, Narin knows something is hiding from him but Kemal tells him that he will call her after the interview, he leaves the credit card for Narin to buy what he needs, Ozlem: Brother, I wonder if I should take some medicine, you don't look good at all Umit: I'm fine, don't insist, Emir: Taci, what did you do? Is there any improvement, Feride was able to leave the house? Taci: his sister is there, she can't have done anything, Emir: You don't know what I can do, it's urgent, he's a sick psychopath, he's capable of doing anything to Feride, we must do something, listen to me very well, Kemal calls the man Sezei but by Oktay, the son, he finds out that he is in the hospital he had a heart attack, he goes to see him, Sevat calls Songül and tells him that the person who sent her to help her was Umit and that now he must return the help and must say everything that happens in the mansion, Songül: who thinks what it is I have enough problems, I do not owe anything to anyone, Sevat: thanks to me you will get a great fortune but I can make you lose it, I can make Kemal Tarhun find out about it divorce protocol, so you will do what I ask. Sheriye arrives very happy since everything they uploaded to the internet has been sold, so they will have to continue making hats, Umit asks Ozlem for a glass of juice, puts a sleeping medicine in the glass of his Ozlem, Songül: what happened to the room from Yigit, Melike: he will stay with Oya until he finds a babysitter. Songül remembers that he must tell the lawyer everything. Narin calls Kemal to find out how she did with the interview, Kemal tells him what happened with Mr. Sezei, Oktay: she wanted to go see you, but she had some doubts. Fortunately I caught up with you. When my father got sick, all the work was left to me. Kemal: I hope he recovers and is discharged soon. Oktay: what is happening is very sad, after so many years of effort, it is not easy to be at zero, Kemal: no problem, don't worry. Oktay: you know, my dad thinks you are a very smart man, he has always appreciated you, once again I am in awe, no matter how difficult it is for me to reconcile Yıldız, he was the right mother for my father to meet you to lead the company, now I am the boss you should talk to me, Kemal: I wish your father will recover soon, see you, Oktay: You keep dreaming Kemal, I am ready to break your dreams. Ozlem tells Feride that she is very sleepy but does not want to leave her alone, Feride: don't worry, with you here she can't do anything go to sleep, Taci knocks on the door Umit asks who Taci is says he works for the gas company and should Check the pipes because there are complaints, Umit is not convinced much but still let me go in to check the basement, The women continue weaving, Sheriye will teach Narin to help, they have many orders to deliver, Umit: When did these complaints arrive? Taci: We received some complaints this morning. Umit: I understand, are you looking at houses where there is no problem? Taci: When someone complains, we check all the houses around, as a precaution, Feride: let me take him to the door, Umit: I'll do it, Feride: you must take painkiller or it will be worse tomorrow.


I love Siereye.she is the best nanny of masal and good maid of Kemal.


Such a loving couple kemal and narin.they support each other no matter what❤


beautiful and magic combination NARKEM and high level performance of acting and chemistry


Phew!!! At least Kemal didn’t lose his memory 😅😅😅


Great actors but you have spoiled a great TV series by continuously repeating violent and abuse. In this covid and jobless times there is a lot of fast forward in this series because we the fans are tired of all that violence. Put some smiles on our faces and hope in our minds. Thank you


Fredia you are just as guilty of not speaking up about Unit as he is, you are letting him get away with murders.


Few mins of Yigit after a time❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️☹️😏😏😏😏☹️☹️


It's a stressing episode and it makes me feel nervous🥴🥴. I just calm when it's Narin and Kemal scenes already ❤️❤️😇


Well emir plan was useless to b in jail...leaving umit free nd leaving his family alone ..plan was not gud. That faride hides things from emir about hikmat murder is also a blunder..they can easily find last entry of umit in hikmat rooms at hspital thru cctv camera ...but y this faride didn't tell this to Emir...nd Emir decision to b in jail was totally wrong..


من فضلكم ترجمه الجزء الثالث لانه مهم ويوجد به احداث كثيره حتى ولو ترجمه مثل الافلام الاجنبيه


Good grief, the level of evil and violence in this show is now beyond anything I've seen before.


The drama lost its balance of the volume between elation and sorrow at a point, and not been reinstated yet.... Ufff..


Sheesh !!! Now that Hikmet is gone. All knives are out. Everyone is gunning for Tarhun family and fortune. No rest for our heroes ⚔️😱😱😱


Salem أول مرة نعلق مع اني من المتتبعين الأوفياء للمسلسل انا من النتس الي صعيب نتعلق بمسلسل ونتبعه عندي سنوات ماشفت مسلسل لكن هذا عجبني يااااسر قصة قريبة من واقعنا بمنظور ديني وأخلاقي محاكي لحياتنا الواقعية .اول شيء جذبني ليه عنوانه القسم بحيث يبين المسلسل مدى أهمية القسم والوعد في حياتنا من جانب ارتباطنا بالله عزوجل من جهة ومن جانب اخر ارتباطنا بالبشر ياريت الناس يعطو اهمية للمسلسل من هذه الناحية هدف المسلسل هو هذا حرص الإنسان على الوفاء بالعهد والوعد لأنه سبب مهم في توطيد العلاقات الطيبة بين الناس .ارجو ان صاحب المسلسل يبقى على عهده في المسلسل ويكمل قصته على النحو الذي ابتداء به .طلب صغير من صاحب القناة أتمنى ان تقدم شكري الخالص لصاحب قصة هذا المسلسل وكل المساهمين في انجاحه حقا امتعتموني شكرا جزيلا كذلك للمثلين كل واحد قام بدوره على أكمل وجه. ارجو إيصال رسالتي لصاحب القصة المسلسل. خديجة من الجزائر


Well writer just wanted to ruin actors hardwork.. actually in this show only actors are the reason for what v r watching drama ..otherwise there is nothing in story nd direction.... totally unreal nd smtime i feel they are just passing their time director nd writer. Lile they don't want to see this show growth...that y even on youtube they didn't put subtitles for their scene like they do for Emanat


Some people say Ferides character is turning into Reyhan but they’re wrong. Complete opposite. They both can be quiet but Ferides quietness is bringing trouble and people are getting hurt and killed. She has been quiet about Songul ever since she entered the mansion. And look what’s happening now and she’s still quiet. She’s even still quiet about Umit killing Hikmet. What now? Is she going to be quiet about Umit sending someone to stab Emir?Reyhan quietness in some cases never hurt anyone. Reyhan thought about others before herself unlike Feride. Reyhan character brought peace and happiness. The only good thing Feride did so far was bring Yigit and Emir together that’s it. Feride should’ve left when her brother died since her only reason she came was to get money from Cavidan for her brother.


Melocotón: Gracias, eres un éxito! Bendiciones para ti y tu familia... desde San Juan, Puerto isla del encanto! Yo creo que tú también eres de aquí; si no te adoptamos!!!🤣
