Dan Wootton reacts to Sajid Javid calling for 'radical reform' of the 'unsustainable' NHS

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'If our political leaders continue with a conspiracy of silence about the fundamental issues confronting the NHS, then the entire system is going to collapse.'

Dan Wootton reacts to Sajid Javid calling for "radical reform" of the "unsustainable" NHS.

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But asylum seekers and tourist patients will no doubt avoid paying.


But i do pay…..£480 per month in NI contributions….so i expect to see a GP when I need to…..thank you please!


Better still let's not charge Brits let's charge foreigners migrant or not and anyone who hasn't paid in to the system


I am getting so fed up with every news channel blaming pensioners living longer and causing problems in the NHS. I am now in my seventies and in the whole of my life I have visited hospitals twice for a day operation but still paid my national insurance. No one ever mentions the crisis could also be down to health tourist's flying here and paying nothing. I read a story of a man with a serious heart problem coming here from Africa. He was taken to hospital on arrival, head major heart surgery which left him in intensive care for 3 month's. Once he recovered he flew straight home again leaving a bill of thousand's which we had to pay for. How many others have done the same. I am all for helping to pay for treatment but will we have to pay the assylem seekers bill too, if so then this is totally unfair.😔


So I've paid into the system all my working life, so now I've retired I've got to pay to see a GP. I don't get this whenever I call to my surgery for bloodtests or prescription the car park is always empty, wasn't at all like this before lock down and now you can't get dental treatment unless you pay privately- disgraceful this government has ruined our country.


Like the travel insurance we have to pay when going to another country even as a holidaymaker


No we must have free appointments. It's a first step to privatisation.


It costs between €50 - 60 to see a GP in Ireland. It's only a matter of time before it becomes law and GP's will be twiddling their thumbs through lack of patients.


We need to remove the GP contracts! Most of them are running their surgeries like a private healthcare business free to work as they please and reaping huge rewards. They need to be salaried working in NHS owned premises.
It's an absolute scandal!


Paying to see a doctor will only punish the people in the middle, not the rich or so called poor.


It's funny how the rich answer problems like this by saying "pay, pay, pay." I've done that all my working life.


The NHS was invented for the poor not for everyone rich people including all mps of all parties should go private or should have to pay the NHS operations


Why should we pay to use our own universal healthcare system???


The UK PM and Health Minister should really visit Australia and NZ to see what measures can be adopted back in the UK. Here in NZ we have been paying for GP visits for the last 30 years. Gp's get rebates back for the lowering of fees. Children under 15 are generally free depending on the GP or medical centre. Prescriptions are generally $5 per script.


Its true it does need a major over haul. Waste of money managers can go for one. Unnecessary waste of DR/Nurses times should be charged. NOT turning up for appts unless there is a VALID reason should be charged. Paying LOCUM wages a NONO! All should be made to have a health check at certain ages and if people are just abusing themselves without any thought to the consequences! They should pay. AND much more besides!


Personally I think it has to be free at the point of use, i.e. you are taxed on wealth, not on how ill you are. From my parents' experience missed appointments have been caused by the NHS sending a piece of paper in an envelope with an appointment time and assuming the patient will attend. Once they were on holiday and once it was delayed by postal strikes. Never was it because they were unreliable.


When I was in New Zealand, we had to pay $5 every time we saw a doctor unless you’re unemployed. I thought that was fair enough. It stopped people running to the doctor every time they got a cold in the nose begging for antibiotics.


Years ago it used to cost half a crown to see a doctor, I wouldn't mind paying 5 bob.


Paying wont create more drs and nurses. Is it just tax payers that pay or everybody. Theres enough money inbthe nhs its just badly spent. Tories want it privatised this is next step


Pay to see a GP but our NI tax will keep going up. How’s about just scrap our NI and let people use that money for private healthcare!
