Building custom Laravel Nova filter & card for public - Building Onramp, Matt Stauffer Livestream

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Follow along with my Livestream as we make custom Nova filters and cards to support non-admin users suggesting resources.

In this episode, we:
- Built out more access tests for suggested resources
- Updated suggested resource policy to allow non-admins to view in Nova, and to edit their own
- Added a custom filter to only show my suggested resources
- Realized we were going to be building a card not a tool
- Built a card for Suggested Resource Shortcuts and placed it on the dashboard for public users


🛣 What are these streams?
Coding, out loud, together. We're building real applications, live, in real time. I can't promise that NO code will happen on these projects between streams, but everything you see on these streams is really what it's like to write web applications, primarily in Laravel and Vue/React.

🛣 What is Onramp to Laravel?

🛣 Who is Matt Stauffer?

🛣 Follow along

Рекомендации по теме

How to get select category and subcategory in nova laravel using resource
