Squash tips: Nick Matthew on how to move efficiently around the squash court
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SquashSkills was launched in 2012 by Former World number 1 Peter Nicol and co-founder Jethro Binns. Our goal is to give everyone access to high level squash coaching in an effort to help them become the best player they can be.
When we launched we were very player focused, but as time went on we felt that we also had the opportunity to build a platform that could help coaches expand their knowledge and bring variety to their training.
Coaches can now create and schedule their players training sessions, set drills and tests, and track progress and improvement.
The new website is packed full of tools for both coaches and players, guaranteed to improve your understanding of the game.
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Squash tips: Nick Matthew Spacing
Squash tips: Nick Matthew on how to move efficiently around the squash court
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