How Tyson Captured All The Pork You Eat (And Made Billions)

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Iowa has lost 90% of its family farms in the past 40 years — 40,000 total farms, gone.

But hog industry profits have tripled.

All that profit just goes to 3 companies that now dominate every aspect of the pork industry.

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I’m putting my proactive $$$’s towards the real farmers. Thanks for exposing this corporate scam.


How corruption destroyed literally everything in America...


I'm not from the US or even a farmer, I'm a railway electrician from the UK, but this makes my blood boil. Farmers are getting treated like 💩 all over the world. One of my coworkers is a farmer. He used to be a full-time farmer, but him and his brother now have to work rail and construction alternatively so they can keep the family farm going. These people are some of the hardest working salt of the earth people around, and they are constantly getting screwed every which way. Let's all start supporting our local producers by boycotting these corporate pieces of 💩. Let's make it an international movement 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧🇺🇸.


Are any other hardworking Americans sick and tired of every industry in America being monopolized?


"Efficiency" is just a term for throwing people out of work. In the '70's, we had enough efficiency in the US economy to support everybody at a decent quality of life. The gains since then have gone primarily to the owner class and things have actually declined, in real terms, for workers.


I can explain what's going on very simply. My father was the second in charge of the 11 western states for the government back in the 60's and 70's for meat and poultry. What was happening was that small meat producers could sell their local produced meats for cheaper than the large companies. That's due to the small farmer not having the same transportation costs as these bigger companies. Not to mention a higher quality of meats. These big companies went to Washington DC and got the government to do their dirty work for them by increasing the rules concerning the manufacture of meat products. All these new rules were very costly to incur and most any small farmer couldn't possibly afford them. Thus, they went out of business. Leaving no competition to the large companies. This is not unlike the large oil companies that also went to D.C. and got the EPA to come down on all the independent gas station owners with new costly burdens which resulted in them also going out of business. In the case of the station owners the EPA forced them to change out the gas tanks that held the fuel at the station. At about 500k a tank they couldn't afford to do it. This has been happening in all sectors of our economy for 50 plus years.


Tyson closed a local processing plant. Left all their chicken farmers to deal with their mortgages to pay. The mortgages Tysons wanted them to take out….


Tyson will get exclusive contracts with hundreds of farmers and then shut them down and leave town. They also like to shut down plants for no good reason except to reopen a plant to hire much cheaper


Millions of people are boycotting Tyson but most of us dont know how many brands are under Tyson


over a hundred countries refuse to import US pork because of safety and quality issues. let that sink in


It's amazing how many problems can be traced back to a billionaire.
I'm starting to think billionaires don't have society's best interest at heart.


Im from Arkansas i remember doing a report on Tyson in school in the 90s (there were only or mostly chicken then) they've been shady forever man. Ive raised pigs from the 80s to like 2013 14 and i stopped eating pork in 2005. If you're able to homestead/farm please do it. A few chickens, ducks, geese, guineas, hogs, goats etc and a pond for fish/waterfoul will save you lots of money and you'll be much healthier 💯🫡


Small, family farms protect biodiversity … corporate farms destroy biodiversity … that should be the impetus for the government to support sustainable farming… but greed makes them support corporate farming !!


The same thing happened in the UK. Corporations own it all. They squeeze the farmers at one end and the consumer at the other. If pollution standards were enforced the lobbyists would go to the politicians to get welfare while the ordinary taxpayer foots the bill and struggles to get by.


Europe where I live might be just as bad I honestly don't know, but after watching a few Documentaries on Americas food industry is absolutely terrifying.


I'd argue that corporate consolidation has put profit above all else, not efficiency. Efficiency is another tool they can use to drive profits.


Grew up on a small farm in ND with a variety of animals. Nothing can compare with the cuteness of a little pink pig! ❤


I have recently moved from Hawaii to Iowa, and live just outside of town we're there is a tysons plant. Thinks makes me remember when I first came to check out the area before moving two years ago that the tyson town had a problem with the carp fish dying in its lake. They said on the news that it was from herpes. So know after watching this. I know now to never fish in the lake in that town. You have a new subscriber. Thanks for your well put together video.


I am a farmer. I grew Up on a farm. It was a way of life for me and my family. It Was tough but I would not have it any other way and I think it is very wrong to monopolize agriculture and Rob people of their livelihood and way of living.


Pigs are so intelligent they make good pets
