Cultivating Courage in the Face of Fear | Allen Jackson Ministries

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Allen Jackson Ministries is the media ministry of World Outreach Church, an inter-denominational congregation located near Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen Jackson has served as senior pastor of the church since 1989, and his biblical messages are broadcast to millions of people each day through radio, television, and the internet.

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My faith is being tested. The devil is busy always seeking to devour and destroy. But I will continue to trust in God. I get put down and harassed by fellow christians for sharing my testimony. I only share for prayers and encouragement. Please pray for me. Since covid I fell on a terrible hardship, like many others. I lost my job for declining the vaccine. I declined due to my health conditions. I suffer from lupus, and heart disease. I’m now waitressing but not making nearly enough to get by. I’m a single mom, my husband is with God. My children are autistic and non verbal, I’m overwhelmed because they demand so much from me. I recently started homeschooling them because they were having so many issues in school. I’m tired of struggling every month. I’m striving to afford the tools I need to homeschool my children but I’m falling short. But I trust in you Jesus even as I struggle providing groceries for my family I’m ashamed. I feel like a failure. Jesus hear my prayers. Prayers are all I need. Thank you Lord! I know you will provide! Faith over fear!


Great, as usual... and Bible based, as always...

The statement about being around people who "...will diminish you..." is so good


Explain how I know you are talking about us. How I know you know Michael. I don't know .I just kniw. I can't explain it . social anxiety disorder is real and know you're shunning canada when you say border to border. I Want my fiancé back. You brainwashed him into leaving me and being with Heidi southwick .
