C++ Shellcode Injection Tutorial Part 1: Project Setup

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Making the GH Injector required a solid shellcoding library, I will be showing you how to create one today. This is a 5 part series, we'll release 1 video per day so stay tuned.

In this tutorial you will learn about shellcode injection using C++. C++ is a robust and low level language allowing this guide to shellcoding the ability to teach people basic to advanced concepts in shell code.

What is shellcode?

Shellcode is a piece of code written in assembly language, which is your computers way of outputting and inputting instructions via CPU and memory. This code is written to a target process. Many elite, game, nation state, and blackhat hackers use shellcode injection to infect their targets computers to carry out sophisticated hacks.

In this guide to shellcoding you will learn the techniques used by elite hackers. This shellcode tutorial will teach you how to use Visual Studio with C++ to manipulate the Windows API with functions like GetProcAddress(), ReadProcessMemory(), and CreateToolhelp32Snapshot().

When attacking Windows systems the Windows API is a key factor in getting in to the low level system. Having shellcode explained via the Windows API will allow you to take these same techniques to develop your uniquely curated shellcode for your needs and purposes. This shell code tutuorial will walk you through the basics and building upon those basic principles help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to excel.

In this C++ shellcode injection tutorial you will learn:

. Key Windows API functions used by elite hackers for shellcode injection.
. How to get your shell code into a target.
. Advanced C++ shellcode injection techniques.

This shellcode tutorial is part one in a five part series where you will have shellcode explained in an in-depth and competent structure allowing you to develop your own shell code and increase your coding and hacking skills. Guided Hacking hopes you enjoy this guide to shellcoding and that after finishing this shell code tutorial you can go on to developing more advanced shellcode techniques.

We'll be showing you how to get your shell code into a target which will then in turn load your DLL.


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