Making the most blue natural pigment out of lapis lazuli into handmade watercolor paint

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Fra Angelico Blue. The commercial name for the purest form of natural PB29, Lapis Lazuli.

Lapis Lazuli is a mineral that consists mostly out of Lazurite, Calcite, Sodalite and Pyrite. To get the blue out of this mineral (coming from Lazurite) one needs to purify it.

This video shows the entire process of what makes this the most artisanal paint I've ever made. I already make my own binder since day one, and I print my own pans with recycled PLA.. but I've never ground and purified a pigment before for my handmade watercolor paints.

I've done this the Ceninni way.

Cennino Cennini was an Italian medieval artist. He was the first to record, in a very detailed way, all the artisanal and artistic skills and methods from that time. A books named Il Libro dell'Arte. He wasn't the one who invented purifying Lapis in such manner, but he did give us a step by step guide to follow.

So I bought the book and followed his steps with the materials we now have, though I needed some things I didn't have yet; bees wax, pine rosin, gum mastic, potash and most importantly, a big chuck of Lapis Lazuli.

First I needed to smash and grind the Lapis mineral into a fine powder. As you can see in the video, this took some steps and quite some work to get me enough of it.

Once I had the powder (this isn't pigment yet) I weighed and melted the ingredients. Once melted I mixed the hot liquid with the Lapis powder, forming a paste. After cooling down a bit, I kneaded and rolled this paste into a stick.

If all the lapis powder was thoroughly mixed throughout the stick, the purifying process could begin. You need to let the stick soften again in hot water mixed with potash. In that water, I slowly started to knead, stretch and fold the stick. The longer I kept doing that, the more blue the water became.

This is what it's all about, once the blue water settled, the residue at the bottom of the bowl is the blue gold I was after!

Draining it carefully and pouring it into jars, I let it settle for a longer time. Making sure I didn't lose any of the precious blue dust I would need to make paint. After pouring this through a filter, I let the filter dry.

I scraped off the pigment, mulling it carefully with water. This is to make sure the particles aren't mulled too fine. The finer the pigment, the less blue it will be.

The one thing that was left to do after this, was to mix it with my binder (Gum Arabic, Honey and Glycerine in water) and pour it into pans.

I hoped you liked seeing this process from start to finish, with all the things that come with making handmade watercolors!

Because of the labor, I won't be making this very often. But I did enjoy the process, following steps that were written down hundreds of years ago.

The pigment you see in the video isn't the only Fra Angelico Blue I have, but I don't have a lot.
These will be open for pre-order soon. Though they will be pricey..

#handmadewatercolors #ultramarine #handmadepaint #makingcolors #cennini #watercolor #lazurite #medieval #lapislazuli #blue #pb29 #artisan #granulatingwatercolor #mineral #pigment
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You made amazing and impressive Lapis Lazuli watercolor. I own Daniel Smith and DaVinci watercolors and also bought 10g dry powder from natural pigments, and can say that all of them were overpriced gray disappointments. Now I know that they did not purify the pigment extracting only the finest blue particles the way you did, and that is the reason their color is dull and gray blue. Your final watercolor is really stunning vibrant blue as lapis lazuli should be. Thank you so much for creating this video and sharing. Have a fantastic day.


I was wondering how they seperated the lesser quality pigment and inclusions in the lapis from the good stuff but never imagined making it inti a stick and then washing the finer, more saturater particles out. It's so clever! People from the past havr always been smarter than history remembers to credit them for.


Thanks for this amazing video. I wondered why Della Magna sells their Fra Angelico watercolor for over $100 per full pan. I also found a pigment seller online that has pre-ground (40 micron) Fra Angelico blue pigment made using the Cennini method. They sell it for not less than $14/gram (if you buy a 50 or 100 gram batch). Now it makes sense! That is a painstaking process, and clearly a labor of love. You Dutchies have a deep, rich history of paint making. Ik studeer nu ongeveer een jaar Nederlands en wil graag ooit naar Nederland verhuizen. I look forward to your Etsy store reopening, Laurens!


What a wonderful watercolour! Thank you for making this video.My homemade lapis was not as bright as yours, and now I understand why


This just goes to show the effort that ancient people had to go through to get the stunning art pieces we see in the museum today.
Paint making is a craftmanship that can take years to learn and master, not something anyone can just do. Lapis for require much more work than just smashing rocks with hammer. It requires hours or even days of grinding and even then, you have to select the finest of finest grains through special method. You can't just put the thing in oil because as you've experienced, you will just get wet blue sand. Then you also need the skill to add correct additives like oil and thickener to get the right tone and consistency. You want a paint not just blue colored water after all.


I’m in aww… such a difficult but beautiful! Thank you!!


How come I missed this video?!
Oh Oh.... I can testify: this Fra Angelico is as angelic as it looks. I baught a dot pan that was filled to the brim and color was blue as the robe of the Virgin Mary ( for which the color often was used in the paintings). It's not a paint I use on daily base but it's.... yummy beautiful.
Great to see this proces lined up in one video, Laurens.


wow what a lot of work! worth it for that gorgeous color!


Thank you for showing the process of grinding the gemstone.


thank you so much for this! I've been looking everywhere to find for base instructions on how to do this myself!


I have the book that this recipe is from, and over the years, I've been collecting a small batch of lapis lazuli, whenever I'm able to get some. I still wanted to get a bit more, and then get whatever other materials I need (the wax/resin to make them into sticks), and then I'm going to give it a try. I study and re-create medieval illuminations, and I've made lamp black and egg shell white before from scratch, and I have some pre-made powdered pigments that I've made into paint as well, but making Ultramarine, even if it's not the best quality for the first time making it, is kind of my big project that I want to do, once I get everything I need for it.


Wow this was labor intensive. Very interesting, thanks!


4:44 "binder" is too vague. what is that?
I was expecting yolk and white wine :-)


Was lapis lazuli color mixed in Pepsi blue soda?


Can you please share the proportions of your rewetting binder ingredient list? Would love to try. Thank you


I loved the video. But I have a question, is it suitable for painting on plaster?


Hi, stupid question from a paint-making newbie. Why's the lapis lazuli pigment extraction has to be done with the "stick and wash" method? (I don't know the proper name, my bad) Any particular reason why? Is it possible to use the "dilute the mineral grounds and pick the pigmented water then letting it dry" method? (like extracting other mineral pigments) Or is it not? Pardon the stupid question. Thank you, I love your videos!


Why do you add potash to the water when extracting the pigment from the wax? Is it safe on the hands?


Can you give a "guess-estimate" on how long the whole process takes ? It seems to take a lot of time and man-hours...


I got a question, why not have the binder be gum and oil ?

I would very much like to do this but my use would be for quill ink
