DBMS vs RDBMS | Differences Explained in 10 mins | Database Management Systems | Great Learning

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Learn about one of the most asked concepts in the SQL domain, DBMS vs RDBMS, explained in 10 minutes! Database Management System uses the file system to store and manage data and is also responsible for creating, modifying, and controlling the database. However, Relational Database Management System is a much advanced and sophisticated version of DBMS and uses tables to store and manage data. More often than not, many come to find themselves struggling to differentiate between the two components, and that’s exactly what we discuss in today’s video.
Great Learning brings you this video on “DBMS vs RDBMS, explained in 10 mins!” In these 10 minutes, we plan to give a concise and brief understanding of DBMS vs RDBMS and how the two differ from each other. The video discusses DBMS and RDBMS individually to help you understand how they are two different concepts and gives you a glimpse of their characteristics and applications. We also discuss their support for normalization and distributed databases.
00:00 Introduction
02:00 What are DBMS and RDBMS?
03:13 What are functions?
03:34 DBMS vs RDBMS
03:45 Data storage
04:47 Support for normalization
05:47 Data integrity
07:13 Application
08:14 Support for distributed databases
09:19 Summary
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