Age of Mythology Retold: Screenshots, No China, Repeatable God Powers, Esports Growth & More

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Super hyped from what was shown! Love the direction of the art style.

Reusable god powers are nice in theory but would need a massive balance change. Something like shockwave having a cooldown would be fine but the earthquakes, plenty vaults, flaming weapons etc would be crazy


Reusable god powers is imo a good change. I wonder if they will include a "classic mode" as well.

Regarding the release date, I guess they'll aim for October/November 2024 considering that in the past years all major AoE releases were during that window.


My reaction on artstyle of thumbnail was quite positive, only deity I was a bit surprised was Gaia (at least I'm assuming it’s her) - they went from human look to treant-like look. Not that I would mind, both variants are fine with me, just a bit surprised.
Also, if god-powers will be now rechargable, I do think each use should cost favor as well (for example 25 for A1 powers, 50 for A2, 75 for A3 and full 100 for A4 like meteors or implosion).


Looks awesome!! The norse screenshot was hype


I'm not sure how much attention you pay to the AoE2 and AoE4 scenes, but I don't think much of this was surprising, except perhaps the lack of China. Both of those games were ported to Xbox last year and apparently were quite successful, so the upcoming game also being on console is pretty well expected. The increased focus on esports is also something that has been incredibly helpful in the older games, with competitions like T90's Hidden Cup (the 5th iteration of which starts _this weekend_ ) and Red Bull Wololo (which was also teased in the announcement) being a big draw for getting new people into Age of Empires, even if those new people end up being casual players.


They showed next to nothing, but the AoM community is used to nothing, so we'd take anything I guess. I like the graphics and that they introduced a new game mode. I think that the new game mode, along with custom scenarios made by fans in an improved engine with modern graphics will attract a big audience of people. My biggest hope is that the game plays good and will have a healthy stable matchmaking system.


Aw damn, I am super hyped but going back to just 4 civs feels like a bit of a downgrade.

I hope they go the AOE4 route and add more civs in later updates/dlcs. Chinese were badly implemented but a super interesting civ.

Also Aztecs, Celts and Slavs would be really cool


I don't know why people were expecting some gameplay or a new trailer when they explicitly said they were showing just some myth units


The most important part of the game for me was the editor, with friends we had several projects and built a Community around scenarios. The death of the game was only the servers that made the game so unstable and our scenarios were unable to run without constant lags. I wish they did not mess too much with the game core mechanics and balances and simply allowed for a stable environment


Thanks for bringing up how different the art style is, I'm (overly) fixated on that :/


Loving the art style, though I’ll need to see things in game to really judge. Can’t really comment on reusable god powers since I haven’t played competitively, but I like the idea behind it.

Pretty interested in if/how they’ll change campaigns, and how that’ll affect the speedruns lmao. No more easy loki’s temples.


i already posted my thoughts and feelings so i won't copy past them again (didn't know you would make a separate video). i just wanted to point out that around 2:28 yes, thats the wadjet on the left with the colourful wings. honestly its way better and more accurate design. there is even a mod who gives the wadjet feathered wings and thats cause it seems wadjet means something like feathered snake or something. and i tink it makes the unit way more interesting and kind of pretty. i personally always thought even as a kid that the wadjet is one of the weakest and least interesting units but with the new design i already changed my mind at least visually! now i hope it will have a cooler attack and maybe special. (still wonder why there is a scorpian man - even it always was and is badass - and why the hydra gains heads instead of lose and regrow them or something - even it was my fav myth unit as a kid but maybe the will make there changes too the next months cause the consistency of the design is a bit "strange". like some myth units get super attentiona and kind of a brand new look and others even visually obviously upgraded, stay pretty much the same from what i saw in the screenshots. i also think the community sometimes isn't consistent aswell cause sometimes they say "thats not lorefriendly!" but then we have e.g. scorpionman a cool, but made up unit. but here they either don't talk about it or say "thats how it always was". ... like they are nitpicky in a few things but for the rest they don't care enough. i mean i have my main emphasises too, but this all feels so random at times. ... really had a discussion with a guy that said "you can't put jormungandr into the game!" and i responded "sure you can, we have units like leviathan!" and then they don't really know what to say anymore. ... also not a fan of all the "spawn" argument like "this unit is too big thats why we make it way smaller and call it a spawn or something" - why? there are other units which are no spawn or something, big and still in the game. again: no consistency. thats what bothers me by far the most over the past two decades.


2:08 My guy. That Javelin Hero is from the campaign...


I am a weirdo who think the Chinese not being in is a good thing, not only do they need a complete rework, but I think they also need other civilizations near them, I know technically there is way to travel in the setting with the Sky Passage or going through the Underworld, but I think it would be more impact full if their campaign had you against other mythologies like Japanese, Hindu.
Heck, considering the setting, you could have them fighting Aztecs/Incas on the continent of Mu since that's the Pacific ocean version of Atlantis


Titans should be so powerful that they will be offen used in multiplayer.


Man... I hope that my GTX 1650 and i5 10400f can withstand this game


Completely understandable that they're leaving the China DLC out, but I definitely would have preferred it had they instead chosen to improve it.


I absolutely hate Isis' hands up in the air like she's palpatine using force lightning. who does she think she is... zeus?


This is great. I am sad only that every other RTS giant is getting love except for War3. I wonder what these guys would have done with War3 if given a chance.


God power cooldowns sounds great overall, just as long as we take care to rein in a couple of special cases and keep them from being too obnoxious.

I think individual power cooldowns are likely going to be tweaked a few times in balance patches in the beta and post-launch. Yuen is right - the anticipation of knowing an important cooldown is about to run out does catch spectators' attention. I wouldn't be surprised if, say, Ceasefire has a downtime delay where the same power cannot be cast again - at least by the same team. Or maybe Ceasefire's cooldown is paused while another Ceasefire is still active to reduce the uptime.

I am interested to see, in the case of the summons (Nidhogg, Son of Osiris), will the game allow you to own more than one at the same time? I can imagine Atlanteans developing a fairly strong turtling game as they can stack up spider lairs on their main base over time, or Hades putting Sentinels on multiple town centres.

Earthquake and its ilk are already pretty devastating and can be potentially game-ending from just one cast. But if you cast it and it does nothing, that can be a pretty big FeelsBad for the user. Getting another shot at it, say, 10-12 minutes later is probably fair game in my book. It's not spammable, you can still be punished in its downtime, it's still important to use it wisely. Multiple rounds of Ragnarok probably wouldn't actually be that big a deal. You're already sacrificing your entire economy to use it, going way over your pop cap, and if you haven't won the game off the back of that you're in huge trouble and probably going to lose before it comes off cooldown to try again.

Certainly the god powers that were much weaker in the base game (Forest Fire, Undermine, Carnivora, etc.) can afford to have fairly low cooldowns.
