Debate Prep for Trump on Climate: The Climate Realism Show #126

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Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will have their first and probably only debate on Tuesday. Climate is likely to come up as a debate topic, after not being emphasized for a while. How should Trump handle this topic? We have some tips for him to win “bigly” on climate and energy policy.

On The Heartland Institute’s Episode #126 of The Climate Realism Show, H. Sterling Burnett, Anthony Watts, Linnea Lueken, and Jim Lakely will also review the “Crazy Climate News of the Week,” including the idea that logging forests would make wildfires worse, climate change causing bridges to “fall apart like Tinkertoys, and NOAA being called out for pushing a false climate alarmist narrative.

Join us LIVE on YouTube, Rumble, and X at 1 p.m. ET on Friday, Sept. 6 and participate in the chat. We’ll try to answer as many questions as we can.
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Thank you so much for creating this show; I watch it every week!


The wild fires in Eastern Australia in 2018 were also mostly in costal national parks that had stopped clearing the dead wood and dry leaves and using fire breaks, something most commercial inland farmers use.
Are the same 'experts' also worried about the number of trees being cleared in Scotland and Australia to build wind farms?

And has anyone checked if the bridge infrastructure is due to heavier electric vehicles? Or are there too few on US roads for this to matter, yet.


Here in bc, Canada we have huge fires that happen around every 100 years, it's because of the pine species which only have a shorter life span . Been happening ever since pine species evolved.


A lot of sensible information and facts unfortunately lots of people are like sheep and follow the doom and gloom scare mongers, well done to you all.
South Australia


The covered bridge that collapsed in Maine though, that was "climate change", cause an Electric Pick Up truck fell through ;-)


"What climate crisis?", is all he need ls to say.
He might like to add something like thank God we have fossil fuels to help us out when bad weather strikes.


Clear the dead wood allow the light in give the saplings chance to grow.


The simple fact is the models used by the IPCC are only able to function with data from 1976 onward. They cannot be used to explain the record temperatures of the early 20th century nor can they be used to explain the Little Ice Age nor the Medieval Warm Period as the carbon dioxide levels during all those were virtually unchanging. When I look at the evidence it is clear that carbon dioxide was declared a pollutant not to "save the planet" but to provide a reason for politicians to increase taxes on fossil fuels with the consumer class paying the costs. The problem is it's gone out of control and now threatens to bankrupt western civilization.


co2 follows temperature, not the other way round. Sometimes by as much as 800 years


Climates on planets change only due to changes in total solar irradiation, geophysical and especially astronomical influences and not the mixture of the gases or if little puny human animals live there or not!!!


Electric powered vehicles especially big trucks the increase in weight because of the battery will require our bridges and roads will have to be designed to withstand the heavy loads


There are major science facts left out of the climate discussion.

If you do the simple math, CO2 only has one in a million contribution. (100 ppm X 1%)
But that only works at the thin boundary layer or surface of the earth because
The climate temperature drops 3.5 degrees per thousand feet, so all the 1% GHGs above the surface is colder.
So the cold air above can not heat the earth.
This thin layer of microscopic Co2 gas cannot move the temperature of the 99% that actually controls our temperatures.

Geothermal energy in the top soil and oceans are the 99% control of our temperatures.
Geothermal energy is the heat pump, that both cools in the summer, and warms in the winter.
Geothermal energy is the negative feedback, that keeps our world in balance.
The Borehole data shows how this works.
Our climate is not out of control.
Geothermal energy moderates our environment.
CO2 has no measurable contribution.
Co2's effect is already net zero.
They have the process backwards.
They have left out the major term in their version of the fairy tale climate hoax.
All of their climate speculations fail.


As I'm sure you know, the IPCC clearly states in AR6 that "there is no climate crisis". But pollies know better, apparently.


Because the average lifespan of most wildlife is less than 50 years, nearly every animal that was alive in 1970 has died by now. How to lie with statistics page 3. 37:50


Does anyone know where the claim that the greenhouse effect accounts for 33K of our surface temperature originates?


China's allocated flood and other hydrological damage increases year over year.


A claim reported by ITN News Service in the UK says that temperatures on the island of Svalbard ( Norway) have risen 8 degrees in the last 50 years. Saw the report on You Tube.


What happened to this weeks show? I always look forward to watching it.


Bridge collapse is caused by the MothMan! Linnea for President!


Anthony Watts: "we don't know the actual impact of CO2 on temperature"
Also Anthony Watts: "without CO2 the global temperature would be exactly x degrees"
