Using Data To Find The Best Valorant Player In The World

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In this video we calculate some more meaningful metrics which tell us much more about the impact of a player compared to K/D, rating, or KDA to help us end the debate once and for all on who the best Valorant player was in 2023.

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Jingg also received #1 player in APAC award this year itself, its sad to know he wont play in 2024(i literally copy paste his playstyle, res etc)


It is kinda sad, that Jingg can't play in 2024😢😢


I think Jinggg is also the most entertaining player to watch. He is the craziest player I've ever seen and it looks so fun to watch. I think no one can copy his playstyle


The entirety of PRX (especially Jinggg and F0rsaken tho) is so god damn good!


you shouldve done a stat of how much their deaths "decrease" their winrate with the same matric and subtracted it with the impact to show real impact. someone can get a lot of winning kills for their team but also a lot of losing deaths. for example if your team is up 5v4 and you die you make the round 20% more winnable for the other team, because you lose the advantage for your team and go from 70% chance to win to 50%.


it is really cool that aspas not being that important if doing bad or good reflexes on Loud's playstyle. Aspas goes first, he usually gets all the important kills, but if he doesn't, the other players can get the job done (also bc he is traded a lot)


jinggg was crazy in his individual performance, but like you said, teamwork is so important, and EG had such a stronger teamwork-based style of gameplay that unfortunately PRX just never stood a chance


Already missing Jinggg for this year :(


Can we take a moment to appreciate platoons incrdible effort to make this video, he litterally examined every single aspect and took carefull consideration of each and every detail. I just wanted to say thank you and keep up the Amazing work!


The last statistic was really interesting but i would've loved if you also did it the other way around and saw how much they decreased their chance of winning. Then added the two numbers together. Idk if u understood this cause im not good at explaining things:)


I'm only half way through the video and this already the best Valorant video I have ever watched. Could you imagine if these stats were tracked for everyone during every ranked match. Would be so helpful. Thanks for this video, seemed very difficult to make.


wow my man back up his answer with data and statistic like a scientist. nice work!


hats off to you bro thats some heavy analysis and talks volumes about the hours you put in. You have me hooked


Since CNed was this high in 2023 I am really curious on what his stats looked like in 2021, when he actually won Champs.


Even if all this data is public, it’s still extremely interesting to see you compile it all, give your opinion, and see how much I underestimated some players

(Mostly just underestimated Jing)


As a data analyst and an avid fan of Valorant Esports this video made me feel things ❤


A lot of people have commented on considering deaths as impact lost into the last statistic and here are my thoughts on it after thinking for a bit:

It's certainly a great point but the issue is that impact of a kill if traded does not become 0. In fact, many top players have the opinion that an entry who gets the first kill and dies is very valuable, because they took initiative, challenged space, gained info, and then started the chain of trades where your team is much more likely to come out on top. It's true that a kill that isn't traded is "worth more", but how much more? In the end it's better to just treat them all the same and let the statistics balance themselves out instead of applying an artificial value.

What do I mean by balancing itself out? If you think about it, when you live later on into a match, you inherently will have the opportunity for more important kills. For example, if you kill every single player bringing the round from a 5v5 to a 5v0, you only earn 50% impact, but if you clutch a 1v1, you immediately gain 50% impact for winning. The statistic naturally balances out these situations.


Great video. Honestly super agree with the take that "best player" don't mean jack to win trophies.
Although, my bias says Something becoming the most high impactful player next year.... Guy had a few shaky maps during his first LAN event, and I hope he can play to his maximum potential


FNS watch this vid yesterday on twitch (check vods at 43:00). He skipped the stats and watched the conclusion. Picked alfajer, aspas, and Less as the hardest one to kill and the most impactful. He also chose alfa, leo, aspas, Less, demon1 as the best player. But any of the prx player can be on top 5, too.
Thanks for the vid and hard work. I see alot of potential for some of the players. Next year is gonna be more fun!


Feels bad for cNed with how much navi did him dirty. The team single handedly ruined his year.