Abstract Alg, Lec 12A: Fund Thm Cyclic Groups, Groups of Order 1, 2, 3, 4, or prime, Symmetric Gp S4

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(0:00) Lecture plan.
(0:17) For each divisor k of a cyclic group of order n, there is exactly one cyclic subgroup of order k (part of the Fundamental Theorem of Cyclic Groups).
(4:23) Any group of order 1 is cyclic.
(5:12) Any group of order 2 is cyclic.
(7:20) Any group of order 3 is cyclic.
(15:25) A group of order 4 does not have to be cyclic: for example, U(8) is not cyclic (Z4 and U(10) on the other hand, are cyclic).
(19:08) The quality of being isomorphic is an equivalence relation on the collection of all groups.
(25:03) Subgroups of S4 (Symmetric Group on 4 objects, a.k.a. Symmetric Group of Degree 4), by "Type".
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