Top 10 Hardest Jak II Missions

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Jak II is notorious for being a difficult game. But which missions do I find the hardest? Find out here.
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That race through the rings mission had me rage quit countless times as a kid lol


Hard to believe but my brother used to finish the number one on hero mode without any help, he was good as shit with shooting games and it was a piece of cake for him. My brother passed away 3 years ago and this kind of videos make me remind him, thank you! :')


To overcome the Water Slums Seal Piece mission, use Dark Jak's Dark Bomb (if you have it) into the water and you can roam on it safely


I feel like the difficulty made the game extra special and rewarding playing it. Also gave you this feeling as if you were in the game as a kid lol 🥹 such a special game mannn I tell you!


At number 8 you can also escape with the jet board. Just don't fall into the water xD


I can see a ton of the points made in this video, but I have gotten used to play Hero mode more than normal over the years. So it was a lot harder for me to entirely agree with you with certain missions but all and all the choices are very fair. Great video.


"Given that the subject matter is so heavy, even for a fantasy, it is appropriate that one should have to suffer through it. If it were not punishing, it could not be rewarding. If it were too "fair", it would not be mature. There is a reason why the very people whom you save in this Game end up turning on you by the Third Game: that's how Life is. Heroism is a thankless task.

As such, I think we ought to make a critical distinction in between a "fun" Game, targeted at children, and a [G]ood Game marketed for Adults. _Jak II_ taught me that distinction many years ago, and it has aged well to this day because of it. It is a sobering reminder for developers to shut out the complaints and just to give us what we need, not what we want: *a Challenge."* 🤯👍


That turret mission is BIG pain in the neck.


Great list, I got this game when I was 9 years old and it was fun, but I could never get past the race with Errol through the rings. I basically had to set the game aside for a few years until I got better at gaming


this is how I would rank jak 2's hardest missions

10. blow up ammo in fortress
9. protect site in dead town
8. get seal piece at dig
7. blow up strip mine eco wells
6. attack the metal head nest
5. rescue friends in fortress
4. destroy 5 hellcat cruisers
3. get seal piece at water slums
2. destroy ship at drill platform
1. hunt haven forest metal heads

I'm surprised you didn't include the haven forest metal heads mission in this list. It gave me much more trouble than any other mission in the game, and as a kid I probably spent years stuck on that mission. The invisible invisible metal heads scared the hell out of me and I always ended up dead before I could kill all of them


I’m not gonna lie Jak 2 was always my favoritegame ever (now it’s red dead 2) I love all of jak 3s upgrades and light jak(and admittedly some checkpoints😭) but I actually miss the difficulty from jak 2 cuz it was very satisfying to beat a lot of those missions especially as a 6 year old kid it took me quite a while to beat this game 😂😂like for example I think giving a shorter limit
To the dark jak ability annoying but it always made you use it at the right and to make every hit count


Thanks for reminding me why this Game's *PERFECT.*


Tip for the freedom challenge Lurkers: they want to get on the back of your vehicle specifically, so when you are at the low hover zone, swing the car around so that you can have them hop on the back quickly!


10. Never had too much difficulty with this one even as a kid. Generally can get 4 done in under a minute, and clear the mission with around 27 seconds on the clock left
9. Bit trickier, what it really boils down to are just knowing the enemy placements and planning accordingly.
8. Figured out this one as a kid without looking it up. Learned that punching wasn't just an attack, but a movement option
7. similar to 10, I never failed this mission too often. the simple advice is to just pay attention to the radar. when the blue dot is flashing, shoot in that general area as much as possible.
6. make it a habit to swap vehicles frequently. and always fly low. Every one of those the cops will be after you anyway. the least you can do is avoid vehicles crashing into you
5. see first sentence in #6, but yeah this mission is definitely a pain. The biggest reason being way too difficult to refill your ammo, which you NEED, but also because it actually forces you to fly high leading to many KGs crashing into you to destroy your vehicle. I beat this one dying in the final cruiser explosion
4. Fuck. ALL OF THESE. they control like fucking ASS. Is this what vehicle missions feel like for everyone that hates vehicle missions? Unironically if they controlled like the vehicles in the overworld, they wouldn't even be bad.
3. Fun fact this one is hard because of a developer mistake. You were actually supposed to get a checkpoint after the cutscene, but it was never implemented. this one is hard, but I don't think to the same degree as the previous 2.
2. this one is for sure a challenge, but I can mostly handle it due to as stated before, vehicles at least control better in the overworld.
HM1: once again the main difficulty is just running out of ammo
HM2: I maintain this is entirely dictated by luck
HM3: never had a problem with this one
HM4: unironically one of the easiest missions for me.
1. Yep absolutely. Fuck everything about this mission.


You certainly mentioned a couple of the hard missions for me. Some on your list were my favourites. I played this as an adult so my first strategy was to learn the city to get around easily. This made all the escort driving a challenge but not the most difficult. I know that city like the back of my hand. I'm 68 and my Grandson is 10 so I told him I hadn't played this for at least a decade and bet I could do 'get to stadium mission on the first go. His jaw dropped when I did it with 30 seconds to spare. Back to the topic; the very worst and I mean WORST was the Guru who with the falling symbols.


The name of the game in jak 2 is the same as it was in jak Except it's presented in a more mature format. They give you a challenge to master rather than just complete. Jak 2 really did something special with platforming and mechanics that Naughty Dog had already built in their legacy of 3d And they somehow turned it in to an early form of open world and threw jak in to an Orwellian dystopia infused with a scifi war Way to make a more mature game than GTA and get it rated T


This is why I prefer Jak 3. It may have more gimmicky missions, but at least none of them are frustrating and pace breakers like Jak 2’s god awful races.


"All your Jak 2 pain in one video" and it's just the entire playthrough


For the Water Slums mission, if you wanna be a real guy with style, use the hoverboard to escape.
The guards won’t get out of the dropships fast enough and you can escape with style.


"It has an engaging story with great writing..." Oh this is gonna be XD

Number 10: it takes a lot of tries because one of the vents is hidden in the corner of the map where you can't see it. And also because the jetboard just kind of shoots you off a cliff sometimes. Also an example of the extremely tight timers found throughout the rest of the game which force trial and error. (Hey, he talked about most of that. It's like these people actually know the game is bad but they played it as a kid so it can't be bad. Weird.)

Number 9: Any mission where you have to use a gun is going to be fucked because your aim assist is broken, meanwhile the enemies will nail you from across the entire map at random with no way to dodge. Also no checkpoints. (Well, whaddaya know, he actually mentioned all of that.)

Number 8: I don't think I had any problems with this one. Took me 2 actual attempts I think, even while distracted, but I've also had ten years of experience with reading radars so that certainly helps. People trying to do this without proper knowledge of utilizing angles and crowd control would have a tough time. Granted this is one where the lack of checkpoints isn't even a problem. It's a very short mission. (That exploit is hilarious though.)

Number 7: This one will probably take people a lot of tries because they constantly spawn Krimzon Guard out of thin air behind you and close to the kid, so if you're not looking at your radar religiously, the kid's going to get captured. Not only that, but his icon is the same as the cars, so if you take a quick look at your radar, you could mistake him for a car like I did. It's also insta-fail. Again, pretty short mission so the lack of checkpoints isn't that bad. This is also a mission I had to grind up ammo for when I failed I think, because the game doesn't refill your ammo when you fail. Great design. (It's not a bad mission because "escort mission bad" it's a bad mission because the design is horrible.)

Number 6: I think I already spent like 5 minutes talking about this somewhere so I'll just say... yup. (Oof, yeah, the six lurkers man. What a fuckin' shitshow.)

Number 5: they have insane health, they're just as fast as the fastest bike so they're fuckin' impossible to catch up to, there's no aim assist so good luck ever shooting them, especially if you're on uneven terrain, no ammo for the blue gun and the yellow gun does jack shit, and all the usual car bullshit applies. Also don't forget that they blow up in an enormous explosion that always kills your car. Plus this mission had no checkpoints at all. Have fun grinding ammo. Pretty sure this was the only actual mission I nearly rage-quit on. XD (Yep, he pretty much mentioned all of that. It's like they don't have the experience to recognize the difference between "difficulty" and shitty design or something. Strange.)
