12 English expressions with ALL | all talk, all nighter, all out, all along ...

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Learn common British and American English expressions with ALL like all along, all the rage, and know-it-all in this English vocabulary lesson.


Do you want to improve your pronunciation? I have launched my British English (Modern RP) pronunciation course! I’ll train you to read phonetic transcriptions, and produce each sound that comprises modern received pronunciation. I’ll also teach you how to implement the correct use of intonation, stress, rhythm, connected speech, and much more. We’ll compare similar sounds, and look at tricky topics like the glottal stop and the dark L.
Technically, I need to mark this as an AD even though it is my own company so - AD :)

Edited by Connor Hinde
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When I started to be interested in the English language, I didn't know that someday I would go all out in learning it. I literally got into it that I pulled out all the stops in order to start being fluent and advanced. I was about 5 years old when I first heard anyone speaking this language. I've loved it all along. When I was in a primary school, I was always asked by my friends to teach them because I was the only one who wasn't afraid to talk in another language and actually knew what to say and how to say it. Nevertheless, I've never been a know-it-all. Even though I'm at the C1 level now, I discover this language every day. There's always something to learn, something to brush up on. At the time, knowing English and speaking it fluently was all the rage, 'cause there wasn't anyone in my school who was fluent. At least, that's what I noticed by the number of students who became my own ones and what my teachers told me. Why am I writing about it? Well, that's simple. I just wanted to use some of the expressions from the video in order to practise. :D


Expressions with "over"? You're amazing at teaching ♡


Lucy is the best teacher on the world


All in all it's been a good lesson.
You are the be-all and end-all.
I pull an all nighter watching it all along.
Your channel is all the rage.
I am all for you being our teacher
Thanks lucy!!


I am Chinese, I love your videos, I learn a lot from you. Thank you, Lucy! love you!


You is the best Lucy.thank very so much


To be-all and end-all ( perfect in avery way)
To be all for doing something (100% supportive)
From all walks of life ( all level of people)
All along (from the beginning)

All in all ( in general)
To pull an all nighter ( to stay up all night)
A know-it-all ( somebody who believes who knows all)
All the rage ( very popular and fashionable)
To free-for-all (a chaotic situation)
To go all out ( to put someone's energy and enthusiasm in something)
To be all talk (someone who always talks about doing something but never does)
To put out all the stops ( to use all your resources or force)


I think that you are a very good English teacher I listen to you. Actually every day and it helps me a lot of new things I learn


Hi...I'm Imran Khan, from Myanmar.you are such one of the best and prettiest teacher ever I have seen.I subscribed your channel fewdays ago.I am really pleased to have you.I think, I will be able to inprove myself in English correct Accent and to increase my pronounciation as a native speacker.One of my aim is to speak English like a native speaker...I like both of American and British accent so much.Love you too....I want special support from you please.I am eagerly requesting you to give me a special support from you Mam....


I love lucy's all video and i build up my english skill. Thank you very much lucy madam. My favourite english teacher.


This is one among the most brilliant lesson I have ever come across and, obviously, a must for exercising. Thanks Lucy for making this all precious offer.


Hi Lucy,

I just wanted to note that "Pull out all the stops" is a reference to playing the Organ (the musical instrument). The switches on an Organ are called stops. Traditionally on old organs they were buttons that were pulled out to engage a rank of pipes or pushed in to disengage. To pull out all of the stops makes the organ sound very grand because all of the ranks of pipes are playing at the same time.

I suppose that makes me a bit of a know-it-all but oh well. :)




I'm Brazilian I LIKE the class and it's very difficult pronunciation for my. Thank you very much.


I also know a friend who believes that he is a know it all but i always challenge him and i often win.
Thank you Lucy it's been a useful lesson


Lucy you've forgot the most important one that is :
{{ to be all about somthing }}
Exemple :
The pronunciation in English language, it's all about the postion of the tongue and the space made inside the mouth.


Lucy, I am here just because to listen you. Learning is secondary.


learning english with Lucy is more enjoyable. Yup, I rephrased 'English with Lucy' to 'Learning english with Lucy'.


My sister pulls an all nighter sometimes because she has to study for the final exams.
Thank you so much!!!Greetings from Greece!😊😊😊


I love you Lucy you are the best English teacher online ever ❤️


Today at the university teacher showed us one of your videos, that absolutely made that class much better and more interesting! Love your videos and the way you explain every topic, thank you for it💜 Greetings from Russia, Lucy💓💓💓💓💓
