The Key Steps to Becoming a Christian part 6. Theological Issues with Questions

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Lower Earley Baptist Church 2016
6. Theological Issues with Questions

In addressing the subject of being born again, becoming a Christian, and entering the kingdom, David Pawson highlights a less frequently used name for Jesus, “Saviour”, stating, “that is what he came to do. He came to save people”. Specifically, “Jesus saves us from our sins”.

David guides us through the first four steps on the way of salvation from the New Testament: REPENT, BELIEVE, BE BAPTISED and RECEIVE, seeing the involvement of the Trinity in them: REPENT towards God the Father; BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus; BE BAPTISED in water, and RECEIVE the Holy Spirit.

David teaches that repentance (which is ongoing) involves asking forgiveness for specific sins; it also requires proof (being sorry enough to stop). We are being “salvaged” and “made useful to God again” in “a process that takes time”, in the three stages: justification, sanctification, and glorification.

David explores the theological debate regarding salvation, addressing relevant passages in the New Testament. In tackling questions such as “Why isn’t everybody saved?”, “Why doesn’t everybody go through these four steps?”, and “Who is in charge of our salvation?”, he examines the contrasting views of prominent figures in church history — particularly the Protestant Reformers. Offering his personal view, he states that “without grace I cannot be saved” but we have the freedom to either accept or refuse this grace.

Explaining the importance of baptism, both in water and in the Holy Spirit, David covers the infant (baby) baptism debate and argues for adult baptism. He also gives his testimony about how he came to know the Holy Spirit, who gives a believer the gift of assurance about their salvation: “as long as you are walking in the Spirit you will be sure you are going to heaven”. However, in addressing often neglected areas such as Jesus’ teaching on hell he cautions that there are 80 passages in scripture that warn against losing our salvation. “If you depart from that and get off the way of salvation the first thing to go will be your assurance”. As he states: “it is not the faith you start with, it is the faith you finish with that saves you”.

©️David Pawson Ministry CIO 2016
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Play it at 1.25 speed it sounds more like him before the illness. Mighty Man of God


I'll say it again and again... Thank you for uploading
these wonderful lectures, they are filled with positive teaching,
insight and information. We are working our way through the various
studies on the David USB sticks, but via You-tube we can
also share and encourage others around the world. Thank you David and
all at David Thank you brothers and sisters in Jesus.
Hope to see you all at the big banquet at the end of this exciting


I would to God that popular preachers among us, would hear Rev David Pawson on the Biblical Truth of continuance of Salvation through continuance of Faith. So many are on the way of perishing because of this Hersey : “once saved always saved”, which is so strongly preached, and swallowed; hook, line, and sinker, by great numbers of souls.


You are amazing David . You are obviously unwell, i cant imagine what it costs you to deliver this talk. God bless you and give you strength, as He did St.Paul . ' In your weakness is my strength '. Love to you and your family. K


thank you. Your teachings are the next journey by the H.S. for me.


Yes i cant argue with that . The Arminian position. I resisted Gods grace for too many years, but when i finally turned back and began to seek Him, His grace was in the end irristable to me .

But i had turned back. He didnt overrule me, but He did keep gently drawing me . Finally He spoke to me through creation . As an artist and a designer i saw the hand of a Designer everywhere, as i still do. ' Man is without excuse ' as the Bible says because it is obvious . When I hear people saying that a butterfly produced an image of eyes on its wings to scare off predators ! I think, if they could only hear how stupid they sound . How could a butterfly take that desciscion.with no brain ? ! !.!

Likewise an animal, even us, develop the finger and thumb opposing that we use every day ( monkeys too ). The highly complicated system of digestion we have. As i'm elderly i have been studying it lately and am forced to supplement with stomach acids and bile salts etc. It makes my brain hurt sometimes as i listen to the doctors explanations if how it works. They are very clever to be able to understand it, but they are nothing beside the One who created us.

Praise Him, Almighty God and Father if mankind ! K


Philippians 1.6 he who has started a good work will carry it on, to


I was recently baptized and fealt so good that salvation seemd possible for me.ive been studying the bible going to church....hearing this it honestly sounds like it's hopeless so I'm not sure what to there is no hope for me what is the point....I stumbled away from Jesus in my youth and it says there is no hope for one who did I guess my whole eternal life is pointless and hopless....I've asked for guidance about this but no one has bothered to reply....I went from feeling more joy faith and hope that. I ever have in the 48 years of this life to feeling more dark and hopeless than ever...if I can't be forgiven what's the sounds like no matter what I do with thr days of my existence it's


OSAS is the hallmark of the likes of Calvary Chapel....


40:01 Bring up Rm11:22 and that he had never heard it ever preached in church!!
40:40 “they believed to get out but they didn’t believe to get in..”
*•What does that actually practically mean for me? Heb 3&4 connection w/ this passage?
48:20 “They wrote on vellum or parchment” explaining Rev 3:5
54:15 “Baptism in water is never to be repeated”


I find this all to be quite frightening....


What about John 17 where Jesus say that he did not lost any of the one God the Father had giving Him except the son of perdition. If like you said in your video that we can loose our salvation, what is the use of having faith in what is written in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1 through 4?


thanks for sharing. koinonia maranatha


Dreadful introductory music. Please change it.


why would anyone not...repent...and focus, on the eternal, over the all there is no viable option....aka the lake, of fire is not a viable option.


Man has ALWAYS had a choice to obey or disobey God. Jesus died for all men (John 3:16; I Jn. 2:2), so limited atonement is false. Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (Jn. 10:27). As long as they hear His voice and follow Him, they will not perish (v. 28). But, the sheep can cease to hear His voice and therefore cease to follow Him. Salvation is conditional. Jesus is the author or source of eternal salvation to those who obey Him (Heb. 5:9). But people can obey or disobey, So, irresistible grace is false. The whole of the TULIP doctrine is false.


You should question your salvation every moment of every day unless God the Father has found you “Worthy” enough to send the “Holy Spirit” to indwell inside you. Without the “Holy Spirit” you will NEVER be a “New Creature” a “Child Of God” or “Resurrected From The Dead”. You will NEVER know the TRUTH or be a Disciple for Christ. I hear ones say all the time, “I am saved” as in past tense. Did they go to heaven and get their “Glorified Body” and then decide to return back to earth and live inside a mortal body once again? See how crazy and delusional they all are. I have posted many times “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” but souls would rather believe the LIES of men than the Holy Word of God. Hell is filling up with all of these religious zealots just like Christ said they would in Matthew 23 especially in verse 33. Have you ever sought God the Father’s favor? For many have not because they only want to “Play a Game of Salvation” that leads to only one place – Hell.

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

It is EASY to say you are a BELIEVER but following Christ so that you can be redeemed, many will NEVER even try. They think they are "Saved" as in PAST TENSE and that is a lie from the pit of Hell and those telling you that are just one of Lucifer's minions making sure you never learn the TRUTH. They will tell you Christ did it all and you have “NO ROLE TO PLAY”. That is not the gospel and that is a "Doctrine of Demons". Read on if you want to know "What Must I Do To Be Saved?"

Many are “NOT SEEKING GOD’S FAVOR” by honoring His Son and that is why they keep failing. Seek first the Kingdom of God and what a soul must do to get there, and it is not what the world is telling mankind. Humble yourself and turn your life over to Him. Many have heard of the Messiah and want all the promises He offers to those who are willing to obey His Commandments. I bet many reading to this point don't even know what the Messiah's commandments are. I leave all of you with this, if you really want to see heaven and have eternal life, then read "What Must I Do To Be Saved?” What many are seeking is "Sanctification" and only the Father sends the "Holy Spirit" to only those who are willing to obey His Son and Honor Him. Afterall words mean nothing to God the Father it is by our actions and having a commitment to righteousness that will only get the Father's attention. Then by your actions you are showing Him you are following His Son and Honoring Him. Anything less just doesn't make the cut with God. His rules but the world will never tell you this TRUTH. Bottom-line many have never been called by God the Father to be one of His "Chosen Ones" and unless they are sincere nothing in heaven or earth can ever change the condition they are in, and so many are still under the curse of sin and are powerless to stop sinning. As for me personally I was one of the "Blessed Ones" and have been learning more and more about the Kingdom though the Guidance of the Holy Spirit that now lives inside me and yes it was a "Gift" more precious to me than anything this world can ever provide. I received God the Father’s GRACE (Holy Spirit) and without it a soul will NEVER enter His Kingdom. It was this same “Holy Spirit” that raised Christ from the DEAD.

Many hear but do not understand. Many see but are blind to the truth. They believe "God will never punish me for I am a good person in the eyes of men". They will NEVER turn from ALL their sins or submit to the WILL of God the Father to Honor His Son. They do not even care to learn "What must I do to be saved". They are ALL just religious and will be cast into Hell (Matthew 23:33). Wrongdoing to God the Father is sin. Turning from ALL our sin is the CROSS we are told to pick up and follow Christ's example. Many go through this life playing some "Game of Salvation" taught to them by minions working for Lucifer. They only want the PROMISES but love SIN and this world more and they are known by the FRUIT they bear for all to see. Know this, all the Scribes, Pharisees, Rabbi's, and even the High Priest of Christ's day ALL of them are in Hell. They even went so far as to have the Son of God put to death. Religion saves NO ONE but mankind has NEVER learned that lesson.

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Acts 2
38 And Peter said to them, “Repent [change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways, accept, and follow Jesus as the Messiah] and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise [of the Holy Spirit] is for you and your children and for all who are far away [including the Gentiles], as many as the Lord our God calls to Himself.”

Many Christians including pastors/ministers just don't get it. The first step is called Justification, and it is being set free from the penalty of sin if you made the decision to turn away from it. This must be a lifelong decision a person must make and be sincere about it. What this means is picking up your cross to bear for Lucifer knows your sins and will attack you with them. It does not mean you are saved for there are 2 additional steps to SALVATION - Sanctification being “Set Free of the Power of Sin” by the Holy Spirit and Glorification being “Set Free of the Possibility of Sin”. A soul only receives Glorification once they are in their glorified body and are with Emmanuel (God is with us) in heaven.

Sanctification Being A Disciple And A Lifelong Commitment

Once Sanctification happens then the Holy Spirit will enter that person, and they will be “Born Again”. Once “Born Again” that person will be a “New Creature” and will be guided by the “Holy Spirit” in “ALL THE TRUTH” and “WHAT IS TO COME” to serve as a witness and disciple for the Lord. John 16:13 But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into ALL THE TRUTH [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you WHAT IS TO COME [in the future]. When ready by reading and studying the “Holy Word of God”, then these “WARRIORS” for Emmanuel will step out and share what the Holy Bible calls the ”Good News” to a lost and dying world. This will also be a lifelong commitment, and that person will never be alone on this journey to the Kingdom of God for the “Holy Spirit” will council them, chastise them, and ensure them they are grafted into the very “Body of Christ”. They will stay away from all sin and the temptations of Lucifer. If they happen to stumble on this journey the “Holy Spirit” will guide them back onto the narrow path. This is what it means to be a “Christian”, and this is the “Church” that Emmanuel (God is with us) said he would build. They are His “Saints” that will one day rule and reign with Him. It is not a building a person goes to. His “Church” is the gathering of His “Saints” to discuss what they have been doing for Him and to strengthen one another along their individual journeys witnessing to a lost and dying world. These saints will be a “Special Class” of believers called the “Bride of Christ”. Revelation 19:8 She has been permitted to dress in fine linen, dazzling white and clean—for the fine linen signifies the righteous acts of the saints [the ethical conduct, personal integrity, moral courage, and godly character of believers]. These saints will set at the left-hand of God forever.

Know this, God speaks to mankind in numbers. Take the number 2 it conveys the meaning of a union, division, or the verification of facts by witnesses. You are either totally obedient to God and in union with Him and witnessing to a lost and dying world to honor His Son or you are totally rebellious against God and divided from Him and His kingdom. In other words, you are either “ALL IN” or “ALL OUT” there is no middle ground. This is what Christ told mankind He will do to anyone in the middle, Revelation 3:15 “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold (invigorating, refreshing) nor hot (healing, therapeutic); I wish that you were cold or hot. 16 So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you with disgust]”. In other words, Christ will send these souls to Hell awaiting their final judgement in the “Heavenly Court” at the “Great White Throne Judgement”. Their books will be opened, and every good and bad deed will be righteously judged just before He casts them into God the Father’s garbage heap called the “Lake of Fire” forever.

Know this, all the saints from the time of Emmanuel (God is with us) death all that have died are still waiting on their glorified bodies and then and only then will they be truly saved. Once in your glorified body then you have received the "Gift" from Emmanuel (God is with us) for forgiveness of your sins. This is the final step to Salvation, and it is called “Glorification” being “Set Free of the Possibility of Sin” and few will ever receive it. 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. Choose wisely which path or side you want to be on.


the more I learn, about Luther, the more I think that he was a heritic, and the refromation....was not good....


Two simple steps to become a christian:
Step 1: believe in lies and fairytales
Step 2: reject logic and reasoning


I can tell he's getting tired by how slow he speaks.
