Top 5 Psychiatric Service Dog Tasks!

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In this video I discuss the top psychiatric service dog tasks that I am commonly asked to train. I put the tasks into 5 broad categories. The goal of this video is to give you examples of tasks you can teach your service dog to help mitigate your disability.

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👉What tasks do you want to train your psychiatric service dog to do? What ones do they already know?


I taught my PSD to get my emergency meds on command (“meds”)…. Then she taught herself how to recognize when I might need them and brings them herself when I’m having a hard time. Smart dog.


I just wanted to say thank you doggy U. You are one of the best sources I’ve found for information regarding service dogs. I’m researching as much information as I can as I’m getting a prospect in a year or so to be a psychiatric service dog to help with my anxiety(also a bit of mobility). I’ve been a fan for almost a year now and I’d love to say thank you ❤️


I have an ACD that taught himself to be a service dog when I developed lupus. He also stands in front/behind when he feels I need it .


Im actually cryimg i was unaware of the grounding tasks thats beautiful


I have three small breed service and emotional support dogs. I am not strong enough to manage a big dog, so I use three small dogs that work together to do different things for me. They do deep pressure therapy for me, and it can take one or all three dogs to provide sufficient pressure to get the blood from my extremities back up to my head and heart. They can also inform me that my blood pressure is dropping, so that I have time to respond and don't end up passing out. They also help with thermal regulation. I have poor thermal regulation, especially when I sleep, and I can end up waking up dozens of times a night if I get too hot or too cold. If the room is too cold, my dogs will cuddle up close to me, keeping me warmer. If the room gets too warm, they will move away from me so I don't overheat. They're more responsive to my temperature needs than an electric blanket or the house's thermostat, so I'm able to sleep more soundly. They can also bring me a blanket or sweater if I need it, or help me find my slippers or whatever I need if they're not able to carry it, themselves. They're invaluable in helping me find my shoes. I tend to misplace them, but they always know where they are. They also interrupt me from doing things that tend to get me emotionally out of balance, like when I'm responding to social media by posting angry responses, or becoming immersed in rumination of the past from PTSD, and they can be very persistent at getting me to stop and focus on them, instead, so that I can calm down and recenter. They also help me with loneliness, which can lead to increased depression. They force me to get up and get moving to help me get exercise and fresh air. And they help me to stick to a daily routine to keep me on track, eating at regular times, taking my medication when it's time, doing routine chores, etc. I have hearing difficulties, and I don't always hear things like alarms going off. They inform me that an alarm is sounding, or the doorbell is ringing, or a pot is boiling over on the stove, or the dryer alarm has gone off. They are invaluable during severe weather, because I can't hear the town's tornado sirens, but they can. They have been trained to howl when they hear the tornado siren. They also are my ears and eyes to be notified that packages have been delivered. Without their help, packages with perishables could freeze and be damaged outside, or medication could get too hot in the mail box or in the sun on my front porch and be damaged, and prompt notification helps to prevent porch pirate thefts.

One thing that I have rarely heard about service dogs doing is that all three of my dogs have also been attuned to be able to do Reiki. I haven't needed to train them how to use it, because they seem to just intuitively know. They can identify areas of my body that are in pain and apply Reiki there. They know where I may have bruises or scratches or wounds or infections. My daughter helped with social training for my three dogs, and she took my dogs to a Reiki center, and they had a girl there who was going through a very emotionally difficult experience, and all three of my dogs singled her out and started doing Reiki on her. I've also heard of horses that have been trained to do Reiki as a part of equestrian therapy. Size of the dog does not determine how well they can do Reiki. A big dog and a little dog can both give the same amount of Reiki. Reiki can help with healing, with pain relief, with emotional issues, and so much more. I happen to have access to a Reiki practitioner who does treatments for me in my home, and who also does a lot of work with animals, and all three of my dogs requested her to attune them when she would come to do Reiki on me. You can't force an animal to learn to do Reiki, they have to request to be attuned. But all three of my dogs requested it and cooperated perfectly through the attunement process. So I have three Reiki dogs.


Thank you for the tips! I’m training my dog currently and need to teach him how to manage space. I hate when people stand too close to me at the store, I get so much anxiety. This will really help


The dog boop is what got me to boop the like button ❤


I happened upon your website because my sister is dog sitting and this sweet little Labradoodle is bored. I opened up Google, looking for enrichment activities and found the muffin tin game (looks so fun!). I’m so excited to learn about the validity of a psychiatric service dog! 💙🐾 I lost my “emotional support dog”, Boyd, January 6, 2022. I rescued him from Doberman Rescue of North Texas. Not only do I still mourn the loss of my best friend, where I live is not conducive to having a big dog. 🥺 You have given me a little hope back today 🤗 Thank you!


Thank you so much! This is so helpful! I will be getting my prospect puppy to train for my anxiety and panic attacks, this helps me learn how to train him!


Would love to teach my dog these tasks. They would be so helpful for me.


Helpful video Laura. I'm training my PAD currently. I also use a wheelchair or mobility scooter. This adds another layer of 'complexity' to dog handling/management. Ideas for 'holding space', 'watch my back' in this scenario would be good especially since my girl is only 8kg - a Westie. Thanks for the encouraging content.


Ive got a 5 month old cane corso that im training to do service work. Your videos are exceptional in helping us. Thank you.


A six minute video should not have just as many ads as minutes to your other job


My dog is being trained but she did wake me up and made me feel better after a nightmare


Soffro di disturbo bipolare. Non ci crederete, ma Sirius, il mio meraviglioso meticcio, assolutamente non addestrato, quando mi intristisco e comincio a piangere, si precipita ad esercitare sul mio corpo quella che la terapista chiama la pressione profonda d'istinto senza che nessuno glielo abbia mai insegnato❤❤❤


The Patreon channel for Doggy U service dog training with in depth clips sounds terrific.
Thank you for sharing useful clips.


I really need to get Patty retrieving…..not for service dog tasks, but for general playing. I will be watching that video series!


Great video! My dog was and still is trained to be a SD but I’ve stopped working him because having him out in public made things significantly worse. I hate crowds or people standing behind me unfortunately having an SD tends to draw people closer to you and brings a lot more attention to you. By myself I can sneak around with some discomfort but with my SD I was like a shiny beacon and EVERYONE noticed me. Even people with good intentions that just wanted to talk about what kind of SD he is or how he was trained. Having an SD made shopping go from a 20 minute trip to a 45 minute trip. He’s still tasked trained and certain situations like movie theaters, restaurants, bowling, etc are very manageable but shopping is a strong NO. I am very fortunate to not have to leave my apartment often but for everyone else, expect to have to deal with more attention and unfortunately more rude / entitled people


My furbaby used to lick my tears without being trained to and it had the most comforting effect
