#ConchitaAnswers #10: Is it a goal for you to change people's minds or rather…?

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In my "Conchita answers" series I am answering my fans' questions. Do you have more questions you'd like me to answer? Just post them in the comments below!
In der Serie "Conchita antwortet" nehme ich mir wann immer es geht die Zeit, auf die Fragen von Euch – meinen Fans – zu antworten. Habt ihr mehr Fragen? Dann postet sie einfach unten in die Kommentare!
#ConchitaAnswers #theunstoppables #conchitawurst #conchyfashion #conchymusic
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Often with philosophical questions we start changing minds in a peaceful way, and this is what you do !


I love that you've embraced the idea of making people *think*! I tell people all the time that I don't want to MAKE them do anything...except THINK! Sure, I'd love to change their mind, expand it, open it, make them be more loving, giving, compassionate, & kind....but then, would they truly BE those things if *I* made them behave that way? No! IF they will think then maybe some of them will change their OWN mind, open their OWN mind, *choose* love, kindness & compassion for themselves! I'd much prefer that they choose for themselves - then they can enjoy the rewards of those changes fully because they will have improved their lives by choice, rather than by force or coercion!


Just really love how the way you interact with all your fans Conchita. Hope this serie last long 😊❤️


Hi, love! ^^. Just thought up of a few more questions. :D
besides that last one, which was 'do you still smoke?', I'm also kinda interested in finding out:
Have you have ever been in America?
Do you prefer comedies or horror films?
How does it make you feel when people basically confide their love to you despite the fact that they've never met you (like me :D)?
With whom would you most like to do a duet?
How would you react if Celine Dion invited you to meet her?
Are you a cat or a dog person? :D
Do people recognize you on the street when you're going out as Tom?
Does it annoy you when they do recognize you and then start asking for autographs?
Has a fan ever scared you? :DD
What the silliest thing to ever happen to you while performing? (I assume nobody climbed on stage just to kiss the ground you walked on, but some people can be crazy, so you never know. :DD)


Thank you Conchita! You have made me starting to see myself and others with more tolerant eyes and realise that its an ongoing process that we need to start over every day. When I change the way I look at the world, the world itself, changes!


I really do love this series <3 I am very glad you uploaded today, actually, because today is my birthday :)


Thank you Conchita, we did find you ;) <3!
Enjoy Brussels and I hope you'll change some more minds tomorrow! It's so fitting that you should perform at the EU. You've become such a beautiful symbol and spokesperson for what's best in Europe, the European values we hold dear and need to keep defending (especially now that they are being threatened both from the outside and from within). I've never been so happy and proud to be European that I was when they counted the votes at the Eurovision this year. <3 <3 <3


Du hast wirklich das Denken vieler Menschen veraendert😘💕Danke fuer alles✨Kuesschen aus St.Poelten💖


I want to ask two questions:

-How any piercings do you have?
-Are you going to grow the beard longer?


Du bist wieder mal so süß in dem Video ❤️ ich hätte ein paar Fragen :) :
1)Was ist das größte Kompliment, das du je bekommen hast?
2) Welche Musik bringt dich in Partylaune?
3) Wird es irgendwann keine Conchita mehr geben?
Und jetz noch ein paar auf Englisch :D
1) Do you like it if fans bring you a gift and what's your favorite one?
2) Are you going to have your own tour? ❤️
3) If you could wish for one thing, what would it be?


Thank you for answering Conchita, it was worth a wait <3


We love you Conchita. You're such an inspiration and a great artist. We look forward to meeting you in Vienna. XXX


Aww das video ist mal wieder total süß <3
2 fragen:
1. Was ist im moment dein größter Traum?
2. Was machst du in deiner Freizeit am liebsten


Das wollte ich hören :)
Ich denke auch so und hoffe, dass sich unsere Wege mal kreuzen werden, denn das ist beinahe das größte Ziel meines Lebens :)


There it is in a nutshell, Conchita...The most valuable asset we have in life is the ability to THINK. This is the one thing we have that sets us apart from all other living things. If we can allow all of our shields and walls to fall away from us, for even a moment in time, we can think about new ideas, new ways of doing and thinking about things, and perhaps accept something we could not accept just yesterday!  One doesn't need to accept EVERYTHING...but we must find and allow ourselves the freedom to THINK about everything!  The mind can accept only what it can accept on any given day but the heart...ah, the heart...can accept much more than you can even think of in one day!  So then...allow your heart to temper your thoughts with possibilities and changes that are often just a whisper away.  Allow your mind and your heart to become friends!  They are, after all, not mortal enemies.  They are parts of you that can be joined if you are ever to become to kind of person you wish to be...a thinking, feeling, sure, loving and accepting human being.  Ein Mensch... Ja, aber watt für'ne Mensch!!!  Ein Mensch für alle Zeiten.


Ich muss das jetzt loswerden ❤️ Danke das es dich gibt, es ist eine Ehre für mich dich als Vorbild zu haben, ja ich weiß du magst es nicht wenn man dich als Vorbild bezeichnet, aber in meinen Augen bist du eines❤️ Du kannst dir nicht vorstellen wieviel Kraft und Selbsbewusstsein du mir gibst, jeden Tag. Wenn ich traurig bin schaue ich mir solange deine Videos an bis es mir wieder besser geht. Ich warte immer noch auf den Tag wenn ich dich einmal treffen und dich umarmen kann. Jeden Tag bete ich das dieser Wunsch, mein größter Wunsch, in Erfüllung geht ❤️ Danke für alles, love you <3


@conchitaWurst Thanks so much for talking to all humanity with your message of tolerance!! kisses from Spain. <3


I really adore these videos! You are so wonderful and your opinions are so great ❤️ I hope you have amazing week wherever you are, I love you so much ❤️ Thank you for being my inspiration!


Bezeichnest du das was du macht als deinen Beruf?
Und: Was magst du am liebsten an deinem "Beruf"? ^^
Love u ♥


I think the question was interesting and your answer was very intelligently. Thanks liebe Conchita! :)
