8 TIPS for Composers (with issues)

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I look at 8 of the main issues I've seen student composers deal with (and that I've dealt with myself) and offer a few tips through the challenges.


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00:00 Introduction
00:42 I don't have any ideas, and when I do have ideas, they are always rubbish
03:02 I've got an idea but I don't know how to take it further
05:19 My pieces end up a bit of a jumble of different ideas, they lack coherence
07:46 Why does my piece sound a bit muddy, a bit lacking in life
10:39 I've got ideas, but what form should I use? I've no idea how to handle form
14:03 I find transitions really really hard
16:32 Why doesn't my piece seem well written for the instrument.
18:06 Those other people are geniuses and I'm obviously not, should I just give up?

Adam Neely's video on "The most elegant key change in all of pop music"

#composing #composition #musictips
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What you say around the 4min mark, how essentially "not to fear patching stuff together" is a really important point and reminded me of the great Nobuo Uematsu who once explained that he wrote little fragments, day by day for like a month and at the end he just puzzled it all together and out came "One Winged Angel", once of the most unique and iconic pieces of video game soundtrack ever written....


I really appreciate when professionals talk about the things they struggle with.

Nobody is perfect and nobody knows everything, if you aren't struggling with your music then you aren't trying. There's always more to learn, nobody ever knows it all. So hearing a professional actually recognize that and talk candidly about it is amazing imo! It's really appreciated!


You’re like the calm, reassuring, inspiring music teacher I always needed. This video is a godsend


Re Tip #8. My dad was a theory/comp professor. He told me that at some point every composer has to face up to the reality that you won't be the next Beethoven, and instead focus on being the first 'you'.


Can we all agree that David is a beautiful, brilliant human heing?


Great video! Full of insights and loved the Amadeus part 😅!


That last bit spoke to me so deeply...I've learned that being a musician goes way further than handling music. It's a lot about handling yourself: your habits, mental health, self-awareness, needs, obligations....There has been so much time I wasn't able to spend time making music because I was dragged down by my inner struggles, even though I had exciting projects saved in Cubase


When you have an idea and you've written it down, but you think it sucks just add a new parameter. Dynamics and maybe a different tempo can work wonders. They give a plain, rather stupid, idea a flow. They give it direction. Then after you can change notes, but you will see how much dynamic markings make a difference when starting with an idea!


My problem is that I have plenty of ideas, but my inner critic speaks in a distorted, vaguely Germanic electronic nightmare voice, and I'm too disturbed to compose anything. ;-)


I think these are good tips not just for composition but creativity in general

Thanks so much for sharing them <33


When I'm thinking of form and repetition I take Elgar's side: if an idea comes back, it's never the same, ever.


In composing the masterpiece that is "One Winged Angel, " Nobuo Uematsu had something like 8 unique and different ideas where he had to sew them together.


“Restrictions set you free” is one of my pet peeves related to Microtonality: If you have no boundaries, then there is no cleverness to be had. If I could telepathically transmit any arbitrary feeling into your mind, then it’s all just dream-state experience! What’s interesting is how turn a limited framework of expression to your advantage.


I needed this today. Been such a task to get everything going.... but this has been very timely and helpful! Thanks David!


This is mental health for us composers. God Bless This Channel. It would be an honor to share my work with you one day sir!


Two examples presented without context or what part of the video reminded me of them:

Mahler, Das Lied von der Erde: last movement, singer has one phrase repeated three times, and a flute accompanies the first two but transforms the third by its absence

Rachmaninov, Symphony No. 2: march featuring a tuba solo in the scherzo


Thank you David! I've been battling with a simultaneous eagerness and fear of creating music for years. As an adult learner I tend to notice way too often which areas of music are "too next level" and "out of reach" for me. Your approach to music edutainment helps me to concentrate on what is possible and doable. Tricks for confused moments, yes, that is me. I suddenly realize I am already a composer with a musical mind. I will not shy away from half-ideas anymore but embrace and cultivate them with your tips.


A lot of your advice apply very well to visual arts as well, I really felt it helped me too, even though I don't make music. Thank you ❤️


This was really inspiring. A lot to think about. What you said at the end about handling myself - very important to think about. Thank you!


These tips are so invaluable, David. Thanks for sharing these!
