Beaches - Friendship

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"You took away your friendship, without even discussing it with me!".
This line was the most amazing line in this clip.❤️👍


My best friend from age 11 suddenly withdrew her friendship when I got engaged at 28. She was meant to be my chief bridesmaid but she said there was no way she was giving a speech at my wedding. After lots of snarky, passive-aggressive comments from her, I confronted her and she said she was mad at me because I had never supported her relationship when she had dated her ex (he was a jerk (and a former friend of mine) who rubbed everyone the wrong way and then dumped her for no reason months later). Me not being supportive meant I didn't champion the relationship. I never said anything negative, but I was more neutral than positive. I apologised sincerely, but she said it didn't help. She was a bridesmaid, then she disappeared from my life. I saw this scene and wrote her a letter, quoting CC. I sent it. She called me. We met up and talked everything out. We are now closer than ever, 14 years on. She loves my children like they're her own. We spend our Christmases together, travel together, etc.Beaches saved my friendship.


"Hilary...what's yodeling got to do with it?" That line gets me every time . I don't know why. 😆


Just to get them made me feel Important..
That friendship was worth more to me than anything.


This isn't a fight. It's aggressive complimenting.


Great Movie and excellent casting and great Songs ! Oh how I miss the 80’s


I can't even yodel!! That part gets me every time😂


Definitely in the top five of best films in cinematic history. And I love, love, love this scene.


"You took away our friendship without even discussing it with me"! This happened to me. We've been best friends since we were 12. 23 yrs of friendship and then silence with no explanation. 5 years later she calls. I don't know how to forgive that. But I still love her and missed her so much. Can you still love someone and be angry at them? I guess so.


My best friend passed away after 5.5 years of friendship. I love her like a sister and not a day goes by when I don’t miss her and wish she were still here.


Oh my. This and Terms of Endearment probably the 2 best movies on life’s tragedies well cast well directed and both tear your heart into a million pieces, yet we watch them over and over and learn something new each time.


This movie made a huge impact on my life. I met my best friend Becky when we were 12, I think this came out when we were bout 14. We sat & watched it together & right away we saw alot of ourselves in the charachters, mainly cuz I could sing. My best friend gave me the nickname CC, & she was Hilary and whenever we were together, which was alot we'd watch Beaches. We knew the movie word for word, front to back and knew all the songs, I of course had the soundtrack, lol. We had our ups & downs &


I can so relate to this part of the movie about friendship. It reminds me of my old best friend from my teenage years. She was the best thing that ever happened to me during those years. We met when we were 13 years old. We hit it off right from the start. She was my soul mate. She lifted my spirits and taught me to have confidence in myself. But when we were about 15/16, she decided to gradually take that friendship away. Why, you ask? Because she said I was "preppy" and she didn't like the way I dressed. She wrote that in my yearbook. It still stings when I read it today. And I'm 53 years old. I never got over that. I will never understand how something as silly as how you dress can make someone no longer be your friend. I was still the same person. But that's the way it was back in the 80s. You were either preppy or a "pit" or a punk. I never even considered myself preppy. I wore the clothes my mother bought for me. I liked them. I thought they looked nice on me. I never wore them for a statement. Anyway, that was so long ago but it still breaks my heart into a million pieces. I loved her so much. I still pray for her whenever her name crosses my mind (like right now) because she was the best gift I had in my teenage years. Oh, how I wish things could have been different.


"You took away your friendship without even discussing it with me!
That friendship was more important to me than anything. I trusted it. I believed in it. But you didn't. And now it's gone."


My best friend and I are still best friends. We met when I was 5 and I am 52 and she’s 54. We got into arguments, but we never held it against each other.


This is a powerful scene, they become closer and their friendship becomes stronger.


Bette's voice when she says "Your big dreams!" What a perfect delivery!


Barbara Hershey. The camera LOVES you!


Such excellent acting and script! Love this movie.


I love this movie, their friendship is so wonderful in that it endures for this long.
