Important Message | Complete Indian Polity For UPSC 2023 @ One Place | UPSC 2023-24 | OnlyIAS

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00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:23 - Only IAS New Foundation Batch 2024
00:06:10 - Module of Indian Polity.
00:07:36 - The Concept of State.
00:11:30 - What is Feudalism.
00:13:30 - Definition of STATE.
00:16:32 - The Concept of Nation State.
00:19:38 - Difference between Nationalism, Patriotism and Jingoism.
00:40:48 - Concept of Constitutionalism.
00:43:14 - Regulating Act. 1773
00:50:11 - Pitts India Act. 1784
00:51:27 - Charter Act. 1813
00:54:26 - Charter Act. 1853
00:57:50 - India's Council's Act. 1861
00:59:57 - Indian Council Act. 1892
01:01:12 - Indian Councils Act. 1909
01:02:42 - Govt. Of India Act. 1919
01:07:40 - Govt. Of India Act. 1935
01:16:48 - Important Committees of the Constitution Assembly.
01:42:40 - Parts of Indian Constitution.
02:12:52 - Schedules od Indian Constitution.
02:26:15 - Nature Of Indian State
03:41:08- Concept Of Special Majority.
03:54:00 - Part-1: The Union & it's Territory. (Art-1 to Art-4)
04:30:16 - Part-2: Citizenship (Art-5 to Art-11)
04:52:37 - Citizenship Amendment Act. 2019
05:00:21 - Part-3: Fundamental Rights. (Art-12 to Art-35)
08:26:20 - Part-4: Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP)
09:23:37 - Fundamental Duties
09:50:38 - Features of Parliamentary System.
10:13:23 - The Office of President.
11:09:17 - Judiciary
14:27:23 - Municipality
14:41:32 - Special Provision with respect to States.
14:45:53 - Planning Commission.
14:48:55 - NITI Aayog
14:49:46 - Finance Commission
15:04:30 - Administration of Tribal Areas.
15:52:54 - Parliament
16:22:41 - Budget
17:43:43 - Committee of Parliament.
17:48:52 - Law Making.
17:53:32 - Different Types of Bills.
18:00:19 - Money Bill
18:06:25 - Constitutional Amendment Bill.
18:10:16 - Finance Bill
20:31 43 - CBI / CVC
20:43:20 - Miscellaneous Topic
20:59:08 - Constitutional Bodies
21:03:34 - Non-Constitutional Bodies
22:22:34 - Official Language
22:28:10 - Emergency Provisions.
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:23 - Only IAS New Foundation Batch 2024
00:06:10 - Module of Indian Polity.
00:07:36 - The Concept of State.
00:11:30 - What is Feudalism.
00:13:30 - Definition of STATE.
00:16:32 - The Concept of Nation State.
00:19:38 - Difference between Nationalism, Patriotism and Jingoism.
00:40:48 - Concept of Constitutionalism.
00:43:14 - Regulating Act. 1773
00:50:11 - Pitts India Act. 1784
00:51:27 - Charter Act. 1813
00:54:26 - Charter Act. 1853
00:57:50 - India's Council's Act. 1861
00:59:57 - Indian Council Act. 1892
01:01:12 - Indian Councils Act. 1909
01:02:42 - Govt. Of India Act. 1919
01:07:40 - Govt. Of India Act. 1935
01:16:48 - Important Committees of the Constitution Assembly.
01:42:40 - Parts of Indian Constitution.
02:12:52 - Schedules od Indian Constitution.
02:26:15 - Nature Of Indian State
03:41:08- Concept Of Special Majority.
03:54:00 - Part-1: The Union & it's Territory. (Art-1 to Art-4)
04:30:16 - Part-2: Citizenship (Art-5 to Art-11)
04:52:37 - Citizenship Amendment Act. 2019
05:00:21 - Part-3: Fundamental Rights. (Art-12 to Art-35)
08:26:20 - Part-4: Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP)
09:23:37 - Fundamental Duties
09:50:38 - Features of Parliamentary System.
10:13:23 - The Office of President.
11:09:17 - Judiciary
14:27:23 - Municipality
14:41:32 - Special Provision with respect to States.
14:45:53 - Planning Commission.
14:48:55 - NITI Aayog
14:49:46 - Finance Commission
15:04:30 - Administration of Tribal Areas.
15:52:54 - Parliament
16:22:41 - Budget
17:43:43 - Committee of Parliament.
17:48:52 - Law Making.
17:53:32 - Different Types of Bills.
18:00:19 - Money Bill
18:06:25 - Constitutional Amendment Bill.
18:10:16 - Finance Bill
20:31 43 - CBI / CVC
20:43:20 - Miscellaneous Topic
20:59:08 - Constitutional Bodies
21:03:34 - Non-Constitutional Bodies
22:22:34 - Official Language
22:28:10 - Emergency Provisions.