Main Menu Theme (Predator: Hunting Grounds OST)

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All rights belongs to IllFonic & Sony Interactive Entertainment. Not created by me, I do not claim copyright of this soundtrack.
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As a predator main, I try to give the fire team a cinematic experience with this game! So if I'm missing all my plasma shots, it's definitely on purpose hahaha


I’ve loved predator since i was 3 so this game was a big deal and i’ve seen every movie


Im i the only one who really really adores this game? Me and a couple of guys bought it on epic store and adsolutely loves it


The devs should focus on making the game have less bugs, minor lag when the predator attacks you, and more games modes, maybe even a campaign, but other than that it's a good game, very fun with friends.


I love that retro vibe from the 90's or 80's secially here 1:13 and 1:25


The new update makes the game fee so smooth and it’s good knowing the community is coming back.

Also the theme is cool. Fees like it combines cues from original and the 2010 theme yet is still its own.


Loving the totally unpredictable drum beats. Its like Predator meets Metal Gear meets Quake 2. 👌 Splendid!


When you hear this music – know that you're listening to what BADASSERY sounds like.
Undeniably epic.


So, I got this game free with PS Plus a roughly a week or 2 ago and here’s my thoughts on it. This game is good, but it could’ve been better. There are DLC characters, like Dutch from the OG movie, that Isabelle sniper from the Predators movie, some dude called Dante and a few different Predators. I’m not sure if these are pay-to-win, but hopefully not. There’s loot-boxes, but they are strictly cosmetics for weapons and your character.

But I have one badass moment. My team took down a Viking Predator and disarmed the gauntlet just before it created a crater.

EDIT: allow me to elaborate on about this encounter, if you will.

So, for those who probs don’t know, the Viking Predator is a DLC character. It’s like the base game’s Berserker Predator class, but on steroids. Much stronger health, hits harder, but also has slower movement speed. An absolute unit.

On one mission, I was playing as the fireteam, we started off ok, until about halfway into the mission, the predator attacked us and murked half the fireteam and downed a 3rd teammate, but I somwhow managed to hold my ground and go toe-to-toe with the Predator, using Dutch’s M16 with the M203 under-barrelled grenade launcher and parrying the predator’s melee attacks by blocking them with the combat knife. He retreated to recover, I revived one of my teammates, it was just him and I alive, I rushed to the reinforcements radio on the other side of the map, while the other teammate unfortunately perished, but I was lucky enough to call back the other 3 teammates and continued on with the mission. So, we continued on with the mission, achieving the next few objectives up until final objective with no other encounters. Then, we competed the final objective, thus accomplishing the mission and went to head to where we going to meet up with the choppa, but just then, the Predator re-appears and attacks us. We lost one teammate, but I had the high ground, I was above the Predator, used the under-barrel M203 grenade launcher on the predator and shot at him until he was downed. We got the bastard, but he was gonna have the last laugh. Wrist gauntlet armed, self-destruct, we had to act fast, fight or flight. I shot off the mask and ended the Predator’s laughter with a bullet, but that didn’t stop the mini-nuke from counting down. Taking a shot, I went to work on the gauntlet, carefully matching the 4 symbols while keeping my cool. And just before we went ka-boom, I matched the final symbol, hit confirmed and the nuclear gauntlet was disarmed. Relieved, I helped up a downed teammate and waited until the OWLF agency arrived to pick up the now deceased Yautja warrior. We made sure the body was in pristine condition from enemy mercenaries advancing on our position. These mercs were mere jokes in comparison to the badass Predator that took a team of 4 to take down. Then, the OWLF agency arrived, secured the predator’s body and we accomplished the mission with bonus pay.

And that’s how my fireteam encountered a Viking Predator and lived to tell the tale, but this mission is probably going to be heavily redacted by the higher-ups, pencil pushers in a few certain agencies, but if you have the scars to prove it and not afraid to show it, you have everyone’s attention.


In all honesty I thank my dad for I introducing this great franchise to me, and like him I will pass it on to my children.


That Dutch DLC is the absolute shit! It's even voiced by Arnold. Worth every penny in my opinion.


Predator 2022 better be insanely good.


Nice remix of the first film's theme :)


Miss this game. Still have it on ps4 gotta finish the oredator trophies!!!


Extremely atmospheric track, fits so well with the game!


This game and 'Aliens: Fireteam Elite' are total masterpieces!


The perfect theme for hunting in the jungles


this is the greatest song ever ever created by any person /people. Absolute miraculous creation. Will be a timeless classic.


Great fun. Love these kinda modes. Hordes and Survival modes like this are great fun. 🤩


I wish you had the choice to go into first person as the Yautja
