House of the Dragon Season 2 Fans Upset! The Last of Us Part 2 HBO Abby! Britney Spears Movie

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I also think part of the problem with HOTD is Warner Bros doesn’t have any money. The fact that Aemond burned down a whole city and we DIDN’T see it is crazy.


Just FYI the Egyptian death portraits are from Roman Egypt which was the period that succeeded what we typically refer to as Ancient Egypt.


Saying that the mass audience (that any franchise needs to survive btw) are not "real fans" because they point out glaring issues is such a small minded way of thinking. Just because I love a show doesn't mean that I can't step out of myself and take a look and acknowledge that there are areas in which the show can improve upon. You would think that the "real fans'" would want the show they claim to love so much to put it's best foot forward so it can grow and thrive. Maybe help highlight any problems in a constructive manner so that they can hopefully be addressed and fixed instead of jumping up on their high horse of fandom superiority.


It’s missing Targaryen drama, we should have spent more time with Halena, Aemond, Aegon, explore their relationship day to day so that when conflict happens you can feel something. It looks like they only interact for “important lines” and that’s it, and actually that applies to every character


This season is giving we RAN out of money for CGI dragon battles and decided to focus on teasing fans to hope we get another season. Choices were also made to cut some stories and add in pointless ones.


In Game of Thrones, especially the early seasons it wasn't always big battles constantly keeping us engaged and interested in the show, it was the writing and the storytelling and the compelling characters and the political maneuvering, there wasn't a big battle every episode, but there was intensity and little sword fights and little struggles, and anticipation for the next action of every character. House of the Dragon has failed to deliver that and I think that says more about its writing rather than its budget and the thing is the show has great writing when you're looking at it by itself, but when looking at the whole picture it's not hitting. I don't know these are just my feelings.


are not ancient Egyptians, but from the time of the Romans and Greeks...way after the ancient Egypt.


I hated that they showed Danny and her dragons in that vision. It reminded me how terrible and pointless this whole show ends.


I’m not sold on Ellie, Abby, and Dina all being 5 foot 90 lbs


Yall talk about money but there are plenty of shows with much lower budgets on Netflix that have better pacing that have big moments NOT centered around CGI. The red wedding was a moment. Ned stark getting his head chopped off, the faceless men, the fight against the mountain. Dany and her brothers death.None of that is expensive! Not huge battles or dragons. I loved those moments! HOTD was missing all that and slow pacing


Maybe this is a little too late and I must say it. Miguel Sapochnik's contribution was lacking this season. Its pretty obvious. When he did battle of hardhome in game of thrones, one could feel the how the battle scenes leveled up and the sharp contrast between season one and two of HoTD is unmistakeable.


Grace Fire & Blood is an imaginary history book, written from an in world historian who narrates the Targaryen history based on multiple accounts, which sometimes are conflicted. It isn't bizzare at all cause this is how real history books are written. Historians don't write history looking at chronovisors...


People who haven't read the book don't actually know if what Helena is saying is accurate. Just cause Helena is saying it doesn't mean she is right. The characters could find out they do have the power to change their fate.


Lol the way you can't see Kaitlyn Dever's body at all and you're sure she's bulked up.


House of the dragon lacked drama. Lacked intense relationships, lack sensuality and the leads are NOT as strong as GOT


It is very simple: THEY RAN OUT OF MONEY!!! Season was supposed to have 10 episodes just like the first one. 8 episodes was not the plan for sure. That's why finale feels like a regular episode with no payoff. There was no money left for two more episodes.

HBO did it to themselves. Lack of money is exactly why we don't see the Blackwoods/Bracken battle, or Aemond burning that city down or see the closeup of that last dragon. That's why the season feels unfinished. There are two final episodes missing. Plain and simple.


I think part of the issue with HotD is that the story is so much smaller than GOT. A lot of GOT story lines moved really slow, but there were 10 story lines going on at once every single episode. HotD has barely touched on the other families. Some of my fave scenes were with the new head of house Tully and Lanister with the pirates. Give us more story lines to follow if the Targaryens are going to be a slow burn.


i didn't mind the house of Dragon not having a lot of action. The dialog just wasn't intriguing. and imo the casting isn't that great. some people dont have chemistry and dont fit their roles


What's weird is the Dance of Dragons is a very explosive conflict in the book. It escalates pretty quickly and fortunes change on a dime. It's hard to put down, and really leans into GRRM's strength as writer, particularly his penchant for subverting tropes and allowing the narrative to grow organically from one beat to the next. And the beats are VERY clear. It's very obvious when one phase of the war ends and another begins. Like SEASON FINALE obvious. I'm not a stickler for exact adaptation. Things are going to change as the story makes the jump from page to screen. But having almost no story flag.


If everyone who complained about HOTD Season 2 actually paid the HBOMax subscription, then there would have been a good budget.
