FAKE NEWS: NBC MUTES conservative guest! (read description)

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The conservative is muted shortly after 12:05. For context, before 12:05 when everybody gives their opinions, he appears to be the only conservative, anti-gun control person present on the panel, while the rest appear to be liberal. When they go around the table for "closing remarks" at 12:05, he is muted. See below for my list of reasons why this is not a microphone problem.
They purposely muted the one conservative voice in their interview. This is disgusting and outrageous.
Some reasons why it is clear that it's NOT microphone issues:
1) The microphone was working fine earlier in the discussion.
2) If it was a microphone issue, an audio tech guy would be coming over to him with a different microphone in literally 5 seconds.
3) You can hear his sound working fine for a split second before and after Chuck asks follow-up questions, and when he begins to answer we can hear his voice for a split second before it is muted again (see 12:47). Similarly, when he finishes talking at 13:33, you can hear the last syllable of whatever he was saying right after they unmute it. It comes through loud and clear, making it obvious that his mic wasn't having problems.
4) Even if he was having microphone trouble, the other microphones would at least pick up his voice faintly. We would also still be hearing the natural ambient sounds in the background. However, this was total mute of the sound from ALL the microphones ONLY when he was talking.
5) You can hear background noise, hums, etc. when Chuck is speaking and other mics picking up voices from more than one person whenever he's not talking. Yet when Scott speaks everything is silent. That's an impossible accident.