'A Town Called Solace' by Mary Lawson- The 2021 Booker Prize Longlist- Deep Dive and Review

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Hello, I'm Bob, and here is my review of Mary Lawson's 2021 Booker longlisting. I go into some spoilers later in the video, but signal when I am about to go into that section!

Mary Lawson- A Town Called Solace


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Another great booker review. Plus singing!


The things you hated / didn't like as much I actually loved. The quietness of this book was just magic to me especially after having read so many of the heavier Booker books. I get that it's not super extraordinary or ground breaking but that didn't bother me at all. It's definitely a marmite book and it's fun to hear different people's thoughts on all the Booker reads as it just adds to the experience of reading them. Thank you again for another great review xx


I enjoyed this one. Relatively lightweight compared to some on the list, but I found a certain guilty pleasure in its readability, small town narrative and relatable characters. There were some moments of emotional depth but agree it could have done with more emotional punch. Not one for the shortlist, but the lovely green house on the cover surely deserves some kind of special mention.


i havent read it but i wonder if i'd find it tense and taut?


I had to watch this whole review - and I'm glad I did. I totally thought the book was different in tone and topic! ha - oops! I think I'll give this one a miss. Thanks for your review.
Dang - 802 subscribers?! There's no stopping you now! 😎


I really enjoyed the book and enjoyed how she wrote the story about Liam through the stories of Clara and Elizabeth. I'm really surprised you never mentioned Liam once in your review, as the book was really about him. That's my opinion, anyway! But thanks all the same.


I really want to read this one. I love multiple narratives and family stories.


I enjoyed the book but I wonder why it was even on the Booker list. It was just ordinary. I am curious why it's a YA book.


I actually prioritized this one, so yay, a book I’ve actually read. Gotta read the Canadian first, of course. You’re spot on for me as well, it did lack punch and I LOVE multiple narrators. I’m reading David Mitchell books right now. I was hoping it would be a bit better. I thought it was good! Just wasn’t sure why it was put up for the prize. But I’ve also been reading the Canada Reads titles this year, which is fantastic every year, and found myself wondering why one of those ones weren’t nominated, because every one of them felt stronger, I think. It’s so hard for CanLit to get attention usually, and so I guess I felt like when one does, it must be quite good, which didn’t do it any favours I suppose.


I liked this book. It’s like a really good short story . Reminded me of Northern Exposure. ☘️👋🍀📚🫖☕️📕🐝📖


I just finished the book and came back about the spoiler-y bit of the discussion and I have to say, I'm rather surprised about what you took out of this book. I also enjoyed it even though I'm astonished it ended up on the Booker long list. I didn't think the writing was that special or the viewpoint unique in any way. However for me the book was absolutely about the relationship between Mrs Orchard, Liam and Clara, and about parenting and its long term effects on a child. I did not think that was a side plot! I was actually glad we did not get any gory details about Rose's story as I would have found them incongruous with the tone of the book, which is very quiet. I think some things are best unsaid. Clara is only eight as you say and any revelations between the two in the end would have come too soon during Rose's recovery. All in all, I'm glad I read it but definitely do not think it prize worthy; I might pick up more books by Lawson though which might be the point of longlists anyway!


I agree, Bob. I just finished this book and thought the same thought you had. That…and…quality of wanting something more profound or significant because I think the elements were there. Not massively disappointed, just sort of meh in the end.


I enjoyed the book but like you don't feel it was groundbreaking. I thought she did Clara really well, and her wanting to know things that adults weren't prepared to tell her. I also saw the themes of loss and incapacity to 'mother' to the extent required by one of their children when the mothers in the book had so much struggle going on in their own lives.


I woke up early this morning (we're in lockdown) and I read this in one sitting, only took about 4 hours. Such a gentle reading experience, it was actually what I needed. "Mild peril", I saw one person describe it as. I wonder if the judges are allowing for people being a bit pandemic fatigued and needing something a bit wholesome, in the mix. But I think a booker winner does need more punch.
I loved the triangular nature of the 3 characters, that the 3 of them were never in the same room together and it was the 3 stages of life - the child, the adult and the near death elderly person. There was also teenager aspect viewed from the child. All the supporting characters were great too.
Anyway that's just a few of my thoughts strung together.


I enjoyed this one without really getting anything out of it. For me it was like a murder mystery, I enjoyed the ride, but I've already forgot it.

Also, who likes hard ice cream?


I liked this book quite a bit more than you did. I thought the storyline involving the elderly neighbor to be more of the main plot line and certainly the more interesting and moving of the two. I rated it 4.5 stars. I could see this possibly making the shortlist. I liked it better than Great Circle, Light Perpetual, Second Place, and No One is Talking About This.


Ooh ! Role reversal between you and KDBooks
(though mood and state of wellbeing
as well as having read Anne Tyler
and possibly other authors of the "literature of small things" style
does influence a reading heavily)
I was willing to bet having heard KDBooks' review
that you would like it
How wrong I was LOL
Not that you hated it
(can you hate a book with a passion?)
more that it was okayish
but others have done it better.


This book is bor-ing.
Why is it even on the long list??!! 🤷
