React JS Lists and Keys | Learn ReactJS

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In this tutorial, we will learn React JS Lists and Keys. You will discover every element in a list within ReactJS needs a key. You will also learn how to generate a dynamic list of elements within the JSX of React.

🚀 This lesson is part of a Learn React tutorial series playlist:

React JS Lists and Keys | Learn ReactJS

(00:00) Intro
(00:05) Tutorial Setup
(01:30) Changing the default state
(03:02) View the new state in React Dev Tools
(03:57) Displaying list items with map()
(06:23) Lists of elements need keys
(07:17) Previewing the React list
(07:35) Adding the react-icons package
(12:39) Applying CSS styles to the React list
(15:20) Why we don't see a checkmark when we click
(15:52) Adding an onChange listener
(18:24) The handleCheck function
(22:05) View the new component state in React Dev Tools
(23:19) Saving state to localStorage
(24:08) Adding an onDoubleClick listener
(25:12) Adding conditional CSS styling
(26:07) Adding an onClick listener
(27:40) The handleDelete function
(29:32) Adding an empty list message
(32:07) When will we load state from localStorage?

🚩 Quick note:
1) In the tutorial, I save react-icons as a dev dependency like this:
npm i react-icons -D
...but we're going to eventually need the icons in production, so you can save it like this instead:
npm i react-icons -S
...if you saved it as a dev dependency, you can move it to production like this:
npm i react-icons --save-prod

🔗 ES7 React JS Snippets Extension for VS Code:

🔗 React Dev Tools Extension for Chrome:

📚 References:

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im actually grateful. this time when i felt stuck i looked for your series . im excited to see react differently through your teachings.


You have a knack for breaking down the complex things into simple ones. Really loved these lectures. Thank you very much


I've found your channel today and have already cleared all my doubts. Your examples are way easier to understand. Thanks a lot.


Dave i can tell you’re a natural teacher. The way you explain reason why you do certain things makes so much sense to me. Kodus


Your explanation is very clear. Thank you for your videos. Dave


Every thing is explained with shortcut keys. I am feeling that in near future it turns me out as a cool developer. Bundle
thanks, Dave Gray!🤩🤩


it was rather complicate and not easy to learn but now im excited to see react differently through your teachings. It started to clear up little by little .great thx


your tutorial is top quality, extremely neat and to the point, helps a lot, great thx


Hi Dave, I don't know how to thank you. Thank you so much for your great tutorials.


I read that keys are needed for react to detect the changes (add, update and delete) in a list but I know it worked for me without them and I was wrong,
I just discovered that react will use list indexes for keys if not explicitly assigned which explain why id did work for me.

With all my current workload, I feel like I still need to do my homework as a student,
Thanks Dave,


I'm watching this series as a nice React refresher and to pick up some tips. Didn't know about React Icons, so thanks for that!


Hey Dave,

I am following your tutorial and was confused with onDoubleClick event listener as it wasn't needed in my case. The only difference in my code is that I had to use htmlFor attribute for a label as otherwise I was getting an error.
I installed eslint following some tutorial online and airbnb styleguide but that has many unexpected quirks, especially when following tutorials.
Would be great to see a video about your working environment setup and yes I already watched your top 5 VS Code extensions for beginners.
Great content and I love how you keep mentioning useful shortcuts when working with the code editor as it extremely helpful.


I get more comfortable with react the more i advanced with this series


I'm so happy to find your channel. Your videoes are very useful. Thank you so much.


New to your channel, and just subbed. Great tutorial series, many thanks. I come from a old school html/JS/Jquery background - it really does look weird when I see "html like" (JSX) code within javascript. So far it seems more disorganised to me.


One request: can you repeat the development in the above part, with the useReducer?


As a react beginner I can tell this a very important video


I am rooting for you to reach the 100k milestone 💯


Thank you for great tutorial.
i change the status with a for loop.
i want to know, is Maps performance is better then for loop? thank you.


why yours .map works without a return statement, but mine doesn't?

Thank you again!
