Number of Non Negative Integral Solutions of Linear Equation Part 7

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Number of Non Negative Integral Solutions of Linear Equation Part 7. Finding non negative integer solutions of 3x1+5x2+x3+x4=10. How to find non negative integral solutions of linear equation when two or more variables have coefficients greater than 1. When coefficients are greater than one, we have to use special technique to solve such problems. By keeping only linear terms on left hand side of linear equation and pushing all terms on right hand side of the equation can help a lot to solve the problem.

Part 1 Number of non-negative integer solution of linear equation

Part 2 Number of positive integer solutions of linear equation

Part 3 Number of non-negative integer solution of linear equation

Part 4 Number of non-negative integer solution of linear equation

Part 5 Number of non-negative integer solution of linear inequation

Part 6 Number of non-negative integer solution with non-unity coefficient

Part 7 Number of non-negative integer solution when coefficients are greater than 1

Complete Playlist:
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*Learn solving number of non-negative integral solutions of linear equation when coefficients are not 1.*


Reviewing after completing all 7 videos!
Really great sir! Thank you so much!

This is exactly what I needed
A 3-5 Min video explaining a single concept clearly and then completing with an example!

For each concept u made a 3-4min video and in this playlist only 7 videos explaining it all in approximately 21-25 Mins. I clearly understood how to find number of solutions in such cases!

U really need a big shoutout!

Will post this comment in every video of this playlist!

Guys really this is helpful!!

Once again Thank you so much sir ❤❤❤❤❤


Very very good. Thank you. Very clearly explained with good visuals. 👍🏾
