Java Certification-OCA| Loops in Java - while, do while, for & for-each | Concepts & Questions

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0:00 Introduction
0:39 The While Statement
5:24 Infinite Loops using While
7:29 Do While Loop
11:14 While vs Do While with examples
15:04 The For Loop
21:25 Infinite Loops Using For Statement
23:12 Expected Questions from For loops
30:05 For Each Loop(Enhanced For Loop)
32:40 Examples of For Each
39:04 For Vs For Each
40:27 How For each loop actually works?
42:16 For Vs For Each - Cont

Hi Guys, this is the 15th lecture in the OCA and OCP Certification preparation series, in this video we continue our chapter 2 and we cover java looping statements like while, do while, for and for-each, I have also covered all expected questions from this section along with the concepts

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following the series, hope by the end of it i will be ready for the exam


excellent content, congratulations on the work, your videos are really good


At 38:21 in for each loop there should be int name : it wont compile though
