2021 PORSCHE 911 992 TURBO S *340km/h* REVIEW on AUTOBAHN [NO SPEED LIMIT] by AutoTopNL

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Win your dream car with BOTB! BOTB are the dream car competition company who guarantee to give a car away to a lucky winner every single week - in fact they currently have a midweek competition and are giving away two cars every week! They've been around for 20 years and have given away £32 million in prizes so far, so now could be your time to join their list of winners! Tickets start at just 1 euro and they have loads of different cars available including the Porsche 911 Turbo S which they've added into the competition as a special prize for just one week! It's only in the competition until midnight this Sunday so get entering! You only have to be 17 or over to play and there's also the chance to win €21,000 cash in the boot! If you miss out on the Porsche 911 Turbo they still have loads of other Porsches in the line-up instead!


UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter ein Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Auto-Top è una società che si occupa di riprese e test drive. Non siamo interessati a macchine che consumano o inquinano poco (a meno che non siamo veramente veloci). Noi vogliamo sentire scarichi che urlano e turbo che soffiano!! Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto sportiva. Nelle nostre playlist troverai sound di scarichi, riprese onboard, test di accelerazione con launch control (0-100, 0-200) e il suono unico e riconoscibile di ogni auto. Supersportive, hothatches e berline cavallate.. Proviamo di tutto!!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!
Рекомендации по теме

You should really have someone else on the right lane at 120km/h who films you while you pass at 320+


14:58 i laughed when the truck driver switched to the left lane to let you drive on the autobahn but you just took off


330km/h... Holy S***. My hands are getting sweaty just by looking the video. Bonkers fast


I think I've found my car when I finally win the lotto 🤣


Simply stunning. Stock Porsche trounces the modified for fun.


i want to drive like that and escape my probs.. car is THE CAR!


Holy Shit!!! 340 km/h in Turbo S 2021! ❤️

Next: McLaren 765LT please!!!


What if a car is broke or an accident like cargo drop in left lane? Any time to break?


When he drive 200km/h i think he not moving anymore.... what a weapon what TOP NL saying hahahaha hahahaha.... Rocket launcher


The best Diagnostic 40.900.000 Porsche Piwis tester 3 for Cayman Gt4rs clubsport - YouTube


The whole time at the autobauhn i was imagining a supra passing by


I would choose 911 over chiron or any car for that matter


Casually talking*

Four seconds later:
"So here we are at 300 km/h"


Slows down to 220 km/h:
"OK, lets move to the right lane so i dont bother people".


Life Insurance: What is your job?
AutoTopNL: I'm a vLogger.
Life Insurance: seems safe
AutoTopNL: hmmm yeah


"This is just a stock car" gets me every time


Being 10 minute late, arriving 30 minutes early.


When he dropped from 340 to 230, he relaxed just like if he was driving 80


When Max says Holly Molly

You know that its really fast


I love how the drivers keep to the right. Something you will never see in the USA, where majority of the drivers are ignorant idiots and getting a drivers license is like buying a candy bar.
