How do children learn how to read?
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Atkinson, L., Slade, L., Powell, D., & Levy, J. (2017). Early theory of mind predicts later reading comprehension: Longitudinal evidence for the role of metacognition in reading development. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 164, 225-238.
Powell, D. & Dixon, M. (2011). Does SMS text messaging help or harm adults’ knowledge of standard spelling? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27, 58-66.
Powell, D., Stainthorp, R., & Stuart, M. (2014). Deficits in orthographic knowledge, but not in orthographic learning, in children poor at Rapid Automatized Naming tasks. Scientific Studies of Reading 18, 182-197.
Stainthorp, R. W., Powell, D., & Stuart, M. (2013). The relationship between rapid naming and word spelling in English. Journal of Research in Reading, 36(4), 371-388.
Stainthorp, R. W., Powell, D., Stuart, M., Quinlan, P., & Garwood, H. (2010). Visual processing deficits in children with slow RAN performance. Scientific Studies of Reading, 14 (3), 266-292.