Game of Thrones/Peter Dinklage/Tyrion Lannister/Sibel Kekilli/Shae death scene

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Jon's negotiation with Mance Rayder is interrupted when Stannis and his army overrun the wildling camp, taking Mance as prisoner on the former's suggestion. Bran's party comes upon the large heart tree from his visions but is attacked by skeletal beasts, who kill Jojen; the others are saved by a child, who takes them to the three-eyed raven, revealed to be an old man. In the Vale, Brienne and Podrick come across Arya and the Hound, whom Brienne engages and critically wounds. He begs Arya to kill him, but she refuses and leaves with Brienne searching for her. She enters a ship headed to Braavos, intending to reunite with Jaqen H'ghar. Meanwhile, in King's Landing, Cersei orders Qyburn to do anything to save the Mountain, who is poisoned by Oberyn's blade. She gets involved with Jaime, who releases Tyrion. Tyrion later finds Shae in Tywin's bed and strangles her to death. He then confronts Tywin in the privy and kills him, escaping the city with Varys. In Meereen, Daenerys is visited by a citizen who brings the charred remains of his daughter, who was burned by Drogon. As a precaution, Daenerys chains her two other dragons in the catacombs.
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You can actually see the moment of clarity in Tyrion face’s after Shae grabbed the knife where he knows there’s no love or affection whatsoever from her. That it was either him or her who was going to die. Absolutely heartbreaking for Tyrion.


For me the saddest part is that Shae refered to Tywin as "my lion." Just as she did to Tyrion.


Rewatched and realized twyin told Cersei to have shae brought up to the tower of the hand before the wedding. So he had already been sleeping with her by the time Tyrion seen her In his bed


Their relationship was the most heartbreaking part of the entire series to me. 😭


When you think about it this is one of the saddest parts of the whole series. Tyrians father took away Tyrians first love, having her shag every soldier who wanted it, and then by shagging his second love he caused Tyrian to kill her out of rage.


You can see the rage and anguish side by side in him.


Her death in the books is actually quite different. It’s more muted and shae has some dialogue where she tries to manipulate Tyrion, and Tyrion kills her without a word and no remorse.


As much as Tyrion refused to believe it, his father was right all along about her


It's so bitter the fact Shae romantically called Tywin "my lion" (like she used to do with Tyrion), then Tywin coldly comments about her death "Doesn't matter. She was a whore". Like she was a mere toy of which later you dispose of.

*Shae made a rather miserable choice about whom to love.*


The strongest necklace ever, MF hanged like Tarzan and it didn't broke


In seven Hells, Robert Baratheon ask Tywin: so which women makes the great Tywin forgets his honour?


''Imps'' are actually quite strong. You have to understand, that they have pretty much normal sized muscles on shorter limpbs, which means shorter leverage for the muscles. Its not uncommon for them to squat a few hundret lbs with moderate training


Lord of the Rings is way more brutal than I remember. That hobbit is a bad ass


This is even more tragic when you realize that Shea meant everything to Tyrion and absolutely nothing to Tywin. Yet she still chose Tywin. She really was a WHORE


They were fighting on a bed so Tyrion had the advantage. If they were standing up, he would’ve struggled far more given the height and reach disadvantage of Tyrion.


Tyrion at the moment knew his own father wanted him dead. Shae testified falsely against Tyrion saying that he killed king joffrey because sansa asked him to. Abit slow but i now connected the dots that he knew it was his father that put shae up to this. 🤣


For those saying she should've overpowered Tyrion don't forget Dwarfs are strong IRL, she's a woman and most importantly she's probably tired from riding Tywin.


Best scene from Tyrion and then the killing of his father… revenge is sweet


If she was able to sleep with his father and then attack him like he was a threat, despite being shorter than him, did she ever truly love him? From what I have seen, she loved him until he wasnt around anymore. Then he shows up and she had just slept with his father, a man she would have known he hated.


Every other necklace ever shown on television or in a movie can be removed by a simple tug that somehow magically unclasps it. This is the one necklace in cinematic history that worked like a necklace actually works.
