What is stability control (ESC) and how does it work? | Auto Expert John Cadogan

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In this report: exactly what is stability control, how does it work, and what's the real benefit to you:

Stability control (ESC, ESP, VDC, etc.) is a computer-controlled vehicle dynamics control system designed to prevent out of control skids and slides.

It measures yaw rate, speed and steering angle (among other parameters) and reduces engine power when a skid or a slide is detected.

If that doesn't cure the problem, the system can brake individual wheels to correct the amount of yaw response in the body.

It's the greatest safety advance since the seatbelt. It also helps significantly during swerve-and-avoid maneuvers.
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John, I can confirm what you said about concentrate on looking at where you want to be works. Us bikers use it every time, just look at the exit of a bend and all things being equal there is where you go.
Being distracted elsewhere & you will go there. Target fixation it is, can either kill you or you corner like a demon. Nice report !


The hand follow the eyes - how true, one of the greatest tip I was taught in driver training - see the line and the car follows the line.


Outstanding video. Reinforces my decision to own only full analog non-front drive non- front engined non-computer controlled manual everything. I like that it is me enjoying the road. Not a VR video game. Have owned such vehicles since 1984 and have not caused nor had any accidents. See what happens when you pay attention and do not let the robo world lull you into a false sense of security? Fun AND safe.


these beergarden physics videos are currently my favourites from your channel. would you do one on the different kinds of adjustable suspension systems next? magnetic ride, airride and the likes and how they affect vehicle behaviour?


FINALLY someone with some common sense and will to explain this WELL! Thank you, mate! Excellent job!


This reminds me when I was back at school probably 16-17 and we were going on a school trip. One of the girls in our class was the daughter of John Harvey you know the .25 Bathurst driver and Peter Brock’s co-driver (I actually think his nickname was slug) anyway we were all so excited to be getting a lift into town in one of the new HDT commodores. To our 17 year old minds the trip was going to be a race on the Calder freeway at hair raising speeds. The reality was a quite sedate drive into the city with a little bit of acceleration from the light but over all, a rather slow trip. We asked why he drove so carefully as being a race car driver he must be able to do 240 KPH all the way. Johns response was “on the track we all travel in the same direction most of us know what we are doing and there are no VOLVO drivers in hats or Old ladies on the racetrack”. A great lesson for a learner driver. He also mentioned ABS and traction control as a future magical invention. You can imagine my thoughts when I heard of Peter Brock’s demise! Traction control is always ON in my cars especially the high performance ones.


Finally somebody bridges the gap between dumbed-down owners manual descriptions of these systems and their complex theoretical underpinnings. We sport drivers deserved better from the automakers. Thanks for explaining--to the right amount of detail--these systems using layman's terms. Readers, who made a sincere effort to understand what you presented, are now safer drivers.


The esc on my Malibu deadass saved my life today driving to LA in the rain


The engineers that came up with all these safety measures are out and out genius’ for sure. Most drivers don’t have the skills when things go pear shaped, these systems save lives.


The ESC is a bit like an auto EBD, everything is soo well thougt out, cars these days are soo packed with passive and active safety systems, that let you brake and swerve very agressively without locking the tyres, just to the very edge of grip on every tyre... Thankfully braniacs are mostly solving those very hard challenges of mass production and pure science, and not salty nuts XD (PS. awesome work, I can watch many of these a day :D)


That’s really an excellent overview.ESC undoubtedly has made a subtle difference to the driving experience in a very positive way.


Do us all a favour and use a few more videos of you thrashing the i30n. Hot hatches really aren’t my thing but that looks like an awesome machine.


Stability control is a great thing, I bet it has saved lives of people who had no idea it even activated. It's also very useful for trying to keep big SUVs from rotating about the Z axis


I grew up driving when there was nothing. I was my own stability control. But I do appreciate the innovation.


This and the your last posting are freaking great. I woke up after viewing you last one with the algebra trick an realized the genius in your method. Damn good work and teaching John!


Thank God I never had the "pleasure" of using the system in 30 years of driving. Well my latest car has it. I own that for 4 years now. But even when I did not have the system, I never needed it. I find it a reassuring thought, though, that my present car watches over my adhesion 100 times a second.


ESC is truly magic, but i have spoken to some young hooligans who fancy themselves as young fangios and crashed "because of ESC".
They essential drove too fast relying on the ESC to do the work until they overheated their brakes, and then the ESC couldn't do it anymore and "it" made them crash.


One of my reasons for upgrading to my current ute was stability and traction control, I carry varying loads right up to gcm max and travel alot of kays, these features have made it alot more stress free . And it's not the one that keeps failing the moose test over and over and over


ESC saved me one day when I took a corner a little too fast on a loose dirt road. I won't forget that anytime soon.


My only negative experience with ESC was on the latter stage of my L's where I was trying to do doughies in an empty paddock, my Dad and I tested the limits of his company's 2013 Nissan Navara, however you couldn't turn off ESC - for a very good reason - and every time the esc would intervene halfway through the first turn, straighten out the car every time... Other than that ESC is a fantastic idea
