Lyra Starter Game Overview | Tech Talk | State of Unreal 2022

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Watch our tech talk ‘Lyra Starter Game Overview’ from the State of Unreal 2022 livestream.

In this tech talk, you’ll find out what the Lyra Starter Game is, why we made it, and how you can use it to get a headstart on creating your new cross-platform game in UE5. We talk about what’s included in the sample and the modular development ethos behind it, and give a quick tour of how a gameplay experience is built in UE5.

Update: New engine features will not always be showcased in Lyra, but we plan to continue to maintain the currently used technologies within it for future releases.

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Introduction 0:04

What is included with Lyra 1:43
Problems solved by Lyra 3:00

-- Mechanisms of Lyra

Experiences 4:06
Available experiences 4:49
Parts of an experience 6:56
Game feature plugins 7:11
Actions (Game feature actions) 8:01
Pawn data (Hero data) 8:34
Ability Sets 8:59
User-facing experience 9:56
Demonstration of user-facing experiences 11:02
Online Features (online subsystem) 11:58
Scalability 13:20
Manny & Quinn 14:40
Animation Setup and demonstration 14:57
Cosmetics and Team Coloring 16:22
Importing and configuring a Metahuman 18:37
Setting-up team coloring 20:48
Input (Enhanced Input) 23:47

-- Implementation of the Elimination Mode 26:00

Greyboxing with Geometry Scripting 26:18
Making a new level 27:58
Abilities and Input tags 32:48
Items and Equipment 36:25
Creating a new Weapon 44:27
Creating a new Ability 57:00
What's next 1:01:36


This implementation is just ELEGANT! It's easy to understand the software engineering considerations behind the modular design, as a MA student in CS. It provides a solid starting point for people like me who wants to practice ideas and make prototypes and make games being able to evolve long term!


Just opened Lyra project and I have to gave me depression... I though I knew how things worked but now I'm pretty much back to square one...


Thanks to @Mauricio Tamo
0:04 Introduction
1:43 What is included with Lyra
3:00 Problems solved by Lyra
-- Mechanisms of Lyra
4:06 Experiences
4:49 Available experiences
6:56 Parts of an experience
7:11 Game feature plugins
8:01 Actions (Game feature actions)
8:34 Pawn data (Hero data)
8:59 Ability Sets
9:56 User-facing experience
11:02 Demonstration of user-facing experiences
11:58 Online Features (online subsystem)
13:20 Scalability
14:40 Manny & Quinn
14:57 Animation Setup and demonstration
16:22 Cosmetics and Team Coloring
18:37 Importing and configuring a Metahuman
20:48 Setting-up team coloring
23:47 Input (Enhanced Input)
-- Implementation of the Elimination Mode
26:00 Elimination Mode
26:18 Greyboxing with Geometry Scripting
27:58 Making a new level
32:48 Abilities and Input tags
36:25 Items and Equipment
44:27 Creating a new Weapon
57:00 Creating a new Ability
1:01:36 What's next?


Cool stuff! I doubt anyone from Epic ever reads these comments, but it would be awesome if Lyra handled toggling to first person as well.


They really need to explain what they're doing with GAS and gameplay tags here under the hood. I understand everything that they're doing besides why they're adding tags and how those tags are causing the abilities to trigger.


10 min in. Can already tell it’s hella worth the time


Lyra was my biggest suprise and my fave UE content to date


I'm sure everyone who says wow this is amazing it has so many functions and possibilities has not worked seriously with it yet.


So grateful to the Epic team for a great tool and a great example project. 👏


First, I want to thank Epic for committing to this (and I hope it is long-term), and to Simon and Michael for your presentations. This is of course just the tip of the iceberg on a very, large and complex iceberg, so I'm hoping much more is coming. I think the biggest question in my mind as a very small team Indie, is what the practical reuse strategies will be. It could be when a team is starting from scratch, or is instead looking to extract value from Lyra into their own already ongoing projects. Lyra is as huge and complex as is Unreal Engine. I think larger, experienced teams will know how to take what Lyra presents and recast it into their own projects, but it looks formidable to Indies.


17:05 How are things set up to have the other team not attacking? Is there a cheat to turn off aggression or is it part of the game rules? (edit: seems it is Editor Preferences: Lyra Starter Game: Lyra Developer Settings: Lyra Bots: Allow Player Bots to Attack)


Truly incredible work by the Epic Games team!


Just graduated and am expecting my BFA in a couple weeks. Excitedly, I recently came across this. I feel as if I needed this while doing my BFA. Might just be a newbie's opinion still though, if some of the Game Design Universities provided Lyra as a base to learn from, I feel as if we would see a new and potentially better breed of designers, programmers, AND artists. This is absolutely amazing coming from my perspective of someone who is not so adept at the programming side of game design; thank you for all the time and energy the teams put into this for us.


This video is honestly a bit underwhelming, as often it feels more like an advertisement ("Look at how simple this is! The engine is so powerful!"), and less like a useful explanation on how to make use of the Lyra project. Also, based on the title, I am not sure what to make of the "overview"-aspect and the "Tech Talk"-aspect of the video, because while it provides some overview, and also goes into some details, it seems to be quite inconsistent in its choice about what details to present, and what details to omit... ultimately, it contains a strange mix of Lyra specifics, the Lyra project structure, mechanisms of the Unreal Engine itself, etc...
So, while the video itself is not bad, I think it would have been better to make separate videos about, for example "The structure of the Lyra project", "How Lyra uses features of the Unreal Engine", etc... or at least to make the video structure itself clearer, and which details to cover, and which details to jump over.


This is actually very useful, especially for beginners. Imagine the time we can save by getting all the animations, character movement, game logic, etc. pre-made. Its also a good learning project I believe.


This is what I wait for so long you should make some things like this because so many people want to learn or start with game dev but lack of template


This is great, watching this over and over again


I got started recently and was doing some tutorials and definitely seeing how the abstractions were going to make life hell, and figured I would need to sort that part out myself, but now seeing this I'm like "Oh, that's EXACTLY what I wanted"


Thanks, this helped me so much, so many nuggets. Thanks for creating.